Aoba Office

Chapter 1793 Invitation Letter

I asked this question, but what I was thinking in my mind was that Wu Ling might have suspected that he was having sex with Nangong Yao.

I hung up the phone just now and now I'm sending you a message to ask, are you just trying to prevent Nangong Yao?

I feel dizzy.

This distrust immediately reminded me of the future Qiu Ziyang showed me. That's also the thing I'm most worried about recently. I didn't mention it to anyone. When I talked to other people, they were all talking about the entertainment industry, Nan Tian, ​​and Gu Yan. But what really made me feel panicked was the future.

The death of the thin man and the flight monster have been verified, and now the division within Qingye has been added. It seems to be one sign after another, like a progress bar, ten percent, twenty percent...continuously increasing, until One hundred percent, that future will come true. Or, before the progress bar runs out, another "I" will kill "I" and change this future.

Both are things I don't want to see.

I have a lot of things I want to ask Wu Ling, and I want to tell Wu Ling that this is not the time to be suspicious of each other, and they can talk candidly. If they want to talk, they won't have as many difficulties as Ye Qing and I did.

But I couldn't say these words.

I don't know what to say anymore.

I was so flustered that my mind went blank.


Just when my mind went blank, Wu Ling had already replied to the message.

From these two words, I can't feel Wu Ling's emotions.

Soon, Wu Ling sent a new message. This time it was a long paragraph explaining her concerns.

"Nangong has been away from his family for twenty years. During this period, he has paid attention to his family's situation, but has never been in contact with his family. After Nantian found him, he did not contact his parents or receive any information. The connection between his parents. He was completely unfamiliar with his younger brother, and all he knew about him was some things from his childhood. At that age, Nan Tian was not mentally mature enough to know Nangong's abilities and the disputes at home. In short, we are not sure what Nan Tian’s attitude towards Nangong is, whether he really values ​​his brother who left home very early as he shows, or whether he has other motives. "

Wu Ling's analysis is sensible and reasonable.

Nangong Yao may have been blinded by family affection and directly believed Nan Tian's performance, thinking that Nan Tian was a one-minded brother and all his actions were just to care for his brother.

But in reality?

Nan Tian has been through life and death with us, and has experienced the different space in Yangshan District.

In addition, Nantian has seen my ability and is brave enough to face supernatural events.

We don’t know whether he is really naturally brave and optimistic, or whether he was prepared beforehand.

His knowledge of my abilities was a time bomb.

Thinking of this, I broke into a cold sweat.

Questions that I hadn't thought about originally emerged.

"No way?" I said a meaningless sentence.

It's really because my brain is now filled with all kinds of bad conjectures.

"I also hope it won't be like this." Wu Ling gave me such an answer, which made me unable to relax.

"Just wait and see what happens for the time being. Be more careful." Wu Ling gave me another piece of news that I couldn't rest assured.

I put down the phone and for a moment forgot the purpose of calling Wu Ling.

It would be really bad if Nantian had a purpose that was not good for us.

I felt uneasy, irritable, and a little worried about Nangong Yao.

When I came back to my senses, I remembered the problem of the file disappearing.

I counted the files again.

No more reduction.

I looked through the files I had seen, but my mind was in a mess and I couldn't calm down to recall which files I had seen.

Now that I've looked through all the files I've seen, I can't remember the one that disappeared.

I put away the files and went to wash my face.

Just then my mother came out of the bedroom.

She and her father were already preparing to wash up and go to bed.

"You should also go to bed early. Don't stay up late." Mom reminded me.

I nodded.

After they finished washing, they followed suit and lay down on the bed early.

Go to bed early and give my chaotic brain a chance to clear out.

Wu Ling told me to be careful... The last time he talked about the exorcist, he also told me to be careful...

All right.

Be careful, be careful...

I drifted off to sleep thinking about this.

I was woken up by the sound of "knock, knock, knock".

In a daze, my first reaction was that I had entered a dream. But I immediately felt the weight on my body.

It's not a dream... If it's not a dream, this kind of sound...

My eyes shot open.

I was thinking about being careful before going to bed, but now I jumped out of bed.

The direction of the sound was from the curtains, as if someone was tapping on the window.

It's still dark outside.

Hearing this sound in the middle of the night was eerie.

I felt it and didn't notice any yin energy outside. There is naturally no gloom in the room.

I heard the neighbors moving. As usual, there was a family nearby who always turned on the TV in the middle of the night and turned the sound very loud. A little further away, someone seemed to be talking loudly.

I'm still at home.

This knowledge makes me feel more at ease.

But I didn't give up my guard completely.

Slowly approaching the window, after considering my escape route and preparing my abilities, I opened the curtains.

Outside the window, a crow stood on the windowsill, pecking at the glass window with its hard beak.

The crow turned its head and looked at me, blinking twice.

Is it a bird?

I was stunned.

The crow pecked at my window twice more, scratched the window sill with its claws, opened its beak, and spit out a small scroll from its mouth without making a strange quacking cry, then spread its wings and flew away.

I was still in a daze, watching the crow go away. It wasn't until its figure blended into the night that I looked at the scroll on the windowsill.

In this case, I don't think we should act rashly.

What if that was a triggered trap? Is it a talisman with strange effects?

I thought of common plots in various movies and TV series.

Staring at the finger-sized scroll, I slowly backed away, took my cell phone, and called Wu Ling.

"Oh? Did you receive it too?" Wu Ling gave me a calm response.

"You too?" I responded immediately.

"Yes. It's an invitation from the exorcist. They want to talk to us." Wu Ling answered.

"Ah?" I started to feel dazed again, "Why?"

"It's probably out of necessity. We can only gather all the forces we can and deal with the threat in front of us first." Wu Ling replied, "I heard that they found an evil ghost's lair. You should know about the live broadcast platform Big Horn Deer. Bar?"

I know it so well!

Not long after those exorcists arrived, they discovered the lair of the costume ghost?

"Maybe it's to deal with the ghosts over there, so I want to recruit people." Wu Ling said.

"So, you've been invited, and you've also invited me? They've already discovered me?" I had mixed feelings.

"As long as you are willing, it is not difficult to discover." Wu Ling replied, "Of course, there must be a powerful ability user among them to be able to do such a thing so quickly. The ability to discover mushrooms and you should all be the same The author’s handiwork.”

"You don't seem worried?" I couldn't hold back and asked the question.

"Life and death are determined by fate. There is no use worrying about this kind of thing. Among the ghosts we killed, there were many who never thought that there were people with abilities like Ye Zi in the world." Wu Ling said as if joking, "You eliminate Most of the ghosts definitely didn’t expect you to have that kind of power.”

I couldn't refute, so I could only respond in silence.

"Open the scroll, follow the instructions, and see what their plans are." Wu Ling changed the subject.

I agreed, walked over and took the scroll back.

Breaking the seal and unfolding the scroll, I saw gilt characters on beige paper. There seems to be glitter added to it, making it look shiny. It's just that I can't understand every character on it.

I realized that I should have just asked Wu Ling directly and went to the appointment with them.

As soon as this idea came up, I felt strange again.

I didn't think of this, how could Wu Ling not think of it either?

The scroll in my hand suddenly shook, and the characters floated up, gathered together, and turned into a golden butterfly, dancing in front of me.

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