Aoba Office

Chapter 1558 Husband and wife (5)

"As I grew older, I often heard my parents talk about the Shimada family. Mrs. Shimada's mother died of illness that year. Her father used to be a big boss and had to do hard labor for others. Her brother was lying in bed. Nothing could be done at home, and Mrs. Shimada had to take care of her. A few years later, Mrs. Shimada's father also passed away. I later heard that her brother committed suicide while Mrs. Shimada was doing laundry and cooking for others. When she was a servant, she committed suicide. When Mrs. Shimada came back, she saw her brother's body, which was stiff...

"My parents said that the Shimada family ended up like this because a friend of Master Shimada, a man named Nakamura, opened a shop next door to the Shimada family. The two families used to have a good relationship, and the young masters of the two families were very old. They grew up together. When the young master of the Zhongcun family came of age, the family agreed to marry a girl from the next town. At that time, there was a war and military recruitment... I heard that there was a marriage. An officer passed by the next town and fell in love with the young lady and wanted to take her back. We don’t know what happened. When we heard about it here, it was the officer who killed the young lady at her home overnight. After moving away, Zhongcun also escaped. Zhongcun's home was later smashed up by a group of people, and his family was imprisoned because of this incident...

“Both families are gone.

"The man from the Nakamura family didn't come back for more than ten years. When he came back, no one recognized him. He asked about his own family and found out about the Shimada family. It took a few more years before he found Mrs. Shimada.

"I don't know what they said. Mrs. Shimada married him. He bought a piece of land on the mountain and opened a hotel. Mrs. Shimada was working with me at that time, so she asked me if I wanted to go with her. I became her servant.

"That man has no identity and dare not tell his identity. He spent money to get a false identity and became the Shimada family's son-in-law. He does not do anything during the day and does not care about the hotel. After marrying Mrs. Shimada, , often run outside.

"Mrs. Shimada later told me that he was looking for the young lady from back then.

"I don't know what happened after that. He stopped going out. Mrs. Shimada was very happy. But not long after, he started to raise cats and adopted wild cats in the mountains. He was very precious and treated his wife better than him.

"The lady seemed to have had a cat before. There was a similar one among the wild cats. He even gave it the same name.

"After Mrs. Shimada became pregnant, her temper became worse and worse. Her pregnancy was very difficult. She experienced too much suffering. Her mother had a difficult time giving birth to her. She was not in good health.

"The two often quarreled during that time. Mrs. Shimada would scold him, and she would scold him for two or three hours in a row. He would not say anything or talk back. Sometimes when he lost his temper, he would just lock himself up or throw Shimada away. Mrs. Tian took her back to her room and ignored her.

"Mrs. Shimada almost died when she gave birth to the young master. The man was not around. I looked for him. When I found him, he was bathing the cat. I told Mrs. Shimada that she was not well, and he Didn’t I ask for a midwife?

"When the young master was born, he was happy for a while, and then he was like that again.

"The relationship between the two of them is not good.

"One day, I was walking with Mrs. Shimada and saw the cat. I didn't know what happened to her suddenly, so I threw the cat into the pool and kept beating the cat with branches. The cat just Drowned.

“That man almost strangled Mrs. Shimada to death because of the cat.

"After the cat died, he started drinking heavily. He got drunk every day.

"... Mrs. Shimada did not kill anyone. It was not murder... I... That day, it suddenly snowed heavily. None of us expected it. I lit a stove and boiled water in my wife's house. My wife also let me sleep in her room. That room. None of us thought about him. They had never lived together since they got married. When the young master was two or three years old, the wife wanted to improve their relationship, and the young master cried. Less than half a year after moving in together, something happened to the cat.

"None of us expected... He usually takes care of himself...

"When I asked him to have breakfast during the day, I discovered that the doors and windows of his room were open. There were wine bottles all over the room. He was unconscious.

"I called my wife, who wanted to save him. We dragged him to the hot springs to warm him up...

"No one thought of it! This kind of thing...who could have thought of it...I was alone, but I had a drink the day before, and I had a fight with my wife, who could have thought of it...

"Later, the police came and asked a lot of questions. My mind was confused. My wife answered. She said he died in the hot spring. The police finally said he drowned.

"...Probably because of fear. After the wife killed the cat, she always felt that there was a ghost and even invited a mage to come. The man was still sarcastic and didn't say anything after that. That's why the wife said that he drowned in the hot spring Inside. She was just scared and haunted... She really did everything she could to save her. She really didn't kill anyone.

"...No. I often hear wild cats meowing. I don't know if... after the mage came, the wild cats disappeared. Nothing happened in the hotel. No one has ever seen a ghost in the hotel."

Tanaka's memories can be connected with the fragments I saw in my dreams.

The old story of Mr. and Mrs. Shimada seems to be a cliché love drama. There is no happy ending, it is stained with blood and evil. Other than that, there's nothing bizarre about it.

The comments below are all about "bullshit" and treat the whole thing as a story. There were also comments that called scumbag men and scumbag women, but had no good words for Shimada and his wife.

I scrolled down and saw a new comment that had been upvoted:

"Foreign media have found the young lady who Zhongcun was engaged to! She lived a happy life with many children and grandchildren. She passed away after celebrating her birthday the year before last. Her life was perfect. # Link"

I subconsciously clicked on the link below.

A foreign news station popped up. The automatic translation of the web page was not good, and some sentences were not fluent. However, if you look at the words, you can probably understand the meaning of the entire article.

The accompanying pictures are two photos: a family portrait, and the old lady sitting in the middle seems to be Miss Sayuri. She looked kind and happy; the black and white photo was exactly the woman I saw holding the cat in my dream.

My eyelids twitched, thinking that it was not a good thing for this photo to appear at this time.

I thought of the girl named Ruan Yuxia. The girl has not been reincarnated for many years, holding the notebook of a crush for many years. She was finally reincarnated and became the boy's daughter. As luck would have it, her crush is Director Ma of the Publicity Department of our demolition office. When the notebook was sent back to Director Ma, she saw the notebook and remembered her past life.

I shuddered and stared at the photo like a ghost.

If Daiki Shimada saw Sayuri now...

The news is dated this morning. Foreign media found Sayuri this morning, no, before today, and released this news this morning.

I suddenly felt dizzy, my body fell straight down, and my soul flew up.

That black and white photo of Sayuri magnified infinitely in front of me.

"Sayuri..." I heard a childish voice, and my consciousness heard the voice of an adult man - Nakamura's voice.

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