Aoba Office

Chapter 1626 Qiu Ming (3)

I heard the woman gasping for air, and I heard the heartbeat in her body.

In the field of vision was a very high ceiling, a somewhat familiar ceiling.

Not the ceiling in my bedroom.

I moved my body and separated myself from the woman.

It's a dream.

It was also a dream just now.

The woman fell asleep on the sofa.

The sound of news came from the TV. It was a local news station, talking about the increase in vegetable prices.

The woman turned her head and looked at the clock on the wall.

She sat up from the sofa and went to the kitchen.

Qiu Ming doesn't need to eat or drink, she does.

When Qiu Ming was alive, he was always working, studying, and making amulets and other things during the day. In the evening they would cook together.

The woman was wondering whether Qiu Ming should be placed downstairs. She can talk to Qiu Ming while cooking. He is not really a patient and needs to rest.

The soup in the pot was rolling gurglingly. The woman was chopping vegetables on the chopping board, making a rhythmic "doo" sound.

In this peaceful and quiet sound, a loud click broke the original atmosphere.

The woman's hands stopped chopping vegetables.


This sound was the sound of the door lock opening.

The woman turned her head and clenched the kitchen knife in her hand.

The security in the village is very good, and the neighbors are all familiar with each other. Many people grew up together and have lived here all their lives, and many people have moved here specifically to provide for their retirement.


This time, it was the sound of the door of the small building being opened.

The sound of footsteps came from the entrance hall.

Da da da……

The woman held her breath, held the kitchen knife harder, and held it in front of her chest.


Someone sat on the sofa in the living room and turned on the TV.

"...Okay! Pass to the middle! From the middle..."

The TV set was adjusted to several channels and turned into a commentary for the football game.

The woman's breathing suddenly became messy.

"Damn you! Do you know how to play football?" shouted a loud voice.

The woman's hand shook and she almost lost her grip on the kitchen knife.

I could feel the waves of fear coming from the woman. Her mind has gone blank.

Obviously, Qiu Ming did not completely destroy her ex-husband's soul back then, and may have just sent him to the underworld.

In a blink of an eye, the underworld disappeared, Qiu Ming's soul ran back, and the man's soul also chased after him.

The woman kept shaking, unable to think.

Since I have possessed her and entered the dream, then she should be...

"Hey! Where's the beer! Where's the wine!" the man yelled.

The footsteps sounded again, and they were getting closer to the kitchen.

The woman took a step back and reached the chopping board.

The soup in the pot was still churning, emitting a delicious aroma.

A man's figure appeared at the kitchen door. He has a thick build, his hair and beard are messy, his eyes are cloudy, he didn't drink, but he smells of alcohol all over his body, and the way he looks at people is very uncomfortable.

It's the same situation as what a woman dreamed about just now when she dozed off.

This is a completely different person from Qiu Ming.

He advances toward the woman.

The woman was trembling, unable to resist.

She should have resisted this man before he was alive. She told Wu Ling that she wanted a divorce and tried every means to get it.

But when this man died, her resistance should have turned into outright fear.

Part of it is despair of real life, part of it is fear of ghosts.

The same is true for her current mood.

I could feel her desperation and fear.

This time, no one can protect her.

"Damn it, can't you hear me? Where's the beer!" The man reached out and slapped the woman on the face.

The woman fell to the ground, and the kitchen knife in her hand fell to the ground and flew out.

"You loser! You can't even do such a small thing! Damn you! What did you burn? Ah!" The man kicked her several times. When I looked up and saw the domestic soup and vegetables on the chopping board, I kicked them a few times in dissatisfaction.

The pain is real.

The woman shed tears.

"A Ming... A Ming..." The woman murmured softly.

The man bent down, pulled the woman's hair, and lifted her up, "Who the hell are you calling? Who are you calling! You are looking for a wild man! You bitch!"

The man beat her harder.

He looked drained of alcohol and was out of breath after a few punches.

He stood up straight, looked around, and picked up the kitchen knife from the ground, "Is it here? That wild man is here! Where did you hide him? Ah! Come out! Get out!"

He held the kitchen knife and walked out.

The woman raised her head in panic.

Her eyes were swollen, her vision was blurred, and her body was in unbearable pain. She got up anyway and ran out after the man.

The man was already standing on the stairs, holding a kitchen knife.

The chairs in the dining room were kicked down by him, and the teacups and teapots on the table were knocked to the floor by him, leaving a mess.

As he went upstairs, he hacked at the stair railings and walls with a kitchen knife.

"Stop! Stop!" the woman screamed.

The man's figure disappeared around the corner of the stairs.

The woman rushed forward and saw him walking straight to the room at the far end of the corridor.

"Stop! Stop!" The woman rushed over and was kicked in the stomach by him. She fell to her knees and retched.

The man turned around, walked to the study room, and kicked the door open.

I saw the evil spirit and malice in him.

The development of things made me feel that it was too smooth.

From his appearance to him beating the woman and finding Qiu Ming, everything went so smoothly.

The woman didn't notice anything. She looked up and saw the man entering the room, and rushed over like crazy.

The man raised his kitchen knife high towards Qiu Ming.

"Ahhhh!" The woman let out a heart-rending cry, threw herself on the man, bit his ear, and hugged his arm.

The two fell to the ground.

Qiu Ming still sat like that, just like what I saw in the video, motionless and without blinking.

During the struggle between the two, they bumped into a rocking chair, which rocked back and forth.

Qiu Ming sat there peacefully, like a cold and cruel person, watching a farce.

The man was scratched on the face by the woman and his ear was bitten off. The woman also had more scars on her body.

The woman was thrown away and her back hit the bookcase. She curled up in pain and was unable to move for a while.

The man stood up and looked at the woman expressionlessly. When he turned his head, he stared at Qiu Ming.

"Stop... don't... A Ming... A Ming..." The woman cried, crawling to the man's feet with difficulty and hugging his legs. She was kicked several times and blood spilled from her mouth, but she refused to let go.

The man was like a robot, repeating such actions and suddenly stopped again. Two or three seconds later, he looked at Qiu Ming again.

The woman raised her head and jumped up anxiously when she saw this scene.

The kitchen knife he swung down struck the woman on the neck.

Blood spattered on Qiu Ming's face.

There was blood on his face and blood dripping from his body.

The man's eyes were not on the woman, he just looked at Qiu Ming, without attacking again, as if he was a robot on strike, motionless.

The woman exhaled out of her throat, grabbed the man with both hands, and slowly knelt down on the ground.

I saw Qiu Ming's eyes move at this moment.

He slowly lowered his eyes and looked at the woman on the ground.

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