Aoba Office

Chapter 1842 Plague

Their exchange made my heart lift.

Has Lu Qiaolan’s method of death changed? Has her death changed?

In this way, a problem will actually arise. Even though I don’t have such a memory, I must have existed in that past. In the memories of Wu Ling and others, have I done anything?

My palms were sweating, my heart was beating wildly, and my head was a mess.

There are many unexplainable phenomena in supernatural events, at least there are many problems that cannot be explained by current science, as well as some details and some turning points that do not conform to normal logic. Now, this illogic hits me right on the head.

It was like seeing the scene around me being reversed.

Hearsay, observation as a bystander, and personal experience are completely different feelings.

I waited for a while, but then I heard Chen Xiaoqiu start to analyze Lina's actions based on what he just said.

The two stories told by Lina were also picked out by Chen Xiaoqiu and the details were analyzed.

Wu Ling was involved. Fatty and Nangong Yao interrupted from time to time. Liu Miao will ask questions. Thin people are sometimes asked two questions. Guo Yujie and Gu Mo were silent.

I remained silent, but it was because my mind was not on this matter at all.

Whether Lina lied or not is not the focus of my attention now.

I felt anxious and wanted to know what Lu Qiaolan had experienced, which made it impossible for me to listen to their analysis calmly. Their voices were like a buzzing noise in my ears.

"It seems to be correct." Chen Xiaoqiu finally said.

Wu Ling nodded, "Well, Lina is lying to you."

Guo Yujie was a little sad.

The thin man cursed angrily.

"That story is true, but Lina's role in it is definitely not that innocent. She may be the reason for the destruction of New Morris Town, she may be the surviving girl in history, and the plague that spread with her migration , it may be true. The ghost king must have just arrived in the real world and is relatively weak. He may not have much power in the future world, and his overall strength is not very strong. He can only use corpses to make toy people to accumulate strength. ." Wu Ling summarized their discussion just now.

"This is just our guess. The truth may not be like this." Fatty said.

"There is no direct evidence. However, if such a thing really happened in history, Morris Town can be found out." Wu Ling looked at Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao nodded and went to the computer to do some operations.

A group of us gathered around the computer.

I think they are not going to talk about Lu Qiaolan anymore, so they can only give up temporarily and adjust their mood.

Nangong Yao quickly found some scans of old files. The archives are of course foreign archives. The text above may be mimeographed and was not carefully preserved. With subsequent scanning, the fonts are somewhat blurry. There were still many words and grammar that were different from now. For a foreign language, we can at most know some daily expressions, recognize some common words, have a good memory, and can write down some professional vocabulary learned in college. But it is still a bit difficult to easily understand the file contents based on these.

Nangong Yao started the software processing, corrected the scanned image to make it clearer, and also performed automatic recognition and translation of the text. The results of computer translation are not satisfactory, but language is a tool for transmitting information, and we can also find some useful information from less-standard translations.

The plague in Morristown and the incident of the surviving girl in Morristown may have been a social event of that year. There is a mention in the local archives, the city archives one level above, and even in the national historical archives. There are also some historical reviews, books, and modern papers that also list this incident.

Lina's identity seems to be confirmed.

The history of Morristown is less clear. But we can also know from some circumstantial evidence that there used to be a small town where Mosley Town was built, but it also perished due to the plague.

The girl in the story of Slender Man who accidentally discovered Morris Town, broke up with her boyfriend, disappeared and was killed, Nangong Yao was also found.

The impact of this incident was relatively small, and it was only mentioned in the local news.

"Starting from here may be the turning point of things." Wu Ling pointed to the news.

"Where is the fountain statue?" Liu Miao suddenly asked, "Will there be people living in that town in the future?"

"There shouldn't be anyone left. Lina obviously went back later." Wu Ling said, "The statue may have been built after that. And in this matter, killing the girl, and then killing the girl's relatives and friends, should It's Lina too. But before that, the town should have become a toy town and was ruled by the ghost king."

Wu Ling looked at Chen Xiaoqiu and said, "On the other hand, Lina has some kind of ability that can open entrances and exits to different spaces. The ability she has must be in the space category."

Wu Ling then looked at the thin man, "I previously inferred that the small town space was isolated by God. This inference can now be overturned. The person who isolated it may be Lina."

Liu Miao suddenly realized, "That is to say, first the ghost king traveled from the future world to the real world, and the old Morris Town was destroyed. The ghost king's abilities were limited and he has been hiding in the new Morris Town. After that, Lina's incident happened , New Morris Town was destroyed due to plague and other reasons, leaving Lina alone. The Ghost King made the dead residents into toy people and ruled Morris Town. During this period, Lina and the Ghost King may have had a fight. Conflict. After Lina finally isolated that space, she left. She wandered around and destroyed other towns. Many years later, Lina returned to the nearby space and took over the power of the ghost king? That’s when she built a fountain statue for herself?”

Wu Ling nodded.

"What's next is the death of this person." Liu Miao glanced at the photo of the girl on the computer screen. "These people were killed, and something happened in that space. What's next, the world is deteriorating, and Lina will He reached out to us and killed Lu Qiaolan."

"The body is stiff and unconscious. It looks like it was made into a toy man. In fact, it was the plague caused by Lina." Chen Xiaoqiu said, "Lin Qi, you also saw that the toy man ruled by the ghost king is What kind of thing?"

That kind of fanaticism and flexibility is indeed not in line with the story of Lina and Shouzi.

At this moment, I had more or less guessed what happened to Lu Qiaolan. It seems that Lu Qiaolan was not killed by the teddy bear.

This is...good news, right?

I was a little dazed.

"But how did she reach so far? Her unique spatial ability?" Liu Miao asked, scratching her head.

"To spread a plague, you always need a source of disease and a way to spread it," Nangong Yao said.

"Let's take a toy." Chen Xiaoqiu suddenly said.

Several people looked suddenly enlightened.

Again I was puzzled.

"Yes! Toys! That's why Lu Qiaolan's accident happened after those bears came back!" The thin man patted his thigh.

My heart trembled.

Several people became silent after suddenly realizing it.

Guo Yujie asked in a low voice: "Do you want to tell the bears?"

I stared at Guo Yujie with wide eyes.

"Forget it." Shouzi and Gu Mo, the two seemingly most heartless people, suddenly said in unison.

"If we let them know that they brought the virus to their master and killed their master, they might not be able to accept it." Wu Ling said, agreeing with the two people's decision.

Guo Yujie was the saddest, "When they returned to Lu Qiaolan, they were all so happy..."

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