Aoba Office

Chapter 1849 Street Fight (2)

Gu Yan's smile is naturally charming, the kind of smile that celebrities would put on in public. This is how I feel as a bystander. But the fat man seemed to have received some kind of shock, and his blood was suddenly aroused.

I could clearly feel the swelling of the blood in his body, and my heartbeat and breathing became abnormal.

This is not a psychological effect, it is not a reaction that a person will have after being simply inspired.

What that Gu Yan did to the man caused the man's consciousness to change and directly stimulated his body. In scientific terms, this man's brain and other organs and body muscles were stimulated at the same time.

The most powerful proof is that even though he knew that Gu Yan was dead, the man was not surprised when he saw Gu Yan suddenly appear.

I had doubted whether this man had met Gu Yan before, but his memory told me that he had not. The closest he got to Gu Yan was a small fan meeting held three years ago before Gu Yan became famous. He just sat under the stage, more than ten meters away from Gu Yan.

The man jumped up from the ground, roared, and rushed towards the two people.

Those two people are not practicing practitioners, and they don't have a burly figure. Just now, he just had the advantage of having more people, and the fat man had no clue, so he was knocked down twice.

Now being attacked again, they were probably furious. They no longer just pushed the fat man away, but hit him.

The three of them struggled together and fell to the ground. It was still an unstructured fight.

Pedestrians around him were already screaming and running away. Someone took out his cell phone and called the police. Someone also stepped forward and tried to pull the three people away.

The scene was chaotic.

That Gu Yan was right next to the fat man. When the fat man broke away from several passers-by who were holding him, he held his hand.

I saw a light in his hand. The light is not dazzling, it can even be said to be dim.

There were so many people around, probably no one noticed that the fat man had something in his hand.

Without hesitation, he rushed forward again and stabbed the two guys who were also stopped by passers-by with the object in his hand.

With a pop, the knife pierced the right abdomen of one of them, and with another pop, the knife was pulled out of the man's body with blood drops.

Everyone around was stunned. Before they could react, they saw the fat man stab another man again. This time, he thrust the blade directly into the man's eye socket.

"Ahhhhhh-" the man screamed.

The people around him were so frightened that they took a few steps back.

This instinctive action allowed the fat man to take advantage of the loophole again. He knocked the man over, straddled him, and stabbed him in the face with knife after knife.

Blood flew everywhere, and the struggles and screams became faint.

Finally someone subdued the fat man from behind.

He was pinned to the ground with his face on the ground. The face he had just dug into a hornet's nest was right next to him.

Almost next to that terrifying face was Gu Yan's beautiful face.

There was no blood on Gu Yan's face.

She looked sideways at the man and smiled at him.

The man also had a dreamy smile on his face, and a strange sound came from his throat.

Gu Yan reached out and touched the man's cheek. When the delicate hand was raised, it seemed as if there was suction, sucking the fat man's soul out of his body.

His soul was separated from his body, but the man still had that dreamy smile on his face.

Gu Yan flew him up with his feet off the ground, looking down at him.

"Are you willing to be my knight? Be my dark knight." Gu Yan made a voice for the first time, and the content of his words made me shudder.

I felt the malice coming from her.

At this moment, I saw the yin energy rising from Gu Yan's body.

The man nodded stupidly, his voice hoarse with excitement, "Yes! Of course, yes. I mean, I, I like you very much, I have always been..."

He stuttered about what he wanted to say.

Gu Yan raised an index finger and touched his lips to stop him from continuing.

"Then, be my dark knight and protect me. Kill those who insult me. Punish them. Kill them..." Gu Yan murmured.

The Yin energy from her body followed her fingers and penetrated into the man's open mouth.

The man was instantly infected with Gu Yan's yin energy.

I have never seen this kind of change. But I have seen ghosts that have the yin energy of other ghosts.

Ghost King!

I felt a chill in my heart.

Gu Yan turned into a new ghost king? !

My most pessimistic guess came true!

When I thought about this, I was a little shocked.

I saw that the man had transformed and was filled with Yin Qi.

He didn't look at Gu Yan, but turned his head and looked at the other person who was holding his stomach and groaning on the ground.

"Hey! That's not right! Is this man dead?" The people pressing the man's body suddenly panicked.

They stepped aside and hurriedly checked on the man.

The passers-by around were still watching the excitement, but their faces were already very ugly, and they were no longer curious or worried.

The injured man didn't notice the change. Although the well-meaning passers-by around him looked in the other direction, they did not leave immediately.

The man's ghost broke into this small circle and stood in front of the injured.

He leaned down and got close to the wounded man. His hand lay on the injured man's hand. Blood kept pouring out from that location.

The injured person trembled, as if he noticed something, and looked up at the sky.

He slowly opened his eyes and opened his mouth, wanting to shout.

The man's other hand covered his mouth, and the hand covering him passed through his hand and touched his wound. His hand reached into the wound and drilled into it.

Blood kept pouring out.

The injured struggled.

Gu Yan's figure was right behind the man, standing on tiptoes, like a naughty little girl watching a fantasy movie. She felt disgusted but also very curious.

The man's hand completely squeezed into the injured person's body and grabbed the other person's intestines. He started to pull his hands away.

I subconsciously wanted to stop him, but just as I was about to move, I realized that I was just looking at the man's memory.

My movement brought me out of my memory and I heard explosions all around me.

The movie is still going on, and my sister is still watching it with gusto.

I exhaled, and as soon as I relaxed, the man's memory resurfaced.

There was a crash, and I saw the man's hand raised, and the injured man's hand was thrown away. The latter's intestines were pulled out. I don't know whether it was due to inertia or what the ghost man did. After the intestines were pulled out, they fell to the ground. The intestines in the injured person's stomach were still sliding out automatically.

The people around were spattered with blood, and seeing such a horrific scene, they all screamed and moved away. Onlookers further away fled in all directions.

When the scene was in chaos, the police who had been called earlier arrived.

The police officers who got off the police car were also shocked when they saw this scene.

An ordinary street fight suddenly turned into a tragic death scene for three people.

Gu Yan was wearing a white dress, standing among the three corpses, smiling so much that she showed two rows of white teeth.

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