Aoba Office

Chapter 1622 Grief (1)

The six villages of workers and peasants were deserted.

Basically, everyone who lives here has moved away.

From a normal demolition process, when people want to move out, the demolition office should find some media for publicity. The first family to move out will be featured, and we will also help some needy families move.

The situation in the Six Villages of Workers and Peasants was different from the beginning.

We parked the car casually in front of the residential building where the neighborhood committee is located. When we got off the car, we all stood by the car for a while.

"The person from the Housing Authority has left too?" The thin man said nonsense.

"Didn't they check everything yesterday?" the fat man replied.

Chen Xiaoqiu and Guo Yujie talked about the number of property rights holders who have completed signing contracts.

The topic is very peaceful, as if we all live in a very harmonious world, without ghosts or supernatural beings, just like the world before we came into contact with Qingye Supernatural Agency a year ago.

However, we do not live in such a beautiful world after all.

Entering the neighborhood committee, we saw Director Mao with a frown on his face.

"You are here." Director Mao greeted us.

"Did something happen?" Guo Yujie asked with concern.

"Hey, no..." Director Mao hesitated, sighed, and said, "It's still about Aunt Song."

Song Xian?

I raised an eyebrow.

Guo Yujie asked: "Do her two sons have any objections to the original demolition compensation agreement?"

This question proves that Guo Yujie’s way of thinking is still that of a normal person. Unlike me, my first reaction was that there was something wrong with that head, and my second reaction was that Song Xian had turned into a ghost and was causing trouble.

I can imagine how troublesome Song Hyun would be if he turned into a ghost after his death.

The old lady seemed silent before, but once the ghosts of her parents came to her, she immediately turned into a stubborn old lady who couldn't pull back eight cows. She had a bad temper and would not give up until she achieved her goal.

The cause of her death is so disturbing.

Coupled with the current situation, I wouldn't be surprised at all if she turns into a ghost after her death and pursues her two sons relentlessly.

After listening to Guo Yujie's question, Director Mao smiled bitterly and sighed, "It would be better if this were the case. If we can't reach an agreement, we can talk again. But they..." She considered her words, "They are a little crazy... and some are like, Mrs. Song used to do that... They want to send the ashes of the old lady to her hometown, a small island. "

"Eh? Are you going to be sent to Guido Island?" Guo Yujie said in surprise, "Didn't they hold funerals before?"

"That's right. Now they are making a fuss over this matter... Their wives and children think that the two brothers have lost their minds and are crazy, and they don't agree. There are no people living on that island now, and there are no shipping routes. There are only troops stationed there. They want to buy a ship. , renting a boat, the family seems to be selling the house because of this matter... It's quite difficult. They are also pressing for compensation for the demolition of the house here, but their wife and children do not agree... I received several calls last night. They may come to find you today." Director Mao rubbed his eyebrows, "I heard Liu Zhijun's wife was crying... She cried for two or three hours, saying that their brothers were possessed by evil spirits. ...The feng shui is not good... They seem to be unwilling to come in, and I don’t know how to talk to you then.”

I listened to Director Mao's narration calmly, and I could tell that Director Mao was having a headache.

From a work perspective, this is quite annoying.

Song Xian is dead. Her husband died a few years ago. Her parents died when she was a child. The house in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants is her inheritance and is divided between her two sons. Her daughter-in-law and grandchildren are not qualified to comment. But this is a legal requirement. In reality, it's impossible to calculate that clearly. The wives and children of Liu Zhiguo and Liu Zhijun did not agree with their approach, and they forced it. The result was constant negotiations and quarrels, and our demolition office and the neighborhood committee on Director Mao's side were inevitably involved.

You can never turn away the people when they are in need. Listening to them and answering their questions is also part of our job. It can be said that it is the main job of the demolition office and the neighborhood committee to do ideological work for them and let them reach a consensus. Procedural and legal operations are secondary.

These tasks are extremely tedious, and most of the time they are useless.

But compared to the supernatural issues, it seems very relaxed.

In the afternoon, the two brothers Liu Zhiguo and Liu Zhijun came.

We found out about their arrival because they made a noise at the gate of the community. The noise was too loud, which attracted our attention.

Sure enough, as Director Mao said, both wives had psychological shadows about the Six Villages of Workers and Peasants and were unwilling to cross that threshold.

Liu Zhiguo and Liu Zhijun were very gloomy. They were torn apart and scolded by their wives, but they did not say a word. This performance obviously angered the two women even more.

I called Guo Yujie, then reluctantly stepped forward and separated them.

No matter how hard it was, the two women still refused to enter the community. I could only ask Guo Yujie and Chen Xiaoqiu to accompany them to find a place to sit outside. Director Mao didn't come out, maybe because he was annoyed by them last night. I didn’t call him Director Mao either.

I dragged the two brothers into the community.

Looking at their expressions along the way, they didn't have any psychological shadow on the Six Villages of Workers and Peasants, but they were just not in high spirits.

Liu Zhiguo took out his cigarette and started puffing away on the road.

After entering the neighborhood committee, Director Mao gave up the conference room to us, poured tea with Xiao Yao, said hello, and left.

The thin man closed the door of the conference room, pulled out a chair and sat down.

The room fell silent, and for the next minute there was no more sound.

The cigarette in Liu Zhiguo's hand burned to the end.

"You two, I also saw Mrs. Song's behavior at that time. We don't have to hide it when we talk... Did you see Mrs. Song?" I asked straight to the point.

Liu Zhiguo's hand shook and his cigarette fell on the conference table.

Liu Zhijun let out a long breath.

"I thought my mother was old and confused... She had lost her brain..." Liu Zhijun said, "As we get older, we can't do anything about this kind of thing. Okay, let's be sons. She coaxed her when we were little, and now she coaxes her she……"

Liu Zhiguo's eyes were red. His hand tremblingly reached into his pocket and took out a cigarette, but he failed to light the lighter.

The thin man walked over and lit the fire for him.

"She... you didn't go that day... That day we took her to the factory again and brought her ashes. When she got there, she looked around like a headless fly, searching along the factory, and wanted to enter the factory. We couldn't stop her, so we finally followed her in. All the electricity and water in the factory were turned off. There was no one in the place. It looked like there had been no one there for a long time. "Liu Zhijun shook his head. "That kind of environment scares both of us grown men. Even though my mother is old, she still rushes ahead, searching from room to room, calling 'Daddy' and 'Ama' while searching... Let's see It’s... I’m really... distressed and scared..."

Liu Zhiguo choked up, stopped talking, and continued: "I searched around, but didn't see anything. My mother just... just couldn't do it... She didn't even cry, she just collapsed. Zhijun and I We didn't even have time to hold her back... She felt like she had lost her soul. We were all afraid that something would happen to her. We buried and scattered the ashes, and she didn't react at all. After she came back, Zhijun and I both felt bad...she was like that..."

Liu Zhijun also had red eyes, "...she left at night...At night, we looked at her, told her to eat, gave her water...she...she was lying on the bed unresponsive...we... "

The two brothers burst into tears and could no longer talk.

Good night everyone~

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