Aoba Office

Chapter 1534

This Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has a three-headed body with a round head and an oval body. It does not look as majestic as the Bodhisattva, but it is very cute. There was a red silk scarf tied around its neck, which seemed to have just been tied and was fluttering slightly in the wind.

The couple nodded to Honda and said "hello."

Honda looked a little embarrassed, lifted the plastic bag in his hand, and explained his purpose.

"Oh, thank you so much. I wanted to go down the mountain and buy it myself. Thank you so much." The grandson of the Shimada family bent down and took the plastic bag, and his wife bent down to thank him.

"You're welcome, we're here to disturb you. Sorry, I disturbed you just now." Honda apologized.

"Nothing, no interruption. I just took my wife for a walk. She has never been here before."

"Oh, I see."

The grandson-in-law of the Shimada family showed a shy smile.

"My grandmother has always taken care of this place. My father and I both have other jobs. There were many old customers here when I was a kid, but now many of them have passed away or moved away."

"I see."

The two said a few words, and Honda was ready to say goodbye and leave.

"I won't disturb you two anymore."

"No, no. I delayed your work."

They bowed to each other politely, and Honda left along the corridor.

At the corner, Honda looked back as he turned around.

The couple were still standing in front of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, talking together.

Honda had a little doubt in his mind.

It seems a bit unconventional to enshrine Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the hotel.

I don't know much about this. I only know from the fragmented consciousness in Honda's mind that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is a Bodhisattva who sends people to rebirth. He usually sends children to reincarnate. He is a kind of Buddha who protects children. In my own impression, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is a Bodhisattva who stays in hell and saves the sinners there. I don’t know if this is a cultural difference or if our memories are not correct.

Honda didn't take it seriously. I didn't detect any strange aura from that Buddha statue either. At least, that Buddha statue didn't have the special power that the Buddha's head had when I met the virtual Buddha before.

The day just passed.

Nothing weird happened to Honda.

The sun sets and the moon rises. When the moon sets and the sun rises, a new day begins, and Honda's life begins to countdown.

He looked much the same as he had the past few days.

My face looked uglier than the previous few days, and I was more mentally exhausted.

After being busy for many days, the entire crew looked very tired.

When I got up early, someone complained about the environment of Datongpu.

"Ah, my back hurts so much..."

"Me too. I'm not used to sleeping like this."

"I want a soft bed!"

Several men yelled a few words.

When having breakfast, many people don’t know what to eat.

I felt a fishy smell from Honda's consciousness.

I lowered my head and smelled it. The earthy smell seemed to be there but I couldn't find the source.

I turned my head and looked at the hotel.

There is no yin energy, no ghosts.

I don't know if my nerves are getting too frayed, or if Honda is feeling unwell and has a taste problem.

Today's shooting started a little late. The director and screenwriter discussed and changed the original script. The scene was rearranged and a few small details left the director dissatisfied.

"No, no, that's not how it feels." The director shook his head repeatedly.

The room that was decorated was the character's room of Mrs. Shimada, but the director always felt that it was not spooky enough.

"This is too exaggerated." The director shook his head again, "It just doesn't feel right."

A group of people are struggling.

Someone yawned and muttered, hating the director for being troublesome.

"It's just a live-action movie with an original plot, so why go to all this trouble?" someone standing with Honda complained.

I really want to echo this man's words. If you want to create an indoor scene and shoot it in a studio, it won’t be that much trouble.

Honda didn't answer, as if he didn't listen to the man's complaints. But if he really didn't listen, I wouldn't be able to understand what that man said.

"Ah, cat," the man said suddenly, pointing outside the room.

There was a snow-white cat in the corridor. It ran in from nowhere and looked at everyone in the room with its green eyes.

My heart skipped a beat.

I didn't notice the cat approaching at all.

It is not a ghost and has no yin energy in it.

"Is it the Shimada family cat? It looks like a pet."

Everyone was talking.

The director's attention was also attracted.

The cat squatted quietly on the ground, looking at everyone with its round eyes. Its body was wrapped in fluffy long hair, and its two ears were pointed straight up. Its posture looked noble and elegant.

Someone came up to tease it.

The cat stood up, flicked its tail, turned and ran away.

"Eh-" Many people said in unison and screamed.

I was secretly surprised and floated out, chasing the cat's back.

The cat looks white from the front, but the fur on its back is black.

It reminded me of the cat Honda saw that day.

It seems to be the same one.



As soon as the cat ran to the corner of the corridor, a woman's cry came from the corner.

After a while, the granddaughter-in-law of the Shimada family came over.

Everyone looked at each other and greeted each other.

The grandson-in-law of the Shimada family asked: "Is that the cat brought by the crew?"

"Isn't it raised by your family?"

"No. Grandma doesn't like cats. We have a dog at home, but we didn't bring it with us."

The more I thought there was something wrong with that cat.

"Add a cat! A strange-looking cat! A black cat!" the director clapped his hands and suddenly said.

"Director, where can we find a black cat?" the props team leader complained.

The screenwriter interjected: "The previous plots didn't have this."

"Then put some cat decorations, specimens, specimens in the room. Get more. Well, Mrs. Shimada made specimens of previously dead cats. Put one here. One specimen, and the others are Portrait. Can we add it to the plot? There is no need to change the few scenes we shot before." The director seemed to be bursting with inspiration.

The grandson-in-law of the Shimada family stood for a while before looking for someone to ask about the upcoming shooting arrangements. Her son was young and couldn't sit still. He had been in the mountains for a few days and wanted to go out to play.

"I'm so sorry for causing you trouble."

The housekeeper came out to negotiate with the Shimada family.

"Grandma and father are staying at the hotel. If you need anything, you can tell them directly. Grandma knows best about the hotel. In fact, we don't know much about it."

After the two parties agreed, the grandson-in-law of the Shimada family left.

Throughout the morning, the director and the prop team finally finished the layout of the room, and filming officially started in the afternoon.

In the evening, a group of people moved to the suite to film part of the plot of Nan Tian.

Honda originally planned to watch the fun as usual. When several people passed the hotel door, they heard the sound of a car.

The Shimada family who went out during the day came back.

The grandson-in-law of the Shimada family held the child, and her husband parked the car and took the child. Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law held hands and entered the hotel together.

The child woke up when he entered, squinted his eyes sleepily, and changed his position.

"Sorry for coming back so late."

"Are you still filming?"

"There's another scene tonight."

The couple put on indoor slippers respectively, and the child was passed between them. The man is holding the child while the woman changes the child's shoes.

"Cat!" the child suddenly pointed forward and said.

Everyone turned their heads.

The cat I saw during the day was sitting in the hallway.

"Meow——" it added, stretching its body.

The child jumped to the ground with a splash, still wearing his sneakers, and ran after the cat.

"Big tree!" His mother shouted, trying to chase, but she tripped over her slippers.

"Hey, is it the cat raised by the crew?" The man still didn't react.

"No, it seems like...a wild cat. It slipped in from somewhere."

"It's better to catch it early."

The cat turned around and scurried out.

The child kept chasing.

"Don't get hurt."

"Catch up first."

Amid the murmurs of discussion, Honda also ran after the child with everyone.

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