Aoba Office

Chapter 1553 Hot Spring Villa Murder Incident (12)

The people outside the paper door stood motionless and silent, as if stone sculptures were lined up at the door.

The director took a deep breath and shouted toward the door. There was still no sound outside.

Someone in the room couldn't help but whimper and say something in fear.

The director scolded in a low voice, then raised his head and spoke to the door.

On the other side of the room, the sky was dimly lit, and it was already time for the sun to rise.

The sunlight spreads on the windows as if to drive away evil spirits.

The figures outside the paper door slowly disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

The director shouted again, but there was still no answer outside the door.

After several people discussed it, the director took the initiative to walk towards the paper door and carefully opened it.


When the door opened, he saw an empty corridor.

The director walked out and shouted twice, then heard footsteps coming from the other end of the corridor.

Everyone held their breath.

The director turned to look at the corridor, showing a wary look, but after talking to the visitor for a few words, he completely relaxed.

The man also walked to the door. It was a staff member of the crew, looking like he had just woken up. He nodded to the people in the room and greeted them politely.

Bian Sijun breathed out. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with what this man said.

But, I saw the yin energy in this person.

The ghost is still there. It should be said that the ghost has never left.

I looked at "Han Ji".

"Han Ji" was so busy that he was not in a hurry to act.

I glanced at Nan Tian and felt that it would be easiest to take this naughty kid away. It's just Ye Qing's side...

Just as I was thinking this, I felt my body sink.

The sun shines on my eyes and revives me.

It was completely bright, and I just returned to my bedroom. The dream is over.

I couldn't help but want to curse.

so terrible.

In this way, the opportunity to bring Nantian back was missed.

Thinking of this, I rubbed my messy hair, grabbed my cell phone, and called Wu Ling.

Wu Ling hesitated after listening to my narrative, "Do you think it was Ye Zi who stopped you?"

"After much thought, it can only be him..." My tone was not so sure.

If it wasn't Ye Qing, she would be a female ghost. If it were a female ghost, it would be even more troublesome. It means that they want to kill Nantian.

Wu Ling asked: "Is it possible that it is Nan Tian himself?"

I was stunned.

"He wanted to save Han Ji, but didn't know what to do, so he chose to rely on your ability. You must be unwilling to do anything unnecessary. In this case, he has reason to prevent you from taking him away." Wu Ling analyzed.

"There is a motive, but does he have that ability?" I asked, but I felt that this question was a bit silly.

Nan Tian said that he was lucky and had no special abilities, but who knew if "good luck" was some kind of special ability? Slim Man can make the supernatural objects he believes in work, and Nan Tian might have a similar ability.

Our inference from the beginning was wrong. He is not a virtuous person, so every time he turns a bad situation into a good one and meets a brother like Nangong Yao, he is not implicated. It's just that his ability is quite special, which makes him live a lucky and safe life to this day, and he can still continue to act.

Wu Ling was silent on the other end of the phone for a while, "I haven't heard that he has any obvious side effects. But judging from your dream, the possibility that he has some kind of ability is quite high. This matter is not yet known. "Clear." She paused, "I now have a general understanding of the situation at the Hot Spring Villa. As expected, those female ghosts are still in a state of heavy snow, but the snow has stopped. In a few hours, we should be able to get through. From what we can see, the Yin Qi in the mountain has also dissipated a lot, and it is all concentrated in the Hot Spring Villa."

Wu Ling requested: "Yes, I hope you can enter the dreamland again. The next few hours may be the key."

I think so.

It happened to be the weekend and I could stay in bed all day.

I agreed to Wu Ling.

After having breakfast with my parents, I went back to the bedroom and lay on the bed thinking about the people in the hot spring villa.

People possessed by female ghosts should all be dead.

There are many people I can possess.

Two or three hours passed and I still had my eyes open.

My sister is back from school.

I was called out, and when I saw my sister's smiling face, my attention was temporarily diverted from the matters at the Hot Spring Villa.

"Ah! Thank you, brother!" My sister opened the express delivery I brought back for her.

I saw the word "Bai An" on the book, and my heart became heavy again.

My mother said that she would cook a delicious meal for her sister. The lunch would be all her favorite dishes. I was called to help.

After lunch, I returned to the room again, and I still didn’t feel like I was about to enter a dream.

I'm a little irritable.

I looked online and found that none of the users I followed were in the film and television industry, so I searched for that crew.

The first piece of news that popped up was that the crew was trapped in the mountains, and the comments below were filled with worried fans. Fans from Nantian account for the majority. This news received a lot of forwards and comments, and was ranked as the first result.

Here is the latest news: the crew has escaped; many people in the crew died unexpectedly.

News is a brief message without detailed content.

I called Wu Ling, but no one answered.

It was around three o'clock in the afternoon when Wu Ling called me.

"...It's out. We received Nantian. But..." Wu Ling's voice was very tired, "Most of the people in the crew are possessed by female ghosts, and they are in the same state as Han Ji. The original person should Already dead. The police are currently investigating, and the crew is still here and cannot leave..."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Wu Ling seemed to be thinking for a long time, "They are confident, do you understand?"

I thought for a while, "You mean, they are not afraid of you?"

"Yes. They are not afraid of us. They don't seem to worry that we will destroy them. I don't know exactly what they are going to do. They refuse to communicate with us, a bit like they are pretending to be stupid and pretending to be the person they possess. Here in Nantian , Nangong doesn’t know how long he can be controlled.” Wu Ling sighed.

I don't know what to do in this situation either.

I can only promise Wu Ling that I will check the situation again when I enter the dreamland.

During dinner in the evening, the accident at Dayu Hot Spring Resort had already made the news. The crew of a detective mystery drama encountered a real Blizzard Mountain-style murder case, and was also involved in an old case and rumors of hauntings. No matter what element it is, it makes readers excited.

The media in Country J immediately published a special report, and the headlines and content of the small newspapers were even more sensational. The entertainment media directly used tongue twisters such as "\u003cHot Springs Villa Murdering Incident\u003e Sakai and Furukawa were involved in the Hot Spring Villa Murder Incident".

Mrs. Shimada's past was revealed. I don’t know where the media got the power to take action, but they actually found many "informants" from the local area to talk about Mrs. Shimada and her husband. Everyone said, "I didn't expect it at all", "Their relationship was very bad", "Mrs. Shimada was not sad when someone died"... Suddenly, everyone seemed to have become a famous detective. , I can see that there was something fishy about the death of Mrs. Shimada’s husband.

The police also stated that Mrs. Shimada had surrendered and was temporarily detained by them.

When I saw this news, I just felt an indescribable weird feeling.

It happened decades ago, and the case had long been treated as an accident, and no body of the deceased was left. According to normal procedures, it is impossible to overturn the original conclusion and re-examine because of Mrs. Shimada's confession.

If Mrs. Shimada did not surrender, it would be impossible for the police to arrest Mrs. Shimada based on the testimony of the crew.

And Mrs. Shimada, will she take the initiative to surrender?

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