Aoba Office

Chapter 1625 Qiu Ming (2)

The man in the camera showed no reaction, his face was facing the window, and his eyes were unfocused.

The woman walked over, bent her arms around his shoulders, and whispered something in his ear.

But the man still didn't respond.

The woman pushed the rocking chair half a circle, stood beside the chair, looked sideways at the expressionless man, and gently smoothed his hair.

"Sorry, he is like this now...Last Tuesday, I woke up in the middle of the night and saw him standing next to the bed. I thought I was dreaming. He didn't react at all. I pulled him and talked for a long time. If so, I hugged him and slept all night. When I woke up in the morning, I could still see him... I don’t know what he went through, but it’s great to have him back.” The woman smiled and looked forward. , "I guess something big might have happened. I've been reading some news lately, and I've often seen some news... Does it matter if he's like this? Is it like what he told me before, as long as you take some time, your soul will Will it recover?"

Wu Ling took a few steps forward and arrived in front of the man.

The woman looked at Wu Ling expectantly.

"Qiu Ming." Wu Ling called.

The man is like a sculpture.

Wu Ling knelt down and held the man's hand.

After a while, Wu Ling stood up and looked at the woman, "His state is a bit like a person who has just died. We have also encountered souls returning from the underworld to the human world before, but it is not like this."

A look of worry appeared on the woman's face, and she smiled bitterly and said: "I don't understand this at all. I have just treated him as a vegetable these days, holding his hand, talking to him often, and recalling the past. . Apart from that, I don’t know what I can do... I want to find you and his colleagues, but..." The woman hesitated for a few seconds, "I'm afraid you will expel him and send him away. To the underworld..."

"There is no more underworld." Wu Ling said.

The woman looked at Wu Ling in surprise.

"There is no underworld anymore. We haven't figured out where the souls of people go after death. For the time being, they have all arrived in the human world." Wu Ling explained in detail.

The expression on the woman's face was both sad and happy, "That's it..."

"Do you know anything else about that school? Did he tell you anything before the accident?" Wu Ling asked.

The woman put her hand on the man's shoulder and lowered her head, "I only know that he has always wanted to save that girl. There was already hope. The girl was also willing to talk to him. Well, I just talked to you I've said it before. They talked about a lot of things, basically just chatting. She always looked at those students in school. She was a little disgusted and a little envious of those students. The topics we talked about, the changes in clothing... A Ming was not that fashionable. However, he bought some things for her, including a hairpin and a scarf that were popular among high school girls. The bracelet seems to be the same style as that of some celebrity...that’s all.”

"What about the transformation you just mentioned?" Wu Ling asked.

The woman thought for a while and said, "If it changes, he brought snacks to her that time. Internet celebrity bread and the like... He also specifically searched online. And drinks. She can accept these things. Well, that's it. That time. After he came back, he told me that she didn't accept anything. No matter what he said, she didn't respond. It was like her soul had been removed, and she was just... like. He is like this now." The woman looked at the man in the rocking chair.

"After that, the seal will collapse?"

The woman nodded, "In the intervening years, Amin has been trying to communicate with her and trying to investigate what happened. No one in the school knows that girl exists. You should know this."

Wu Ling nodded.

"Only the old principal. I only communicated with the old principal at that time. The old principal later retired... That was what happened after the seal collapsed and Amin disappeared. I talked to the old principal. He didn't know what happened that day. A Ming contacted him and said that it might be dangerous if the seal collapsed. There was no one in the school, and he didn't go to the school. After calling A Ming, he couldn't be contacted at the school. I also asked the security guard on duty and found out that A Ming had never been to the school. Maybe... he didn't enter through the main entrance. The school's cameras didn't capture anything. The girl didn't appear either.

The camera focused on Qiu Ming in the rocking chair and gave him a close-up.

"Is this what happened when he came back?" Wu Ling asked.

The woman shook her head, "When he came back, he was wearing the same clothes he was wearing the day he left. I looked through them and there was nothing on them or in the pockets. I changed his clothes and he accepted it. It turned out that the clothes were gone when he took them off. It’s just an’s not an entity.”

"I understand. I will contact them again at the school to investigate. If I find anything, I will notify you." Wu Ling nodded slightly.

The woman smiled and said, "Okay."

The video ends here.

The picture is fixed on the woman's smiling face, and on her and the man's figures standing and sitting.

My brain throbbed and I felt like I was spinning.

I am walking. The sound of high heels echoed in the corridor.

I stopped in front of a door and took out my key to open it.

Kara, Kara...

I don’t know why, but I feel so flustered.

I felt like something scary was waiting for me behind the door.

The door opened a crack, and the sounds in the room came out.

"...The ball went in! The ball went in!"

The excited roar of the commentator burst into my eardrums.

Is the TV turned off?

The next-door neighbor turns the TV too loud?

There was light coming out of the crack in the door.

It wasn't the light of the setting sun, nor could it be the light of the building opposite.

My hands trembled.

"Fucking garbage! You can't even guard this ball!" A loud shout came from the room.

My consciousness became chaotic, and I opened the door in a daze, and the light in the room shone on me.

I saw the shoes in the entryway.

The men's leather shoes were not placed neatly and were kicked casually at the door of the room. The soles of the shoes were still stained with mud, staining the carpet at the door.

My body began to tremble uncontrollably, and I entered the room uncontrollably.

The body seemed to float in.

After walking through the entrance hall, past the kitchen and bathroom, I saw the narrow living room.

A man crossed his legs and threw beer cans and snacks on the floor. His face was red, he was holding a beer can in one hand and the remote control in the other, pointing at the TV and cursing.

He looked over, drunk, but his eyes made me feel sick and scared.

"Why the hell did you come back so late? Where's the food? You want to starve me to death! It would be easy for those two old immortals to die! You raised a good-for-nothing daughter to harm me! What are you doing standing here! Go cook ! Damn you!" He waved his hand and threw the beer can over.

Beer spilled all over the floor and beer cans fell to the ground.

I took a step back, my whole body seemed to hurt, and something was pressing on my heart.

I started to run away and I didn't know when I ran out of the house.

The man was chasing me. I could hear him yelling and cursing, and I could feel the tears and sweat on my face.

he died! He should be dead!

Even if he dies, he won’t let me go!

I feel like I'm going crazy!


The sound of brakes and strong lights made me squint my eyes. My body hit the front of a car and fell to the ground.

I ignored the pain and turned around in a hurry.

That man is going to catch me!

he came!

he came! ! !


I saw him fly backwards and hit the ground hard.

"Are you OK?"

A pleasant voice came from behind.

I turned my head.

ah! Qiu Ming...

The car lights shone on him and he seemed to be glowing.

But in the darkness behind him...

girl’s face…

I woke up with a start!

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