Aoba Office

Chapter 1523 No. 020-Horror Story (8)

On June 24, 2003, Hu Jie was contacted. Audio file 02020030624.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Hu."


"Mr. Hu?"

"You... really have a way?"

"Yes. We can see the Yin Qi on your body now. You must have met ghosts and been in contact with ghosts for a long time."


"Can you tell me what happened to you? We already know what happened on the highway that day from your two classmates, Miss Wu Xue and Miss Hong Xiaoai, and we have also watched the video. At that time, Ms. Tao you met Still alive, the thing your car hit wasn’t a person, it was just a tire.”

"I know... I know... Huh... I was driving that day and we told ghost stories... I have never been afraid of this, not even watching horror movies. I don't believe in this kind of thing. I have never encountered it. I didn’t believe anything about that kind of supernatural incident... That day, when I was driving, I was just afraid that I would hit someone and kill someone... Pedestrians are not allowed on the highway, and no one should be walking on the highway. Maybe I won’t be responsible in the end, but if I hit someone, I would still be in a lot of trouble. That’s what I was afraid of at the time, and for several days afterwards!”


"Huh... I was scared when I saw the newspaper. I thought about the worst case scenario, whether I should surrender or something. I also watched the video many times, and I thought about it many times. I was very sure that I was not hit. Tong Ranran... Tong Ranran kept shouting. She was really nervous after that. I heard Wu Xue and the others said that she was. There were a lot of things in the dormitory! I was afraid that if she continued like this, she would be reported first if we didn't turn herself in. In the end, even if we were not legally responsible, the matter would be punished... I These are all I think about...I think about very realistic things..."


"Wu Xue told us that the woman was mentally ill and was hit by a truck and died. I know it's not good, but when I heard what she said, I'm not going to lie to you, my heartbeat was very fast and I was very excited. This thing has something to do with It doesn't matter to us! This thing should be over! Li Peng thinks so too! Tong Ranran is really sick... If she doesn't give up, it's not over yet. I don't know if she's guilty or nervous. She might just be nervous... She's making things worse and worse. There's a boy in the same class as Tong Ranran in the dormitory next to us. He lives near a high school. He said that he saw Tong Ranran burning paper money in the middle of the night, and she also asked for some talismans, got some talisman water, and even made ghosts. "

"You said you heard this from your classmate. Can you give us the name of that classmate? We may need to contact him to confirm these clues."

"I have his phone number. He told me to be careful. He warned me and Li Peng. We didn't believe it... we didn't believe it..."

"What did he remind you of?"

"He said that Tong Ranran had a problem when she was in high school. It was the things girls played with, including Pen Fairy and Dish Fairy. Tong Ranran seemed to have had an incident. She had a big quarrel with a girl, and then that The girl transferred to another school. There was a rumor among the girls in their school that the girl who transferred to another school died. Tong Ranran never took her to see her after that. I took her to see it. When she went to school, she wore a chain on her hand. The school didn't allow it. When the teacher wanted to confiscate it, she started crying and made a fuss. The teacher didn't know what to say. What, she agreed to bring those things. We didn’t see what she brought to the university. She was very reacting in the car that day, and after the accident... damn... she must have done something... We have nothing to do with that dead woman! We were not the ones who killed her! The driver is not dead! Tong Ranran himself is dead, and Li Peng..."

"You saw what happened to Li Peng, right?"

"...Yes...I saw...I saw...that red dress...I saw...she disappeared all of a sudden, but I really saw it. She was standing behind Li Peng. She pushed Li Peng, she pushed Li Peng!”

"Did you see her face?"

"No. She wore her hair down."

"This is a photo of Ms. Tao we found. She is about 1.65 meters tall, with a medium build and long hair. Take a look to see if it is her."

"What? Could it be that...fuck...Tong Ranran has attracted something else? I knew...fuck..."

"Mr. Hu, please confirm whether the female ghost you saw is this Ms. Tao."

"I don't know... I didn't see the face... It shouldn't be 1.65 meters, it should be 1.6 meters... No, it should be taller... Hiss..."

"The height of 1.65 meters is about here."

"Taller than this, probably taller than this... I don't know, I just saw it, not very clear. He's shorter than me, so he should be shorter than me. I'm just over 1.7 meters tall. It should be... about the same... ...I don’t know. She disappeared immediately. It was similar to what I saw on the road.”

"Did you encounter anything strange after you dropped out of school?"

"No, not at home. I met it at school. I saw the female ghost at school. It was in the dormitory building across the street. When I was on the balcony of the dormitory, I saw a man in red clothes standing in the window opposite. He was not a man. Opposite. It was a male dormitory. The one with long hair was the female ghost. I didn’t dare to look closely and ran away. I also saw her from the corridor window when school was over. Next. Many people were leaving and entering the teaching building, but she stood in the crowd and disappeared after a while. She even looked up at me... She was probably looking for me... so I called in sick and went home. I told my parents and teachers that I was scared and needed to rest... I was really scared... Wang Ning reminded me - Wang Ning is Tong Ranran's high school classmate - he reminded me to be careful, Me too... He later asked me about the life-saving charms that Tong Ranran was playing with, and I asked him for one. Easy. It’s all their high school stuff. Many people have lost it and thrown it away.”

"Can I take a look?"

"Yeah. That's it. I haven't seen the female ghost since I took it with me. It may be that the female ghost didn't follow her. Maybe she's still in the school... I don't dare to go to the school to confirm now..."

"After you went home and brought this thing with you, you didn't encounter any female ghosts again?"


"Have you ever encountered anything strange?"

"Hmm...probably not. I heard a little noise at night...I'm not might be the sound coming from the wooden floor, it might be the sound of cabinets, tables, etc. It's the same kind of sound that I heard before. Yes. It’s probably normal to hear noises from next door or upstairs.”

"Yeah. Okay. Thank you for taking the time to see us today."

"Hey, this matter..."

"We have a rough idea of ​​what happened. Next we should contact Tong Ranran's parents to inquire about the situation."

Good night everyone~

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