Aoba Office

Chapter 181 Common Ground

Gu Mo thought for a while, "Who is your niece?"

Before Chen Yihan got angry, I said, "My colleague, didn't I just tell you?"

"I haven't met her yet, let's see and talk. Does she have any special abilities?" Gu Mo asked with interest.

I shook my head hesitantly. Practice, intelligence, and strong background, these three cannot be regarded as special abilities.

The interest on Gu Mo's face disappeared and turned into surprise, "No?"

I replied: "No." I glanced at Chen Yihan, but he didn't speak.

Gu Mo thought thoughtfully, "What about you? How long has it been?"

I counted the time and said, "A few months... It's a special phenomenon because I encountered ghosts. So far, I haven't encountered many ghosts. By the way, you missed one of them." I turned around. Look at Gu Mo.

"Did we miss it?" Gu Mo was even more surprised.

"You dealt with a fox mask one time and burned the mask and a kimono, remember?" I reminded.

Gu Mo thought about it, "I don't remember."

I froze.

"Am I still there at that time?" Gu Mo reminded me.

I really don't remember this.

People in Aoba have been recording. This method should be for Gu Mo's ability, and after Gu Mo disappeared, Ye Qing still maintained the habit of recording, as if Gu Mo was still there. I didn't pay attention to the kimono incident. To this day, I can't even remember the name of the client.

"It must have been when I was away." Gu Mo said, his voice suddenly rising, "Look, I said it! There are no coincidences for people like us! This is fate!"

I turned to look at him again, feeling that he was talking to Chen Yihan. He probably wasn't as indifferent as he said just now.

"In other words, have you ever failed to handle a commission?" Chen Yihan asked calmly.

"We are not gods, how can we not make mistakes?" Gu Mo said calmly, "We ourselves were destroyed. Hasn't this been proven?"

Chen Yihan was not irritated by Gu Mo's frivolous tone and remained calm, "And what you failed to do may happen to my niece?"

Gu Mo stopped talking, thinking about how to answer.

I said to myself, the kimono thing is what happened to your niece and she almost died.

"It should be like this." Gu Mo spoke and exhaled faintly, "The old Taoist said that all things are interdependent, and except for living people, other abnormal things will disappear sooner or later. Well, in Nangong's words, then It's a BUG. When programmers find it, they have to fix it. If one programmer falls, other programmers will come up until the BUG is eliminated. Otherwise, the entire program will collapse. God will not let the whole world collapse."

Aoba is the five programmers who failed.

And I am the successor programmer?

"None of my colleagues have my special abilities," I said.

Gu Mo looked at me and then at Chen Yihan, "I didn't expect that you would just attract hatred without joining."

I ignored his teasing and emphasized again, "They are not capable."

At a red light, Chen Yihan slowly stopped the car and squeezed the steering wheel with both hands until it creaked.

Gu Mo looked at me and Chen Yihan again, "There is a test method, but it is very risky."

"What?" Chen Yihan asked.

"If it's an unimportant harmony, it's okay to replace it with anyone else. But if it's a song sung by a group of stars, no one can be replaced." Gu Mo used another metaphor.

"Change work?" I became embarrassed.

According to the ability of the Chen family, it is not difficult to change Chen Xiaoqiu's job, but Chen Xiaoqiu himself is not happy. The three thin men probably would not agree to leave the demolition office alone under such circumstances.

"What are the risks?" Chen Yihan asked.

"If you are one of the stars, then the replacement plan will be ruined. However, there is another very bad situation. Even if it is unimportant harmonies, instrumental performances, and other trivial staff, if you encounter someone with a bad temper, Leaving means..." Gu Mo's fingers crossed his neck, "Haha——"

Green light.

Chen Yihan was sluggish for more than ten seconds before stepping on the accelerator.

"If you encounter it, you can't quit, no matter what your status is." Gu Mo put down his hand, "As a professional, my advice is to let nature take its course. Those who deserve to die will die when the time comes, and those who don't deserve to die will always die. Survived.”

"Such a negative attitude is not the style of people like you." Chen Yihan mocked.

Gu Mo turned his head and looked out the window, "The people like us you understand are not the same kind of people as us. Some people are ignorant, and some people are not people like us at all. When your niece met Then you understand that you can't avoid life, you can only face it head-on. Only by facing the bleak life head-on can you survive."

The topic suddenly became heavy.

Thinking about the current situation of the five Qingye people, it is indeed bleak and heavy enough.

But these five people lasted for more than ten years. Ye Qing, who is in the worst situation, has not given up hope yet.

I couldn't help but clenched my fists.

When they arrived at the hotel, Chen Xiaoqiu and Shouzi were already waiting in the private room.

Seeing Gu Mo, the four people were very curious. Chen Xiaoqiu was more reserved and reserved. He only glanced at her politely, then looked away and met Chen Yihan's eyes. Those three were not so polite, especially Guo Yujie, who looked at Gumo unscrupulously, as if looking at a peep show.

"Oh, there are a lot of beauties." Gu Mo said with a smile.

Chen Xiaoqiu did not respond.

Guo Yujie took advantage of the situation and asked, "Are you a member of Qingye?"

"Yes. Gu Mo, I used to be a music director, a record producer, and also in charge of music recording and dubbing for movies and TV shows." Gu Mo showed off, "When I was active, you were all still young, right? Little brother." Gu Mo walked over and pulled out the chair, sat next to the thin man, and patted the thin man on the head.

The thin man dodged Gu Mo's hand with a "fuck" expression on his face.

"Then why did you join Qingye?" Fatty asked.

"It's hard to look back on the past. That boy Ye Qing is really not a thing. He plotted against me." Gu Mo had a vicissitudes of life on his face.

This statement has nothing to do with what he said to me and Chen Yihan. However, Ye Qing did have some calculations at that time. It could be said that he was just waiting for something to happen, but he happened to be there.

After Gu Mo glanced around, he took the menu and ordered something to eat. He also ordered us very politely: "Okay, as seniors, the first task assigned to you is to make a list."

"What watch?" Guo Yujie asked curiously.

In a small restaurant, when ordering, you tick off a piece of menu paper. Gu Mo ticked it all the way down and replied: "A list of similarities. First do what you can to check what the five of you have in common. If not, you can find a good fortune teller. Oh, I can introduce you to a powerful veteran."

"As for Master Xuan Qing, we have already met him. He didn't say anything." I said.

"That's what we have in common." Gu Mo kept ticking, "The five of us were found by Ye Zi. There must be a reason for you to get together like this. Let's search carefully. Okay, that's all for now." As he said that, he put down the pencil and asked, "Where's the waiter?"

"Is it too much?" Fatty glanced at it, a little unable to stand the constant hooking.

"You don't need to pay." Gu Mo waved the bill and shouted to the waiter.

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