Aoba Office

Chapter 1623 Grief (2)

The pain of losing a loved one should be something that no one can comfort.

All we can do is hand them a tissue, pour a glass of water, and cry with them silently.

In the past, I should have said some comforting words that were not painful or painful, but I can't say that kind of content now.

I am really numb to death. I know in my heart that I should be sad at this time, but I can't feel sad and can only remain silent.

The fat man and the thin man seemed to be infected by this atmosphere and said nothing.

The thin man even looked at me worriedly.

After all, Liu Zhiguo and Liu Zhijun were middle-aged, not young men. They had families, wives, and children, and they had already experienced the pain of losing their fathers. Song Xian's death touched them deeply, but it did not make them lose their minds.

After crying for a while, both brothers calmed down.

After sniffing and wiping away their tears, the two drank some water and slowly returned to normal, continuing their stories.

It was the elder brother Liu Zhiguo who spoke.

He looked directly at me when he spoke, "Team Leader Lin also saw it that day. She was very concerned about my grandma and grandpa. The two of us originally thought she was guilty... She said it herself... She originally told Dad She finally broke her promise to bury the two old people. When we were children and adults, she kept this matter secret. We didn't know that there was an urn in the house that night. In the old house, she didn’t say a word to us and was angry with us. When we arrived at the factory, she was like that again... We were actually mentally prepared.”

Liu Zhijun added: "Two years ago, we were actually prepared. She had a lot of chronic diseases, all of which were old-age diseases, and she had to take care of them. She also felt it. When I held the funeral for my dad, the cemetery was selected, and the urn was We bought it together too.”

"We were prepared... We took her home that day and discussed it. It may have happened in the past few years... Who would have thought that it wouldn't work that night..." Liu Zhiguo shook his head, "At that time, it was not real at all. I didn’t feel anything at all. I called Zhijun, and we also said that we needed to find the neighborhood committee, issue a death certificate, and mom’s inheritance, the family’s inheritance... When she was alive, we still had something to argue about, but after she died... That's it... we are children without a father and a mother, and from now on we will be just two brothers..."

Liu Zhijun exhaled.

Liu Zhiguo continued: "We were prepared for these things, and we were mentally prepared. The death certificate and so on went very smoothly. As for that box, we didn't expect that there was a human head in it... We didn't know which ancestor in the family it belonged to. This kind of thing The things... the police collected, and the museums, and the history professors came to see us. It doesn't matter... we have never come across these things before. They are not valuable at all, they are considered antiques, but that's all. It’s not the kind of antique that it was before... So, let’s just leave it like that... It’s all done..."

Liu Zhiguo choked up again and his voice became hoarse.

Liu Zhijun looked at his brother and said for him: "We saw mom during the funeral. The funeral was carried directly from home to the car. We saw her sitting there. She suddenly appeared...the car door just closed. . That's it. I thought I was dazzled and went to see Zhiguo, but we all saw it. We arrived at the funeral home and sent for cremation... from that small window. , we saw it again. When we were about to be buried... Zhiguo was holding the urn, and I was holding the portrait. When we walked to the cemetery, we saw it again..."

Liu Zhiguo said: "She stopped us... She stopped us... She said, Zhiguo, Junjun, Mom only has one wish, Mom wants to go home... She said she wants to go home... "

The two brothers began to cry again.

Only then did I realize that these two people had changed their minds when they were about to be buried. One can imagine the reaction of the relatives and friends who attended the memorial service. How stunned their wives and children would be.

"My mother only has one wish. She just wants to go home. Neither of us sons can do this for her. Are we still human? Isn't that an animal! She has raised us for so many years, and she is so shitty. The urine will stretch us... That's all she wants... She won't feel at ease even if she dies! How could we, how could we..."

Both brothers became emotional.

I can imagine the scene. Holding my mother's urn and portrait, standing in front of the tombstone, hearing the plea of ​​my mother's soul, as a child, it is impossible to refuse.

"It's impossible to go up to Guantou Island now, right? The residents have long since disappeared, and only the garrison is left..." I said as calmly as possible, "If you want to go up, even if you rent a fishing boat, you will be stopped. Come down."

"Then look for TV stations, find news, and write letters to city leaders. Aren't there still burials at sea? If you can't go to the island, just send my mother to the sea over there." Liu Zhiguo said firmly.

When Song Xian wanted to return his parents' ashes, he was the one who objected most strongly.

Liu Zhijun also had a look of determination on his face.

The two people changed the impression I had when I first met them. Instead of the ferocious excitement of fighting for property, there was a different kind of excitement.

The two of them had obviously made up their mind and it was impossible to change their minds.

"Then you discuss it carefully with your family. There must be a regulation on how to operate this matter. You can't just throw money at it." I advised, "If you need it, we can also help here. Please contact us to find out which department is in charge of this. If you want to be buried at sea, how can you apply?”

This relatively special burial method has some troublesome procedures. Unlike ordinary cremation, after buying a tomb, the ashes are burned and packed, and then they can be buried directly.

The two brothers thanked each other gratefully, feeling a little better after all.

I called Chen Xiaoqiu to confirm the situation on their side.

After sending the two brothers to the gate of the community, I saw Chen Xiaoqiu and the others. The faces of the two daughters-in-law of the Liu family were tense. The thin man whispered something to Liu Zhiguo and Liu Zhijun, and the two middle-aged men walked over awkwardly and apologized to their wives. Emotions on both sides softened. The five of us also breathed a sigh of relief.

After seeing them off, we still have to do what we promised them. I'm also a little worried that Song Xian's ghost will do something drastic. In addition, Sleepy Hollow Island and the future ghost who looks like a fake fairy are both uneasy.

If there is an entrance and exit to a different space on Guitou Island, that also needs to be dealt with.

I called the old boss. I have to leave it to him to bury Song Xian. The old leader heard about Song Xian's story - excluding the supernatural part, of course - and agreed to help. He has a wide network of contacts, so it would be more convenient for him to ask someone about how to get to Guido Island and how to bury Song Xian at sea.

You have to talk to Wu Ling and the others about this matter. Supernatural problems must be solved by them.

However, I couldn't get through Wu Ling's phone number.

When I got home from get off work, there was no reply from the old boss or Wu Ling.

After dinner in the evening, when I was preparing to go to bed early, I received a document from Wu Ling.

The file was a video, and the string of numbers in the video's name made me feel very familiar.

I opened the video file directly.

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