Aoba Office

Chapter 180 Anxious Waiting

Chen Yihan is a police chief, and his daily work is not as leisurely as mine, but he responded so quickly, which really surprised me. It seems that he really cares about Chen Xiaoqiu, his niece. The age difference between the uncle and nephew is not too big. They must have grown up together, so they have such a good relationship.

When I answered the phone, I glanced at Gu Mo. Gu Mo's attitude made me unwilling to clean up his mess. If Chen Yihan asked something that was difficult to answer, I would leave it to Gu Mo to figure it out on his own.

"Bureau Chen." I answered the phone and called Chen Yihan in a more official way. I guess Chen Yihan must have a very bad impression of me. He assigned me to those big troubles in Qingye, and then Chen Xiaoqiu started to have a messy relationship with me. I'm afraid I will be even more disliked by him.

"Are you in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants?" Chen Yihan was really anxious and asked such a question directly.

I replied: "Yes, it's right at the entrance of the community. I need to go to the restaurant..."

"Wait there." Chen Yihan hung up the phone after saying that.

This tone is really not good.

I couldn't help but look at Gu Mo.

Gu Mo also happened to look over, with an innocent look on his face, "What's wrong?"

If a child made this expression, I would still be touched. But for an uncle who has been missing for ten years, is actually fifty, and looks to be in his thirties, I really can't feel anything at all.

"Wait, the police chief is coming." I waved my phone to Gu Mo.

Gu Mo didn't take it seriously and looked around, "What are you doing here? Let's take a taxi and leave quickly."

I got angry and said, "How can I, a small civil servant, resist the director? You don't have to work, I need it. And he is a relative of my colleague's family, so he has helped a lot. What's going on later?"

Gu Mo stopped shaking his head and looked at me seriously, "Look at your temper, don't you realize what's going on? This place is evil. In addition to the office, there are many monsters and ghosts in this area, which will affect people." "

I looked at Gu Mo suspiciously. In the dream, I heard a lot of noisy sounds here, and they were all conscious sounds. There was also the strange wind noise on the stairs, which was also very wrong. But……

"Do you know how many households live here?" I asked Gu Mo.

If something was really wrong, after more than thirty or almost forty years, this place should have become a famous haunted place in Minqing City, right? There are no such urban weird stories in Minqing City.

Gu Mo asked me: "Do you know how many monsters and ghosts there are here?"

"How much?" I asked.

Gu Mo got stuck, "Anyway, there are a lot of them. My ears can't go wrong. Here..." His face turned ugly and he sighed, "Ye Qing's absence has a great impact on this place. It's good that you demolished it. It's just right to leave a nail house. ."

Seeing how serious Gu Mo was, I wasn't sure whether what he said was true or false. There was no reason for him to lie to me.

"So there was a snack bar here, why is it gone? There's not even a place to sit. It's getting worse and worse. What kind of chess and card room should we open?" Gu Mo suddenly changed the topic and started to complain, then thought for a moment , "The chess and card room is also good, let's go there and wait."

I couldn't stand it anymore, "Why do you think one thing is one thing?"

"You don't understand. If you were imprisoned by a ghost for ten years and listened to a song played on a loop all day long, you would be like this after you came out. Just be patient and I'll be fine after a while." Gu Mo patted me on the shoulder.

Now I really don’t know whether what he said is true or false.

There are no free seats in the chess and card room. If you want to stand nearby and watch, you must be a regular customer, otherwise the card players and the store owner will chase people away. Gu Mo was very arrogant and asked for a box for the auction. His posture looks familiar to me. This was the case when he and Qingye were making money. The private room in the chess and card room is a small square made of plastic partitions, with an extra exhaust fan installed. It's a pity that even such a simple box is not available during this time period. The automatic mahjong tables outside were all full, the exhaust fans were all turned on, and the room was still smoky.

Gu Mo's rich behavior didn't work in this small place, so he could only walk out disappointed.

The chess and card room is not a snack bar. You can wait until the tables are turned. The uncles and aunts sitting here sit there for a long time and rarely go to the toilet.

"Eh? Are you that so-and-so? I haven't seen you for many years!"

When they were leaving, an old man who was waiting for the cards on the automatic mahjong table pointed at Gu Mo and shouted in surprise.

Gu Mo turned around and glanced twice, but he didn't quite recognize him.

What else did the old man want to say? His poker friend had already played Zhang Nanfeng and Dongfeng. It was his turn. The old man immediately forgot about Gu Mo and beat Zhang Xifeng out. His next home is Beifeng. It went around in a circle from southeast to northwest.

After leaving the chess and card room, I asked Gu Mo: "There are quite a few people who know you. When we asked around the community, why didn't we find out anything?"

"Probably what the leaves are doing." Gu Mo stretched his body, dug his ears, and squatted in the shade of a tree in an inconspicuous manner.

I followed him, "Do you know Wang Hongzhang? His wife is also named Wang..."

"I'm not familiar with these uncles and aunties. I know more about spirits and idiots." Gu Mo yawned.

"Where is Ye Qing? I heard that people here are very afraid of him..."

Gu Mo raised his head and looked at me sideways.

"You can't ask this?" I looked down at him and felt that the nickname Wu Ling gave him was quite vivid. His squatting posture looked like a mushroom.

Gu Mo chuckled, "They are afraid of the leaves, and even more afraid that the leaves will disappear."

I was stunned, "Is it related to this place? Is it the evil sect you mentioned?"

"Probably. I don't know for sure. Ye Zi doesn't usually say this. However, this place is very evil. If not for this, Ye Zi wouldn't have chosen this place. Oh, it can't be considered as Ye Zi's choice. You said before that he Did your family originally live here?"

I nodded.

Gu Mo sighed, "It's all fate."

These words were very depressing, and they should be sad to say, but Gu Mo looked like he wanted to be beaten.

Chen Yihan arrived very quickly. She should have driven here right after hanging up the phone.

Gu Mo saw the car and whistled, "Did you find it?"

"What?" I wondered.

"Tsk, tsk, police chief, he is not simple. His family should not be simple either. He is so upright. I even heard something and ran away in fright." Gu Mo said with a playful smile.

I really don't feel this.

The car stopped in front of both of us. Gu Mo was careless and opened the back seat door directly. I had to sit in the passenger seat.

Chen Yihan didn't look back, but looked at Gu Mo through the rearview mirror.

Gu Mo raised his hand and said, "Hey, hello, Director."

Chen Yihan introduced herself: "My name is Chen Yihan."

"Oh, hello, hello, my name is Gu Mo."

Chen Yihan narrowed her eyes and glanced at me.

I put on my most sincere expression and said, "He suddenly appeared."

"This is life!" Gu Mo sighed again, leaning back on the chair comfortably and crossing his legs.

It can be seen that he is really comfortable. Chen Yihan probably felt that Gu Mo was deliberately irritating, or maybe he had an inconsistent personality. He was disdainful of this and was still holding back his anger. But I know that Gu Mo is really comfortable. If Chen Yihan had the ability to exorcise evil spirits, Gu Mo would not have to hear that sound while sitting in the car.

I can't hear it now, but I can also imagine what Gu Mo heard when he was squatting at the door of the community just now. Thinking about it now, he was looking for something to talk about when he had nothing to say, and he was looking for trouble when he had nothing to say. His last move when he squatted on the ground was not that he was idle and panicked, but that he was anxious, even painful.

Ten years, I heard one voice, and ten years later, I suddenly heard countless voices.

Either way, it's not pleasant.

"I don't care what you want to do, I just want my niece to be okay." Chen Yihan started the car and gave herself a bottom line.

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