Aoba Office

Chapter 1843 Zhang Shan’s Memory

The atmosphere in the hotel room was slightly sad. I was always on tenterhooks, carefully considering every word and every expression, so I didn't show any difference from others. But I don't have the same sadness in my heart as they do.

Now I kind of know what the changed past looked like. Just knowing this roughly is enough for me to understand a lot of things.

After comparing the two, I feel that Lu Qiaolan is already happy after this change.

At least she had a nice reunion with her precious teddy bear. Later, it was not Lu Qiaolan who felt the pain, but the teddy bear who survived.

Teddy bears are just toy spirits, not real people. They were born because of Lu Qiaolan's consciousness, and I couldn't completely regard them as real people. Now this change makes me feel better. Those teddy bears might lose their vitality and turn back into ordinary toys because of Lu Qiaolan's complete death. That way, the pain of losing or killing the master would probably be gone.

I thought this, waiting for the others to regain their spirits.

"Then, if Lina is not dead, this plague may continue to spread." Wu Lingxian drew everyone's attention back to the incident itself.

The toy ghost king was eliminated and Lina survived. This ending cannot be said to be perfect. Even judging from the reasoning just now, Lina is more dangerous than the Ghost King.

"Why did she turn into a ghost? Also into the King of Ghosts? Or was she originally the King of Ghosts?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked.

This question cannot be answered at the moment. Even if we want to reason, we don't have enough clues. We can make wild guesses, but such wild guesses can't even find a far-fetched clue as evidence.

But we can make assumptions based on these questions.

Wu Ling and Chen Xiaoqiu discussed this.

There are now a total of nine of us. When it comes to reasoning and analysis ability in this area, Chen Xiaoqiu and Wu Ling are the two most outstanding. One is a natural talent, and the other may also be a natural talent. Coupled with the supernatural knowledge learned later in life, he has this kind of reasoning ability and can confidently determine the accuracy of his reasoning.

In contrast, I think a lot and consider various possibilities, but I am not confident which one is more likely, let alone think about the probability issue carefully.

Listening to the two people's analysis, I suddenly felt a little confused and my eyelids began to grow heavy.

I feel sleepy.

But this is not the time to be sleepy, and I shouldn't be sleepy because of something like this. This is not a difficult or boring course like when you were studying.

I tried to keep myself awake but couldn't.

I closed my eyes and felt my soul floating up.

My soul seemed to have passed through a layer of thick fog, passed through colorful blocks of color, and entered another space.

Something broke through me, penetrated me.

That strange texture that brushes over my soul makes me wonder.

The sleepiness has disappeared, and I feel another group of souls in this chaotic space.

The soul was very weak and did not turn into a ghost. It just shrank into a small ball, as if it were a tiny candle that could be extinguished at any time.

My soul established a connection with that group of souls, and in an instant, my brain received a lot of information.

This is not the first time this influx of information has occurred. But this was the first time that so much information rushed into my brain.

I saw a person's life, a very detailed life, bit by bit, all in my brain.

This feeling is amazing.

It's not like watching a long movie, or following a deceased person in a dream to see what he experienced during his lifetime.

There are many more memories in my head. The owner of this memory is not the soul itself, but a subtle bystander.

From the memory, I can confirm that the owner of this memory did not appear in the life of that group of souls. It is high above, using all its senses to record the life of that soul, and can see through the thoughts and emotions of that soul every minute and every second.

If there is such a person or thing that can record other people's lives in this way, it is only God. Maybe it’s God…

But why did I see it all?

"Brother Qi?" The thin man pushed me.

I opened my eyes and found that Chen Xiaoqiu and Wu Ling were still discussing. What they said was the follow-up to what I said before closing my eyes. I didn't fall asleep for a long time, maybe just keeping my eyes closed for two or three seconds.

This is already a bit strange, only a thin person would call me that.

I shook my head at the thin man.

"If you're still not feeling well, why not go back and rest first?" the thin man suggested.

Chen Xiaoqiu and the others looked over.

"Yes. Now you are just guessing, and there is no need for us." Gu Mo said immediately.

He seemed uninterested in this analytical discussion.

Chen Xiaoqiu looked at us, as if he was weighing our role in this matter.

Wu Ling made a decision quickly and agreed with Gu Mo, letting us disperse first. Probably, when people in Qingye dealt with supernatural incidents in the past, it was only Wu Ling and Ye Qing who discussed the matter, and the other three just provided their own abilities as support.

The three of me and Shouzi left the hotel, leaving Chen Xiaoqiu alone in the hotel.

Fatty drove me back first.

After I got home, I got into the bedroom.

When outsiders see me now, they will definitely think that I am in a daze. In fact, I am sorting out the memories that are pouring into my brain.

The content is too huge, but it is also very clear. After all this time, I still remember it very clearly.

I was able to confirm at that time that the group of souls and the person recorded in the memory was Lu Qiaolan's husband Zhang Shan.

Just like a part of my own memory, as long as I think about it, my brain can automatically work to find the words I need. These memories are easier to find than my own memories. My own memory will still be missing and blurry. Sometimes I can't remember when something happened, a person's name, or the location of a certain item. But even these memories about Zhang Shan are very clear. I even know the ward number where Zhang Shan was born and the appearance and names of other mothers and newborns in the same ward. Zhang Shan certainly didn't know this himself.

The memory is so clear that it is easy to find, but if I lose my mind, I will find other content.

I adjust my thoughts, trying to see what the changed past looks like.

What is certain is that Zhang Shan died, and the way of death was just like Lina's story. After being sick in bed for a few days, Zhang Shan started to get out of bed and move around like a stiff dummy, acting very abnormally.

A few days ago, Zhang Shan's wife Lu Qiaolan had turned into the same appearance.

Zhang Shan sent Lu Qiaolan to see a doctor, but modern medical equipment could not find out the reason. Lu Qiaolan later regained her mobility. Even though it was awkward, she still couldn't find out the reason.

Zhang Shan had doubts about those bears. Because Lu Qiaolan's abnormality occurred exactly after those bears appeared inexplicably at the door of her house.

I saw the return of the teddy bear.

That was the day when Zhang Shan and his son Zhang Xiaojun greeted Lu Qiaolan from the passenger terminal, who had returned from a business trip. The family happily returned home and saw the bears piled up at the door of the house.

Lu Qiaolan cried excitedly and threw herself on the hill made of teddy bears.

Zhang Shan saw those teddy bears move their little hands and hug Lu Qiaolan.

It was a warm and weird scene.

Good night everyone~

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