Aoba Office

Chapter 1557 Husband and wife (4)

In that weird atmosphere, my soul rose and my consciousness gradually left.

I vaguely saw a cat wandering at the foot of the mountain. It roared unwillingly.

On the road at the foot of the mountain, cars lined up to pass.

I saw Han Ji. No, it's "Han Ji".

"Han Ji" glanced at the cat and looked at it.

The cat calmed down and stopped meowing.

When I came back to my senses, I found that the dream had ended and I had returned to my body.

Being separated from the dreamland gave me an inexplicable feeling of weightlessness. It took me a while to fully wake up from the consciousness of the black and white cat.

It’s Daiki Shimada!

I jumped out of bed.

It’s Daiki Shimada! The target of the female ghost is Daiki Shimada! The enemy she is looking for is Daiki Shimada!

To be precise, her target is the soul of Shimada Daiki, the soul that has been reincarnated.

I find it incredible, and I somewhat understand the female ghost’s thoughts.

She was stripped of her face, humiliated, and executed in public. After her death, no one in that village was willing to let her go, and they would continue to humiliate her for generations to come. It's not surprising that she would turn into a ghost and want revenge.

The village is gone and all the people are dead. They have to find the reincarnation of those souls in order to completely eliminate the hatred.

There is simply no way to stop such behavior.

I suspect their ghosts have other carriers. They cannot be eliminated by Qingye's people using their abilities. Therefore, they feel confident facing Qingye's people and me. They just want revenge.

After the world situation deteriorated, they became unscrupulous and began killing people wantonly.

They are the real evil spirits.

Probably no one can stop such a ghost.

Just killing Daiki Shimada, I'm afraid "Han Ji" won't be able to rest in peace.

I don't know what their plans are. But they obviously weren't ready to give up.

I called Wu Ling and explained the content of the dream.

"By the way," I said at the end, "that cartoonist Bai An, his dreams are not about the future, but about the past. The few scenes he saw were all things that happened in the past."

The moon in the water and the ghost in the shrine are both scenes that happened in the past.

This seems to explain why Bai An is so "quiet". He just draws what he sees and takes no further action.

Anyone who has seen the future will be touched.

Nangong Yao will name the files and decide the number of amulets produced by the office. If it were an ordinary person, he would probably be unable to contain his excitement and curiosity, and would do more things.

Wu Ling's voice was still so tired, which made me feel sorry.

"I'm sorry, isn't it too early?" I looked at the time. It was past seven o'clock, which was a bit early.

Wu Ling replied: "It doesn't matter, it's not your problem." She sighed, "Nangong had a fight with his brother yesterday. Nan Tian..."

I interrupted: "He still wants to save Han Ji?"

This is somewhat incredible.

"Does he know that his brother is in danger if he stays there? This kind of thing..." I paused, not sure whether I should say this as an outsider.

Not close to each other.

If Nangong Yao couldn't figure it out himself, there would be nothing anyone could do to persuade him. Even Wu Ling and other members of Qingye could not prevent Nangong Yao from being dragged into the water by his younger brother.

And this kind of thing seems easy to outsiders. The person involved has feelings that outsiders don't have.

If my parents and my sister were as stubborn as Nan Tian, ​​I wouldn't be able to say harsh words and leave them alone.

This is a very helpless thing.

Even if you are dragged to death, you may not be able to let go before you die.

I asked tentatively: "Did something happen between him and Han Ji? I mean...Actually, the last time he saved Han Ji, he was quite desperate..."

Wu Ling said calmly, "We suspect it is related to his ability."

I asked in surprise: "Ability?"

"He should be hiding some ability from me. He doesn't want to say it. Or, he can't tell it clearly. Or, he just can't tell it." Wu Ling listed several situations, "There is no way to communicate and negotiate now. Nangong wants us to go back to China first, and he will stay here with Nantian. Whatever happens is his own responsibility. "

I don't know how to answer the call.

This is something that is easy for outsiders to say, and they can explain a lot of truths, but it is difficult for the parties involved to do it.

Wu Ling was also involved in "family affairs".

Ye Qing and Liu Miao could be said to have massacred the Wu family in the end. No one from the Wu family escaped, they all died.

If something really happened to Nangong Yao, Qingye's people wouldn't be able to give up.

But Nangong Yao must abandon Nan Tian...

"What on earth is he thinking? Is it..." I want to let Ye Qing talk to Nan Tian. Ye Qing may be able to bear the side effects of Nan Tian's ability. But Ye Qing had no reason to do this. He's already taken on a lot.

Ye Qing has taken on the side effects of my abilities, and maybe Fatty's and theirs. This is all for a purpose. Asking him to bear the side effects of Nan Tian's ability... Considering the friendship between Nangong Yao and Ye Qing, this would probably hurt the relationship between both parties.

I have a headache and there is really nothing I can do.

Wu Ling hung up the phone without saying much.

One Sunday, nothing happened.

Because of this incident, I stopped looking at Aoba’s files. When I go to work in the new week, I am very careful, fearing that I will fall into a dream at any time and fall to the ground, causing unnecessary trouble.

But the whole day was uneventful.

Even the property owner's relatives were very easy to talk to, very cooperative with our work, and signed the contract readily.

After I got home, I refreshed the webpage, looked at the news, and refreshed the new content.

The news is a little delayed, it is a report from country J translated by self-media in the entertainment industry.

I saw a somewhat familiar face in the accompanying photo, it was Tanaka.

Tanaka accepted media interviews.

As one of the parties involved, her identity and experience are obviously much more reliable than those "insiders" in previous reports.

The translation is based on the original text of the interview. The reporter had a question and answer session with Tanaka, including a large section of Tanaka’s memories:

"...Mrs. Shimada's family was originally very harmonious. I was her servant. My father worked as a housekeeper for her father, and my mother and I helped with cooking and housework at her house. Mrs. Shimada had a Her elder brother was more than ten years older than her. Mrs. Shimada's mother had given birth to several other children, but they all died. Later, Mrs. Shimada's mother was not in good health. She was bedridden all year round. Mrs. Shimada did not go out to play when she was a child, and I was her only playmate at that time.

"...I didn't know what exactly happened at the time. I heard it from my father and mother later. All I knew at that time was that one day, Mrs. Shimada's eldest brother was kidnapped by a soldier. Mr. Shimada spent a lot of time. A lot of money was spent to smoothen the relationship and prepare to sell the shop and rescue the young master. As a result, our family was dismissed and no longer worked as servants for the Shimada family. They sold the shop and house and moved to a place near our home.

"My parents took me to have a look at that time. The young master's leg was broken, and he became very frightened. It turned out that the young master Shimada was a very good man. He would buy sweets for Mrs. Shimada and also bring me One portion. He bought beautiful kites and hairpins for Mrs. Shimada...those things are gone..."

Goodnight everybody.

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