Aoba Office

Chapter 1612 No. 016-Purple Toilet (4)

"How did they scare you?"

"Recording. That walkman belongs to Xu Chen. They recorded the cry of a female ghost in a horror movie and secretly put it in my schoolbag. We walked together after school. Halfway through, I heard the cry and asked them both They were all pretending to be stupid. I was so scared that I ran away, bumped into someone, and fell down. Then they laughed and told me to put the record player in my school bag. . Quite angry...but we didn't take it too seriously. We talked about why we put it in someone's school bag or put it in the desk like this, but we couldn't find it. Opportunity. When high school starts, the situation is different. There are more homework and people are very irritable... It's just that, very uncomfortable..."


"Teacher Sun has taught us for more than two years, and this is the third year. He is already young. Before taking us, he seemed to have taken care of the previous class... After taking us for a year... he and we can talk together. Our math scores were pretty good, and we did pretty well in his weekly exam... That day was the weekly math exam. We were late packing up, and many people left. He was asked questions again by the monitor. It was too late. We just wanted to scare him. Xu Chen and Xiao Jun gave me the walkie-talkie. They were both tall and could block Teacher Sun's view. . However, his bag was placed under the podium... I saw that everyone was gone, so I thought of putting it outside. I originally wanted to put it behind the fire box or inside someone's desk. Get up, the three of us pretend not to hear..."

"Yeah. But you ended up putting your stuff in the toilet."

"Yeah. Because it's inconvenient inside the desk. Everyone puts some textbooks and papers in the desk and doesn't take them back. There's also a place to put the fire box in the back. I just found a place all the the toilet There, I thought it could be placed under the sink... I looked for a lot of places but almost gave up..."

"And after that?"

"I...I met that girl...that girl came out of the girls' restroom. I didn't even think about the girls' restroom at all. After school, there was no one around, and there was no way I could enter the girls' restroom! She just happened to come out. , stood at the door and asked me what I was doing... I was shocked. I had never seen her before, and I didn't recognize her. The school uniform was different from ours... I didn't have her in our class, but there was one in the next class. I heard that there was a person in the liberal arts class who had been repeating for two years. He wanted to get admitted to Minqing University. Every time he was two points short, he kept repeating... I didn’t think much about it. I really didn’t think about anything at that time. I just felt that I had encountered it. It's normal for me to be a repeat student. She asked me what I was doing, and I didn't want to answer. But...but she smiled at me and saw the walkie in my hand, as if she saw through me...she took the initiative. She said she wanted to help, she said she could put things on top of the water tank... I really didn't think about anything. She just said that and asked me to go into the women's room and asked me to bend down so that she could step on my shoulders and listen to the Walkman. Put it on the water tank. Her attitude is very natural, very natural..."

"Did you do what she asked?"


"Did anything else happen during this period?"


"How did she leave?"

"He just left. I saw her coming downstairs. It was all normal. So normal...I didn't suspect it at all. I didn't even think about it."

"And after that?"

"It's gone...Actually, it's gone since then. Teacher Sun was frightened and asked us about the bathroom. The wall in the women's bathroom is purple, lavender. We actually didn't know about this kind of thing before. The fourth and fifth floors This building has always been a classroom for senior students. We only played football with the seniors. I guess the previous seniors didn’t even notice what the women’s bathroom looked like.”

"Who told the ghost story?"

"Girls. We heard what the girls said. There are few girls in our science class. Since the sophomore year of high school, the girls have been very united and have a good relationship with us boys. They first mentioned that the toilet is very strange. If they don't When I was in a hurry, I would go to the bathroom in the liberal arts class upstairs. The girls started to tell those ghost stories, and then the boys also found out about it, and they were also curious... Some people even wanted to go into the women's room to have a look... I forgot about it. I heard it from someone. It was passed around by seniors and senior sisters, and someone died there before, and then there was a ritual in the school... When I was listening to the music, I didn't think about the ghost story... Xu Chen and Xiaojun said I was smart..."

"You didn't tell them about that girl either?"


"Next, how many times did you turn on the walkman and listen to it?"

"Twice. Opened twice. It's too troublesome. There is... there happens to be a ghost story... But, it's not easy for us to go into the women's restroom. We have to wait for no one every time... It's very inconvenient. . We have done it twice and we haven’t had a chance to get the Walkman back.”

"The school knew about it."

"Well... Teacher Sun got the Walkman and reported to the school. The school started broadcasting and criticized the whole school... Then they found us. We admitted it... There is no way we can deny it... It's the third year of high school again... It was just verbal criticism. Teacher Sun also talked to us that day... He was the one who talked to us that day... He invited us to drink milk tea while waiting at the traffic light... Teacher Sun probably turned around to talk to me. I also turned my head and looked... After he turned his head, he kept looking back and looked back... Behind him was the teaching building of our school. I didn't know what he was looking at at first glance. I just wanted to ask Teacher Sun... He, he seemed to have seen something scary... He seemed to be frightened all of a sudden, and he took a step back. There happened to be a car... I didn't see how he was rolled under the car. Of… I’m still looking at the back…”

"What do you see?"

"The fourth floor... there is a small window on the fourth floor, not a classroom window! That window is open, and you can see that the window is open, and it is purple... that girl... that girl is standing there... I see Her face is not very clear. But I think... I think she is looking at me, she is smiling... This is not possible! It is the window of the toilet, it is very high. It's the same height as the water tank! Unless there's someone carrying it and there's a ladder or chair underneath, it's impossible to show your face like that! And there's probably no one in the school! It's's impossible...I...huh. ...I have been thinking about this...I have been thinking about it these past few days...not only the problem with the window that day...the school uniform she was wearing...was also wrong..."

"Isn't it the school uniform for students of your current generation?"

"No, no. We, the winter clothes of the previous class and the next class are this kind of sportswear. The winter clothes of the previous class are also sportswear, but there are stripes on this side. The school uniform of this freshmen is a big coat. There is a school badge here. We have not had that kind of school uniform in recent years. She also wears sportswear, but it is dark blue with yellow stripes on the side. The pants are also dark blue, not black at all. The school has this kind of uniform.”

"Have you never seen this kind of school uniform in the photos of graduates? I remember that your school's bulletin board has group photos of graduates from the previous batches. Dark blue, yellow stripes..."


"Is there such a school uniform?"

"...Yes...Yes, I...I have an impression...that she, she..."

"We will check the list of previous students in your school. When the list comes out, please identify them."


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