Aoba Office

Chapter 1535

After turning a corner, the child and cat were gone, and only the sound of a child running could be heard echoing in the hotel.

The few people continued along the corridor without raising any suspicion. After a few steps, they saw a fork in the road. There were no children on the road for several days. At this time, no one was still worried. Even the Shimada family felt guilty and felt that they had disturbed the crew's work.

"Nothing. Find the child first."

"We can just do it ourselves. He can't go anywhere."

"Just don't run into your filming location. I'm so sorry."

"Then let's look for it separately."

The crowd dispersed.

They didn't shout loudly, but called the child's name quietly.

"Big tree kid."

"Daiki Shimada."

"Look at the room over here."

The person traveling with Honda opened the paper door at hand.

He walked in and looked, and Honda was standing at the door.

"No one. Really, where did he go?"

The two people continued to move forward, and when they walked further, they reached a fork in the road.

"I'll go this way."


At this time, Honda was finally the only one left.

I'm more alert.

If something happens, it must be now.

"Daiki-kun. Little Shimada Daiki. Your mother is looking for you." Honda shouted softly.

The only sounds in the corridor were his voice, his footsteps, and the creak of the wooden floors.

"Daiki-kun..." Honda gradually walked to the bathroom in front of the large hot spring pool.

There seemed to be the sound of water coming from the bathroom.

Honda stopped and listened. The sound came from the men's bathroom.

"Is there anyone there? Mr. Dashu?" Honda opened the curtain, walked in, and opened the sliding door inside.

There was no one in the changing room.

I floated into the bathroom first.

There was no one in the bathroom.

One of the faucets leaked, and water dropped onto the tiles.

I smelled the earthy smell again, with the smell of grass and another strange smell that I couldn't explain.

"Mr. Dashu?" Honda changed his shoes, walked into the bathroom, and continued walking in.

Again I was one step ahead of the Honda.

The hot steam from the hot spring hit my face, and the strange smell was even more overwhelming.

I took a step back and faced off against the Honda that came in.

Honda walked to the hot spring pool hesitantly, "No way..."

He took a look and seemed to find nothing unusual.

A rustling sound came from the edge of the hot spring pool.

"Who? Mr. Dashu?" Honda turned his head.

The white cat sprang out from the nearby bushes, wiped Honda's feet, and ran indoors.

"Ah!" Honda was startled and fell back.

The ground was slippery, and Honda lost his balance and fell into the hot spring pool with a thud.

I was still staring at the cat and subconsciously reached out my hand.

I couldn't catch the cat.

The cat didn't stop, ran straight past the bathroom and through the dressing room, and disappeared without a trace.

I turned and looked.

Honda flopped twice in the hot spring pool and stood up.

He wiped a handful of wet hair and face.

"It's really..." Honda didn't come out in a hurry and looked around.

The cat is here, but the Shimada tree is nowhere to be seen.

Honda was a little uneasy, thinking of the sound of water he heard, and shouted twice more. He hesitated for a while, lowered his head and dived to check the situation in the pool.

It's dark and there are no lights here. The light in the bathroom came out, but it couldn't illuminate the entire bottom of the hot spring pool.

I followed and sank into the water and found nothing unusual.

I floated out right away.

Sure enough, it was the hot spring water that gave off the strange smell.

Honda didn't seem to notice anything. He stood up, took a deep breath, and then dived down to explore for a while.

After confirming that the child had not fallen into the water, he climbed out of the pool.

He's not dead.

He walked out of the hot spring step by step, went to the changing room to get a clean towel, then returned to the bathroom to take off his wet clothes and take a shower. After wiping his body and putting on the bathrobe prepared in the dressing room, he walked out with his clothes in his hands.

"Honda, what happened?"

The man who was traveling with Honda just now came over.

"Falled into the hot spring. The cat just ran out of it. I didn't see the child."

"Really... you go change your clothes. I'll go check somewhere else. Maybe the person has been found."

Honda nodded.

He was about to leave when he heard the sound of water again.

The sound of crashing seems to be non-existent.

Honda stopped.

The man had already passed the fork in the road and turned onto another road. He disappeared and even the sound of his footsteps disappeared.

Honda looked at it.


The sound of water again.

Honda just thought for a moment, then approached the women's bathroom and asked carefully: "Is there anyone there?"

No one answered.

He opened the curtain, "Excuse me. Sorry, is there anyone? I'm coming in."

Entering the locker room, Honda still saw no one, but the sound of water became clearer.

I still entered the bathroom and hot springs ahead of Honda.

The bathroom was empty, but by the hot spring pool, the cat was lying on the rocks, stirring the water with its paws.

Its green eyes stared at me.

I thought I was being seen, but then I realized that it was looking at the door.

Honda lowered his head and opened the sliding door.

"Excuse me. Is anyone there?"

The cat stopped, turned over, and hid behind the rocks.

Honda didn't see the cat.

I became confused.

There was no yin energy in that cat, but it was very abnormal. Is it that ghost? No, I have seen ghost hands in my dreams. Not this cat.

I searched everywhere, but still couldn't find any trace of the ghost.

Honda approached the hot spring pool and asked, "Mr. Dashu?" He stretched out his hand to stir up the water, but did not go down directly.

After another moment of hesitation, Honda took off his yukata and jumped out of the hot spring.

The sound of water was rushing.

Honda fumbles at the bottom of the pool.

The hot spring pool is not deep for adults, but it is enough to drown a five or six-year-old child.

After searching for a long time and finding no one, Honda stood up.

His body shook a little and his head felt dizzy.

The heat of the hot spring made him feel slightly uncomfortable.

Honda was about to climb out when the cat suddenly jumped out.

"Ah!" Honda was caught off guard, his grip on the stone loosened, and he fell backwards.

A sharp pain shot through his ankle.

Two falls made his tired legs unable to hold on.

Honda flopped in the water, panicking.

It was clear that he could expose his shoulders and chest as long as he stood up, but he couldn't stand still.

I saw the cat squatting by the hot spring pool, maintaining its noble and graceful appearance, its green eyes looking down at Honda struggling in the hot spring.

I didn't wait for the ghost, but I was already sure that there was something wrong with the cat, and Honda was asking for help in front of me, so I decided to take action.

Blah blah blah, blah blah...


I reached into the hot springs and grabbed Honda's arm.

Like most people who drown, the Honda grabbed me reflexively.

The weight of an adult man is not light, especially when he is struggling desperately and irrationally, it is even harder to control.

I wrapped my arms around Honda's neck from behind and tried to lift him up.

At this time, I suddenly discovered that the fishy smell of the pool water was even stronger.

Something is changing in the air.

"Uh! Uh!!" Honda's fearful mood rushed into my consciousness.

He also noticed something was wrong with the water in the pool. I lifted his head out of the water, and I saw the strange green eyes of the cat.

"Ah! Uh! Gugu..." Honda shook off my hand, as if he was about to open his mouth to shout, and the pool water poured into his mouth.

"Hey..." I wanted to pull Honda up again, but my stretched out hand was in vain.

Honda's body sank to the bottom of the pool.

I screamed secretly and sank into the water.

As soon as I fell asleep, I saw Honda's hunched body floating in the pool. His eyes were staring and his mouth was open. Something floated in his mouth.

In the blink of an eye, Honda was dead!

Goodnight everybody.

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