Aoba Office

Chapter 1794 Arrival

The butterfly flew past me, and arrived in front of the bedroom door, fluttering up and down, as if urging me to open the door.

I looked at the empty scroll in my hand, threw it aside, put on my outer pants and coat, took my mobile phone key, and went forward to open the door.

The butterfly flew to the front door again.

I followed it to open the door.

Next, the butterfly went all the way down, and did not go around the stairs, but went directly through the gap in the stairs and reached the first floor.

I couldn't go through the stairs like this, so I could only go downstairs step by step.

When I passed the guard room of the community, I was still worried that the guard would see this strange butterfly. But the guard just looked at me more and turned back to play with his phone.

Only I could see this butterfly.

I followed the butterfly all the way, not too far, and after arriving at another community one kilometer away, I was led into a building in the community.

The security door downstairs automatically unlocked and slowly opened when the butterfly passed by.

The atmosphere became very weird.

After entering the door, I felt that this environment was particularly weird.

Because there were candlesticks on the walls of the building, with white candles inserted. The flames flickered.

This scene really didn't fit the identity of "exorcists", but rather the witches and wizards they were trying to eliminate.

The flames led to a path, a straight corridor that was completely incompatible with the structure of the residential building.

The butterfly continued to fly forward, and along the way, golden scales fell and disappeared.

This way of leading the way was not creative. I guessed if this was some kind of fixed spell, and it was like this when it was used, butterflies, candles, corridors... cannot be changed. Maybe it absorbed elements from legends, or maybe those legends were based on this spell to create such scenes, and they were used in modern film and television dramas.

While I was thinking about it, the corridor had reached the end.

There was no surprise at all.

At the end of the corridor was an ancient wooden door, which looked very heavy. The carved patterns on it seemed to be flowers, vines, gems, unicorns...

I only took a quick glance and saw the butterfly fly to the door, turned into a ball of golden powder, and exploded on the door.

The door creaked open.

The sound echoed in the corridor.

A circle of candlelight lit up in the darkness inside the door.

The flames lit up one after another, illuminating the circular space and leaving countless shadows in this space.

The dark space and the round table in the middle reminded me of ghost language. I don’t know if it was a coincidence or another unoriginal choice. The round table was covered with black velvet and a crystal ball was placed on it.

Suddenly, a figure wearing a black cloak appeared on the seat facing the door.

The curly long hair and a pair of red lips revealed under the cloak made it possible to recognize that this was a woman.

The rest of her body was covered by the cloak, not a bit exposed.

"Please sit down." The woman didn't speak, and her voice rang directly in my brain.

My heart trembled, and my brain, which had been thinking about everything, finally focused.

The woman raised her red lips, "Please don't worry, I just meet you in this way. We communicate here, across space, without obstacles, and don't worry about leaks. This is my ability, and my ability is limited to this. It is not to invade your brain and read your consciousness."

I didn't completely believe this woman, but I restrained my emotions, made myself more focused, and didn't think about other things.

The woman said again: "Please sit down."

I walked to the seat opposite the woman.

The other seats at the round table were empty, with no chairs or people.

Am I the first one to come? Or...

Just thinking about it, the door behind me closed and the door panel disappeared.

At the same time, another identical door appeared beside me. The door opened and someone entered. It was a man I didn't know.

The man was dressed in a suit and tie, wearing glasses, and his hair was combed with hairspray, meticulously. He glanced at me and walked straight to the round table. A new seat appeared at the round table. The man pulled out a chair and sat down without saying a word.

As soon as he sat down, a door appeared opposite him.

This time, a woman came in. She also wore glasses, but she looked like a very rigid student girl. She also had two pigtails. With the heavy glasses, people couldn't tell whether she was too old-fashioned or deliberately retro.

The woman didn't say anything either, but just pulled out the chair that appeared and sat down. Her sitting posture was the same as that of the man, very upright.

The third door opened, and I finally heard the second voice since I came here. This voice also sounded directly in my mind. The opening was not a direct speech, but a whistle.

"This is nothing new. This environment is too bad. If you have this ability, just find a five-star leisure club to meet." The young man in a sweatshirt walked out from behind me, his movements were sloppy, and after complaining, he looked around, "Hey, why are you all wearing cloaks? Are you an evil organization? Tell me your name!"

This unreliable remark made me confused.

I saw the man in the suit pushing up his glasses, "All we see are cloaks. This should be the limitation of his ability."

I was secretly surprised, but I immediately suppressed this emotion and didn't even think about it.

I was still wary that this person with the ability who suddenly appeared could see my consciousness.

"Oh, that's it. It's so boring." The young man sat down, leaned back, raised his chair, and raised his legs. While shaking his feet, he said: "In this case, I don't have to introduce myself. If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly. There is a girl waiting on my bed."

"Not everyone has arrived yet," the cloaked woman replied.

As soon as he finished speaking, three doors opened around him.

It was Wu Ling who came out of one of the doors!

I took another look at Wu Ling and immediately resisted the urge to speak.

People who came in from the other two doors were a middle-aged woman who looked like a housewife, and the other was an older man who walked hobblingly and wore a suit that didn't fit well.

After they sat down, they all turned their heads and glanced around.

Wu Ling's eyes did not stay on me. I'm not sure if she saw me. What she saw was probably also a cloak.

"Okay, everyone is here." The cloaked woman spoke, "You must already know the purpose of inviting everyone here. Our Exorcist Association has found..."

"Pfft!" The young man laughed suddenly and waved his hands with a smile, "I'm sorry, this name is so tacky. I thought you had a mysterious organization name that couldn't be revealed to the public. Is that what you call it? "

The cloaked woman was silent.

"Their original name was Rheinsteve Lickert." The only old man present spoke.

"What?" The young man turned his head and looked over.

"It's the pronunciation of 'one who kills demons' in Kazian language." The old man continued.

"Wow! This is cool! Why did you change the name to Exorcist Association?" the young man continued to complain.

"In order to integrate into the society of ordinary people, and also to avoid attracting people with your personality." It was the old man who answered him. He said and looked around, "However, it seems that this purpose has failed."

"Haha!" The young man slapped the table and laughed, "This scene is really too middle-of-the-road and too cliched!"

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