Aoba Office

Chapter 1552 Hot Spring Villa Murder Incident (11)

Mrs. Shimada's voice was suppressed. Even though I couldn't understand what she was saying, I could feel the heaviness in her tone.

Nan Tian looked at Bian Sijun.

Bian Sijun stared at Mrs. Shimada and translated slowly: "...My husband is not without identity, but a criminal who cannot live with his original identity. I didn't know this before marrying him. Exactly. Actually, I didn’t marry him. My parents died in an epidemic, and I was the only one left in the family. He probably stole someone’s money and fled to this place. He invaded my house, raped me, and forced me to do many things. I had no way to resist him at that time. I couldn't call the police. The local police didn't want to deal with people like him... He had killed people. , he must have done a lot of bad things... He asked me to use the money to buy land, marry me, and after raping me, I got pregnant and gave birth to Guang..."

Shimada Hikaru showed a dazed expression.

This past must have been something his parents had never told him.

I glanced at Mrs. Yoshinaga and Ms. Sakai. Both of them were slightly surprised and looked at Mrs. Shimada with an inquiring look.

"...Before I gave birth to Guang, I had several pregnancies, but I deliberately aborted them. I didn't want to give birth to his child. I thought of thousands of ways to kill him. He discovered my intention, and in After I became pregnant with Guang, they tied me up and asked people to take care of me, treating me like a beast..."

Mrs. Shimada was so excited that her body was shaking slightly.

She exhaled, regained her composure, and continued her story.

"... After Guang was born, I was imprisoned by him for a long time. I should have gone crazy at that time. It was what people call depression nowadays. I couldn't control my emotions. I resigned myself to my fate... I began to accept this condition of mine. I wanted to accept my fate and live well. He had a cat at that time."

There was obvious disgust on Mrs. Shimada's face.

"The thing scratched Hikaru, and ran around disturbing the guests. Wild cats from the mountains also ran into the hotel. He suddenly became fascinated by those cats, feeding them, raising them, and not restraining them at all. My temper got so bad that I couldn't help but throw a cat into the pool behind the shrine. The cat I drowned was black and white."

Mrs. Shimada continued speaking forcefully.

"He picked up the cat's body and built a grave for it. He didn't know that I killed the cat on purpose. He thought it was an accident and wanted to demolish the pool. He was so frustrated that he wanted to Filling up the hot spring in the hotel to prevent other cats from getting into trouble. But I also felt like I was possessed by a demon. I saw him worrying about those beasts, and I felt revengeful. The cat he buried was dug out and hung with a rope inside the shrine."

Mrs. Shimada sneered.

"It was this incident that made him suspect me. We had a big fight, and he beat me. Then he wanted to imprison me, and even wanted to kill me. We fought many times, and both of us were Like crazy. It was a bad day like now. He was drunk and fell asleep indoors. I saw this was an opportunity to kill him. I opened the window and put out the charcoal fire in the room. The next day, I found that he was actually frozen to death."

Mrs. Shimada's smile widened.

"I was so happy and scared to see him dead. I was afraid that someone would doubt me. Before anyone else found out, I took off his clothes and threw him into the hot spring pool. It was in the hotel. The waiter found his body. There were not many technical methods at that time. Some people also suspected that he drowned in the hot spring, but nothing happened. "

At this time, everyone seemed to be fascinated, staring at Mrs. Shimada's calm behavior.

I saw the hatred on "Han Ji's" face. The Yin Qi in her body also fluctuated.

This surprised me.

Her target is Mrs. Shimada?

Bian Sijun continued to translate Mrs. Shimada's narrative.

"... After he died, I owned the hotel completely. I couldn't remarry, so I raised Guang. I regarded him as my support for the rest of my life. But he remembered that man. After he became an adult, he couldn't wait to get married. He left me and went to live in another place. Even his wife and son were unwilling to let me have contact with him. If I hadn't been old and the land of the hotel was worth a lot of money, he might not have been willing to come back and recognize me as his mother. ”

Mrs. Shimada looked at her son Hikaru Shimada sarcastically.

Shimada Hikaru couldn't help but say a few words.

Bian Sijun opened his mouth wide and stammered: "...he said, he said Mrs. Shimada is a lunatic...believes in something like an evil god...forces him to do anything..."

Mrs. Shimada interrupted Hikaru Shimada's accusation with one word.

"Mrs. Shimada said that it was to protect Hikaru Shimada..."

"She said that she knew that thing had been spying on her and Shimada Hikaru. The cat she killed and the man were always here. She just asked people to do rituals, bought a lot of talismans, and invited Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva from the shrine. She returned to the hotel and worshiped again. She also built a new Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva shrine locally..."

"She said that she was doing it to protect them. It had been normal in the hotel before. Until he came back to inherit the land of the hotel and asked someone to measure and appraise it... It must have been that time that someone destroyed the... barrier here? I don't know I understand the word she said so well, it seems to be the name of some magic ritual...ah..."

Bian Sijun covered his mouth.

Shimada Hikaru said something before.

I saw everyone looked surprised.

Daiki Shimada was pulled in front of Hikari Shimada.

The child still looked confused.

Shimada Hikaru held Shimada Daiki's shoulders and asked something.

Daiki Shimada cried "Wow" and yelled one word.

I can understand this word.

He's saying "cat."

Bian Sijun murmured: "They said, Shimada Hikaru said that this was all caused by Shimada Daiki. Shimada Daiki came here when he was born. There was a cat at the door at that time... It was Shimada Daiki who was crying... His father took the cat He brought them in... When Shimada saw the cat, he scolded them. The cat ran away and couldn't be found. It was a black and white cat, just like... Mrs. Shimada killed her. The dead one..."

They took the initiative to bring the cat into the house and into the enchantment.

I looked at "Han Ji".

The hatred in "Han Ji"'s eyes has disappeared.

Mrs. Shimada stared at her great-grandson Shimada Daiki for a while, then slowly closed her eyes.

I asked "Han Ji": "Is that your... partner?"

This is the most reasonable explanation I can think of.

That cat is not a female ghost.

It obviously has its own purpose, perhaps it was bribed by the female ghosts, or perhaps it was to avenge Mrs. Shimada for killing him. It sneaked into the house first, gradually destroying the defense that Mrs. Shimada had put up so hard.

Honda was lured to death...

Ono, Takahashi, and that woman who were later killed...

Mrs. Shimada said something to the director, which caused the director to escape from the hotel. They entered the mountain and saw a shrine and a waterhole. That is the real territory of the female ghost. They were frightened by the female ghost and the cat and begged them back, completely destroying the fence.

All defenses are gone.

During the time they left, I am afraid that the female ghosts who had sneaked into the hotel had completely taken over the place. Everyone here is possessed by them.

I kept looking at "Han Ji".

If they want to take revenge, they already have enough chance of winning.

"Han Ji" didn't mean to take any action. She was always unhurried.

I thought of the client who died at the hands of the female ghost, of the people Qingye investigated who were driven crazy and frightened to death by them, and of Yiyi who died in the pond for a long time and could not be reincarnated...

For female ghosts, attacking living people may not be just for revenge, and revenge should not simply kill the reincarnation of the enemy.

I have some chills.

They want to torture the people they hate...

Mrs. Shimada was not scared yet, and most of the people present were not scared to the point of collapse.

It's not time for them to take their lives yet.

Suddenly there was heavy footsteps outside the door.

The shadows of many people were reflected on the paper door. Those people stood outside the door, filled the corridor, and stopped outside the room without saying a word.

The people in the room left the door in unison, staring nervously at the thin paper door.

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