Aoba Office

Chapter 1530 Ghost in the Mountain

My eyes went dark until I saw the moon.

Not a full moon, but a new moon. The moonlight was a little dim and blocked by the leaves.

My whole body seemed to be traveling through the woods at night, speeding past those strange-looking trees.

I was flying higher and higher, until I reached the treetops.

In the distance, I saw red buildings, like gate posts and archways. As I flew closer, I discovered that it was a torii gate.

The red paint on the surface of the torii gate has been mottled and peeled off.

When I walked through the gaps in the torii gate, I seemed to see traces of moth infestations.

In a whoosh, the torii was left behind me. My body descended into the woods.


The cat's meowing was extremely shrill.

My eyes suddenly opened up, as if the trees had given way because of the cat's meow.

I saw the shrine in the forest, dilapidated and crude, with only a small house left.

A pair of eyes appeared in the dark shadow of the room.

The non-human vertical pupils sparkled in the dark night.

A hand then stretched out from the darkness and stroked the little thing.

It closed its eyes comfortably, and its entire figure disappeared into the dark shadows.

The sound of gurgling water came, pulling my body away.

The stream flows down the mountain, as if melted snow has carved a path through the woods.

The road continued to go down and reached the mountainside.

A mountain village is surrounded by white snow.

Naughty heat rises from the villa.

My body suddenly sank, falling into the villa and floating on the water.

Gudu, Gudu...

Something is rising from the bottom of the water.

My heart beat wildly, and the strange scene I had seen not long ago appeared in my mind.

Gudu, Gudu...

The thing finally got close to the water.

The first thing I saw was a pair of feet, then my legs, my belly...


A straight body emerged like this. That face was a weathered face belonging to a middle-aged man.

This was really beyond my expectation.

The face was distorted and deformed, but even so, I was certain that it was not the grimace in Bai An’s painting.

My nerves were stretched to the extreme. I was caught off guard and seemed to snap.

My consciousness also returned to my body.

This is not a dream created by my powers.

I seemed to have overlapped with Bai An's consciousness just now. What I saw was very graphic content, rather than being immersed in someone's soul and traveling through time and space.

I rubbed my forehead.

"Lynch? Lynch!"

Wu Ling's voice came from the mobile phone that was left on the bed.

I picked up the phone and said, "I'm here. Just now, I saw something else. I may have seen what Bai An saw."

After Wu Ling listened to my description, he said: "The crew over at Nantian just had an accident, and a staff member fell into the water and drowned."

My breath hitches.

"The crew has temporarily suspended work. Nangong has asked him to leave there as soon as possible. But things may not go so smoothly. We bought a ticket and will rush there as soon as possible. If you have any situation here, please contact us immediately." Wu Ling said.

I agreed, but my heart was still heavy.

That sense of depression did not disappear because of the information Wu Ling said.

It was not Nantian who had the accident, but I was still very uneasy.

The feeling that something was about to happen made me very uncomfortable.

I've had similar feelings before, but never so strong.

I instinctively felt that this time it would be something big.

Is it some kind of monster from country J?

The cat's eyes I saw, the hands I saw...

There should be quite a lot of similar legends in J country, right? They are already famous for their ghost films, ghost stories and other themes, and there are all kinds of folklore...

I got a headache, and after hanging up the phone, I couldn't sleep.

But then, I didn’t dream anymore. Even though I kept thinking about these things, I never dreamed about anything again. He didn't enter the dreamland, and he didn't see Bai An's "dream".

When I woke up in the morning, I checked my phone first and looked at Bai An’s social media page that I followed yesterday.

Bai An posted a message at four o'clock in the morning: "I always feel bad. It seems like something big is about to happen."

My heart skipped a beat. Could it be that my premonition comes from Bai An's feelings? Or are Bai An and I thinking of going together?

There was no new news from Wu Ling, and I didn't call Nan Tian rashly.

I was really worried that there would have been nothing wrong with Nan Tian, ​​and his luck could have prevented it, but instead it was because of my unnecessary actions that it brought him bad luck.

This has happened once.

The disaster in Yangshan District has not passed long yet.

I got up, washed up, went to have breakfast with my parents, and then went out to work.

During the morning rush hour on Friday, everyone looked different from usual, and seemed much happier.

Normally, I would probably have the same expression. I have my weekly rest tomorrow, so I should feel relaxed. But now, I am restless, and I take out my phone to check it from time to time.

When I got to work, I couldn't help but talk about this matter with Shouzi and the others.

Everything was normal for them, they didn't feel any abnormal atmosphere, and their mood was the same as that of most office workers.

"Brother Qi, are you the same as that Bai An? Do you feel what he feels and think what he thinks?" said the thin man.

"Maybe. It's just very uncomfortable." I rubbed my forehead and felt that a nerve in my head was hanging, and it would hurt occasionally.

"Why don't you take a rest?" the thin man asked worriedly.

I smiled bitterly.

For me to be able to rest, I definitely allowed myself to relax.

"Do something to distract yourself." I breathed.

"The work is almost done. There are still a few households that have not signed contracts," Chen Xiaoqiu said.

The Six Workers and Peasants Villages are really prone to disasters, which brings a lot of convenience to our work. Many property owners may have been unwilling to demolish and move out, and may have had to bargain over demolition compensation, but now they feel as if they are being chased, rushing to get money to move.

Jiang You and his team next door are a little envious of our high efficiency.

"Today we have an appointment with Mrs. Song and her family," the fat man said.

"Song Xian?"


This old lady was originally the focus of our attention. The two sons in her family were somewhat at loggerheads and could not reach a consensus. She herself pretended to be deaf and dumb, saying nothing and letting her two sons quarrel. I don’t know if Xu Guangzong’s incident happened before, but the two brothers Xu Gang and Xu Tie’s family was ruined and no one in the family escaped. The result frightened them. Song Xian’s two sons disappeared, almost becoming like Mrs. Song herself. They were just as taciturn. Whatever we told them, they took it very seriously and followed the rules exactly. Nothing else mattered to them.

We were also relieved. It’s always better to put in a little less effort.

After sorting out our things in the unit office, we set out for the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants.

On the way, my cell phone rang. It was Wu Ling calling.

I answered the phone nervously, praying in my heart that there would be good news.

Wu Ling's voice was a little tired, "Lin Qi, you'd better be prepared in the next two days."

There was a blank moment in my mind, "What's wrong?"

"The crew was filming with heavy snow on the ground, and the snowy mountains were closed. There was no way to get in or out. The signal was also interrupted," Wu Ling said.

The blank in my mind continued, "Road closure? Signal interruption? Are you kidding me? Where did their crew go to shoot the scene?"

Shouldn't a film and TV show called "Hot Springs Resort Murder Incident", which has foreign idol stars as supporting roles, be a commercial production shot in a studio? Is it still like the kind of literary masterpiece that rushes to win awards and travels to deep mountains and forests to shoot scenes?

"The crew found a hotel with a history. It's in the mountains, and the transportation itself is not very good. The snow... is also a bit strange. We are in a nearby town now, and we can see the yin energy on the mountain... Through visual inspection "There is a fierce ghost on the mountain, it may be the thing you saw," Wu Ling said.

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