Aoba Office

Chapter 1611 No. 016-Purple Toilet (3)

On December 14, 2002, the client visited. Audio file 01620021214.wav.

"Thank you very much for this time. None of us expected it, and no one in the school expected it to be like this. Today's students...I have only graduated from college a few years ago...sigh..."

"Have you found the student who pranked you?"

"Yes, I found them, they are those gangsters in my class. As I told you, they asked me questions that day just to drag me down. The recording time you found... they are the only ones who can do this. Yes. I asked them and they admitted it was really..."

"And what about the cries that were heard by anyone but you?"

"They probably did it twice more. The school has already punished them. Maybe someone really heard it. There was also bragging between students."

"I understand. So, this is the end of this commission?"

"Yes. I've figured it all out. Thank you very much. Thank you."

"Need not."

On December 14, 2002, the commission was terminated.

Client: Xu Chen Qi Junjie

Sex: Male

Age: 17

Occupation: student

Family relationships: parents

Contact address: Room XXX, Lane XXX, Aihua Road, Minqing City, Room XXX, No. XXX, Tianfu Community, Minqing City

Contact number: 68XXXXXX, 64XXXXXX

On December 20, 2002, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 01620021220.wav.

"Hello you two."


"Are you students from the High School Affiliated to PolyU?"


"Teacher Sun Hongbin, do you know him?"

"...We...we heard from Teacher Sun that you...Teacher Sun..."

"Did something happen to Mr. Sun?"

"He...he had a car accident...he had a car accident..."

"Did he die?"


"Sorry to hear such news. Do you think there was something wrong with his car accident?"

"We went with him! We and two other classmates did the recording thing together. We just wanted to scare him... Teacher Sun has been with us for two years, and this is the third year. He is the third year. I taught a graduating class once... He was a very nice person... We just listened to other students and girls telling ghost stories about toilets, so we wanted to scare him... Originally, we wanted to scare another classmate... It was just a spur-of-the-moment idea at the time. …”

"That thing was done by you. You should understand that it's not a ghost, it's a lie."

"No! We don't believe it either!"

"I didn't believe it at all before. The crying sound was from a horror movie. We used this recording to scare another classmate before. He was scared and ran away. We told him. Then we prepared to scare other people... We also I didn't expect what would happen. It was just an impromptu idea that day. I saw someone asking Teacher Sun a question, so the three of us discussed it. Xu Chen and I held off Teacher Sun while the third person went to let him go. Sound."

"He placed the Walkman on top of the water tank that high by himself?"


"Is there anything else going on in the meantime?"

"No...we...we didn't ask...didn't expect so much...we, we didn't know him...later he said he put it on the water tank, and we thought..."

"How many more pranks have you played since then?"

"I've done it twice. Just twice. It was also after school. When I saw that some classes stayed late and we finished the exam early, I would secretly go and do it..."

"Is it also on the water tank?"

"Well... the three of us will go up on human bodies..."

"Didn't the third classmate come today?"


"Well. Let's talk about Mr. Sun first. What's the problem with Mr. Sun's car accident?"

"We were punished by the school, and Teacher Sun had a heart-to-heart talk with us. It was late that night, and he invited us to have something to eat. He bought us milk tea at a milk tea shop next to the school... and we walked for a while together."

"All three of you are here."


"How did the car accident happen?"

"It was when we were crossing the road. The light was red. The three of us stopped. Teacher Sun stood next to us and talked to us. Then he seemed to see something..."

"It's about seeing what's behind."

"Behind is the school. Our school's teaching building can be seen."

"He suddenly took a few steps back and stepped onto the zebra crossing, and then..."

"It was a car that turned a corner. We brought him there, and he was rolled under the car... He just... He just..."

"We worked with passers-by to help lift the car. Teacher Sun...Teacher Sun had no injuries on his body. A little bruised. His eyes were still open. Just like breathing, no heartbeat. The ambulance came... He said he died suddenly...maybe he was could it be possible...he clearly saw something, something in the school."

"You can see the toilet window from that position! The toilet window is open! We looked! The toilet window is open! There must be something... something..."

"Can you contact the third classmate?"

"Ah? Oh... Dajun... Hao Jiajun... he is also very strange..."

"After the accident, he became very strange. He looked at the toilet window first. After Teacher Sun turned around, he also looked back. He yelled. After Teacher Sun had a car accident, we didn't know what to do. He said that the toilet The window was open, so we looked up... He took two days off... We wanted to come to you, but he didn't want to... He just became very... He seemed to know something..."

"He must have encountered something a long time ago! That walkie-talkie! How did he put it on top of the water tank when he was alone! There must be... there must be something..."

"We need this classmate's contact information. In addition, we will go to the school to conduct an on-site investigation."

"Oh... ok, can you find that thing? The thing that killed Teacher Sun..."

"We will work hard."

December 21, 2002, audio file analysis. Audio file 01620021221G.wav.

"...It was just an impromptu idea that day. I was tired of doing the papers..."

"There's nothing wrong with these two people. I said, you didn't see the Yin Qi when you went to school that day?"


On December 25, 2002, Hao Jiajun was contacted. Audio file 01620021225.wav.

"Hello, classmate Hao. Xu Chen and Qi Junjie should have introduced us to you. They should also have told us our purpose of coming."


"Classmate Hao, can you tell me about this whole thing?"


"Did you have a conflict with two other classmates? Did they inflict the injuries on your face? Did the school handle this matter?"


"Classmate Hao, it's useless for you to be silent like this. We want to know the truth of the matter and solve the whole thing."

" do you want to solve it?"

"It depends on your attitude, whether you are willing to help us understand the truth of the whole thing. I don't see the yin energy of ghosts in you. What is certain is that the things you encounter are somewhat complicated. If you don't cooperate , I’m afraid we can only solve this complicated matter in a simple and crude way. Let’s solve whoever killed Mr. Sun.”

"No! It's not her!"


"...I...I don't know what to say..."

"It doesn't matter, just talk wherever you want. If you don't know how to start, just start from the very beginning of the matter. The three of you decided to play a prank..."

"It's not three, it was Xu Chen and Xiaojun who scared me was them who scared me first..."

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