Aoba Office

Chapter 1848 Street Fight (1)

Starting from the second day, the unit became much empty. There are many people asking for leave. When everyone gathers, that is when the old leader invites a psychiatrist.

It's the weekend in a blink of an eye.

Wu Ling and others did not contact us. It seems that the matter between Teddy Bear and Lina is still under investigation.

When my sister came back on Friday, I made an excuse, saying that I had broken the cute doll and would buy her a new one later.

"Otherwise, shall I buy you a bracelet? Or get a new tablet?" I said immediately after apologizing.

The thing that girls like is probably jewelry. Electronics also make great gifts.

Both of these are very safe.

My sister looked at me in surprise, "Did you win the lottery?"

"No, I'm just apologizing."

My sister still looked at me with a weird look, "No need. Just throw it away." She was still regretful just now, but now she has put away her emotions, "I guessed there was a problem when you asked me .Forget it. I’m not angry anymore.”

I'm still a little apologetic, but I feel more relaxed.

If my sister doesn’t want an apology gift, I’ll invite her out to watch a movie and have dinner.

My parents were very satisfied when they saw that our brother and sister had a good relationship and even went out to play.

On the way, my sister complained about her roommate.

"We went shopping before, and one of us was very annoyed. To buy clothes, we had to go to all the stores. We tried on many items, but we were still not satisfied. We would go around and say which one was particularly good, and then go around again. Go back. We can’t even wait for her at the cold drink shop.”

"Very pretentious?"

"No. It's quite annoying. Even in class. We were in class together, and she was so slow, and we were waiting for her together. There was also food. We wanted to eat outside, but she said she wanted to wash clothes and asked us I can't stand it until she finishes washing her clothes."

"Then don't call her."

"Sometimes I don't bark. She just follows me." My sister complained.

I listened patiently.

This kind of friction in life is inevitable.

Not to mention the roommates we just met, even a family is bound to have this kind of complaint.

My sister just found a chance to vent.

This kind of venting should be beneficial...

I think of crazy Lao Wang. I don’t know if he ever told his family about the office.

"By the way, the other person is a fan of Gu Yan." The younger sister suddenly changed the subject.

When I heard Gu Yan's name, I immediately raised my attention. When I looked at my sister, she was looking at the billboard on the station. That's a poster for a TV series starring Gu Yan. It's been a while and it doesn't seem to have been updated.

"She just kept listening to Gu Yan's songs, and she was still crying..." My sister felt a little emotional.

I even wanted to blurt out and tell my sister to stay away from her.

Gu Yan and Gu Yan's fans didn't show any abnormality, but I still felt uneasy.

But in a dormitory, where can my sister hide?

With this kind of avoidance and fear, maybe it will be worse.

I thought about it and asked my sister if she had any plans to take the exam.

"Eh? I'm only a freshman." My sister said with disgust.

"Then you should get ready. Get certificates such as interpretation and accounting, which will make it easier to find a job in the future. Otherwise, learn a second foreign language."

When you are busy, you won’t have much contact with the people in the dormitory. In that kind of training institution, people come and go, but the relationship between people is very indifferent, so there should be no trouble.

My sister was reluctant, but after taking a look at me, she could only say with a grimace that she would think about it.

We had walked to a nearby cinema.

It's a small cinema, but the equipment is not that good, but the tickets are cheap and it's within walking distance, which is very convenient.

The time was just right, we went in and redeemed our movie tickets, and we were able to enter the venue.

The movie my sister chose was a science fiction film that was about to be released. The big movie theaters in the city center have long started showing new movies, and small movie theaters like community movie theaters are still showing old movies like this.

The cinema was not full, but it looked like it was half full with about twenty people.

We booked the tickets late, and we were seated at the back, but also in the middle.

I bought popcorn for my sister, but she just ate it without playing.

There was an old lady in the front row who brought melon seeds to watch the movie, and she kept crackling them.

I felt a little sleepy looking at the various special effects in the universe and the spacecraft cabin.

The clicking sound is like a kind of hypnosis.

I felt sleepy, and before I knew it, my consciousness began to blur.

There was a loud noise in my ears, which made me mistakenly think that the show was over. With a start, I woke up and turned to look at my sister, only to find that the movie was still playing and the cinema was still dark.

Click, click, click...

My sister has finished eating the popcorn, but the old aunt in front has not finished eating the melon seeds.

The sound effect of the explosion startled me, but I was even more certain that I heard the noise.

It was that kind of noise on the road.

The scene in front of me changed. Countless bright lights looked like stars in the universe, and also looked like various instrument lights in the spacecraft.

The light and shadow change, and my brain receives countless information.

This seems to be another person's memory, just like Zhang Shan's memory, complete, clear, and incredible.

The second time I experienced this feeling, I adapted quickly.

I immediately found the owner of the memory.

He was a man I had never seen before. He was in his twenties, fat, with fair skin and dark circles under his eyes.

I had some doubts, but as soon as this doubt came up, my memory automatically screened and found the answer.

Just now, when passing by Gu Yan's poster, while my sister was talking about her roommate, this man was standing across the road, staring at Gu Yan's poster intently.

Someone related to Gu Yan?

I had new doubts, and in the next second, I saw how the man was crazy about chasing stars in the past, and how sad he was after Gu Yan passed away.

A die-hard fan of Gu Yan.

I saw that his room was filled with things related to Gu Yan. Posters were plastered all over the wall and the ceiling was covered with posters.

He buys multiple records of Gu Yan at one time; he goes to see the movies in which Gu Yan participates every day when they are released; he always grabs tickets for Gu Yan's concerts and goes to support them again and again...

His behavior made me even more uneasy.

Will I see him and prove that he is dead?

I just met...

"Isn't that Gu Yan?"

"Oh, that female star who was fucked to death by a rich man?"

The memory was adjusted, allowing me to see the scene that happened after we left.

Two passers-by were talking casually.

The man suddenly changed his expression and turned to look at the two passers-by.


"You must be crazy..."

The two were slightly frightened, but didn't take it seriously.

"Ahhhh!" The fat man suddenly yelled and punched out.

The three people struggled together, and soon the fat man was kicked away.

"Crazy! What are you doing!" The man who was punched unexpectedly became angry.

The fat man got up from the ground and tried to rush up again with some difficulty, but was pushed down again.

Lying on his back, he saw the skirt.

I saw Gu Yan standing in front of him.

Gu Yan smiled and looked down at the man.

Good night everyone~

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