Aoba Office

Chapter 1531

This is not good news. It sounds like Wu Ling and the others are at their wits' end.

After all, they are not really supermen, they are just a group of professionals who have ways to deal with ghosts. Heavy snow has closed the mountains and the signal is interrupted. What may be needed is the help of the local disaster relief department. But the actual situation may be that the local disaster relief department is helpless and can only wait for this natural disaster to pass by itself.

I thought about my ability and said in a deep voice: "Then I will find a way to check it out. Is there a list of the crew?"

Directly possessing Nan Tian is the most risky move. I might have taken this risk again last night, but now that the impulse has passed, I have thought of a safer way. The best way is to possess a member of the crew first, see the situation, and then make a plan. There are dozens of people in a crew, right? If the situation is not urgent, I can spend a few days to investigate the situation, discuss it with Wu Ling and the others, and then decide how to solve the matter.

"It has been checked. It will be sent to you later." Wu Ling replied.

The call was transferred to Nangong Yao.

"Lin Qi." Nangong Yao's voice was hoarse, "My brother, please trouble you..."

"You don't have to be so polite. I will definitely do my best to save him."

Nangong Yao didn't say anything more, but solemnly thanked me.

After hanging up the phone, Shouzi and the others couldn't wait to ask.

After hearing what I said, the thin man's eyes widened.

"So unlucky? Shooting "Hot Springs Villa Murder Incident" really turned into "Hot Springs Villa Murder Incident"."

Shouzi has dabbled a lot in this area. Most of the detective dramas in Country J are in the secret room murder case and Blizzard Villa models, which seem to be similar to the situation Nan Tian encountered. It's just that the ghosts in those detective mystery dramas are all fake. The ghost Nan Tian encountered was real.

"Nangong Yao's brother should not be in danger. He is abroad. If it is haunted, it should be someone from their own country. Revenge or something..." Guo Yujie said.

This possibility is very high, and Nantian's luck is indeed very good, maybe he will turn bad luck into good luck.

But even if I have such expectations and speculations in my heart, I still have to do what needs to be done.

"Brother Qi, just rest. Just stay in the car." Fatty said.

I thought about it and nodded.

Wu Ling has already passed on the crew list. She explained the situation of this crew. Because it is still in the confidentiality stage, the information released to the outside world is not complete. Nangong Yao invaded the production company's system and found the travel ticket purchase records of their staff. But the problem is that this kind of crew often recruits temporary external personnel, recruits some local staff, and also outsources some work. The hotel where they filmed the scene is an old hotel. The business is very deserted. It is in a semi-closed state. It is about to close down. It was not prosperous in the first place, so there is no too detailed information.

The information is incomplete and has little impact on me entering the dream state.

However, without knowing the details of everyone, the more people there are, the more complicated the matter will be, and it will be impossible for Qingye's people to investigate the truth of the incident from the outside. Even if the ghost came for revenge, it would be difficult for them to find his target.

I have to go to the scene and discover everything myself.

The car stopped at the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants. The thin man and the others went to work, and I sat alone in the back seat of the car.

I opened the list of people and looked at them one by one.

The director of the crew is named Otsuka Ichiro, a middle-level director in Country J, who often directs some commercial dramas. This time the movie "Hot Springs Villa Murder Incident" is a live-action movie adapted from the comic book, and it is the third in the series. It has a new original plot and is written and written by the original author himself. The previous two live-action movies were also directed by Ichiro Otsuka.

I don't know this director Otsuka Ichiro. This person is not the staff member who accidentally drowned yesterday. The director's experience is quite detailed. Judging from his public resume, he is a person with limited talents, but he works seriously and has never been involved in any disputes.

The male protagonist of the movie, the detective, is named Furukawa Kazuma. He is a new generation of actors in J country. He is not an idol star, but an actor who came from a theater troupe, and his parents are also actors in the theater troupe. He has no scandals and no relationship experience. He seems to be someone who has never been involved in disputes and does not seem to have any enemies.

The heroine is a face I am familiar with, Mitsuki Sakai, one of the more famous actresses in J country. She has a sweet appearance and clear eyes. The roles she plays are all lovable, sweet and lovely girls. There are no scandals, and her image is that of a pure actress. Judging from the public information, she doesn't look like someone who would make enemies with others.

The next ones on the list are all the behind-the-scenes staff of the film crew. Among the confirmed supporting actors, apart from Nan Tian, ​​there is only an old lady from Country J, who is also a senior actor from Country J. She is both talented and talented, and she also does not seem to be able to make enemies with others.

At the end of the list is an unidentified person named Shota Honda, who is a handyman on the crew and does some assistant work such as recording and props. What is certain is that the staff member who died yesterday was Shota Honda.

I only scanned other people's information and focused all my attention on this Honda Shota.

After staring at that photo for a long time, this man's face, which looked very ordinary to the outside world, was imprinted in my mind, and I gradually got a feeling for it.

The body becomes light and airy for a while, and becomes extremely heavy for a while.

My soul and body are gradually separating.

The surrounding scenery changes with blur, and the color changes from bright to dark.

The sky seemed to turn dark unconsciously, and from day to night, I heard many voices, which were in foreign languages ​​​​that I could not understand.

After a while, I felt the consciousness of another person. I still couldn’t understand the language I didn’t understand, but I somehow understood the meaning.

Hot Spring Villa... Dayama Hot Spring Villa, the owner Mrs. Shimada, an old lady wearing a kimono appeared in my mind.

She put on makeup, combed her hair into a neat bun, and showed a polite smile. There were other people standing around her, including four generations of her family. The youngest great-grandson was only five years old this year. She had a pot head, big eyes, and baby fat. Mrs. Shimada held the little boy's hand. Her son and grandson are apologizing. It seems that out of curiosity and being fans of Mitsuki Sakai, the whole family came to the hotel to watch the filming.

Director Otsuka Ichiro, who I had just seen in the photo, appeared in the field of vision. He was far away and could not hear what he was saying. The busy staff around him murmured. My consciousness received the message that Director Otsuka invited the Shimada family to play supporting roles. He seems to have some relationship with the Shimada family. His hometown is in the small city where the hotel is located, so he decided to place the filming location here. The original author was also invited to live here for a period of time, which inspired him.

In whispers, the crew got busy.

The bodies of Shota Honda and I are separated, but we can't be too far apart. People around me are speaking a language I don't understand, and if Honda doesn't "translate", I'll be scratching my head here.

I didn't see Nan Tian, ​​nor did anyone mention his name, so I could only suppress my thoughts for the time being and observe the situation of this hot spring resort first.

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