Aoba Office

Chapter 1522 No. 020-Horror Story (7)

"So, Ms. Tao is in a state of being unattended?"

"Probably. I don't know what her family thinks. I didn't know these things until the police found me. I didn't know it at all before. I thought she was still living in her family. When her brother got married, their family I was notified that I was going to have a wedding reception. I didn’t go to the wedding reception. She didn’t say anything at that time, and her family didn’t say anything. I thought her brother was moving out. She got up and bought a new house. Later, something happened to her and the police asked about it. I heard that her brother's wedding room was still being renovated. They got married first, so they let her live in the countryside, and the room was vacant. Her brother and sister-in-law probably didn’t know about this, but her parents didn’t take her back.”

"What happened on the day of the accident?"

"I don't know. I really don't know. I'm not here, and I have very little contact with her. It was only after the police came to find her that she was hit and killed. I heard that their home is also a neighborhood committee in the countryside. First confirm that it’s her who died, and then contact their family and they won’t care about the daughter.”

"Who will handle the aftermath and funeral?"

"I'm responsible for the funeral. The mean the accident compensation?"


"This was done by their family, by her brother. Her brother must have taken the money. I'm not sure. They invited me to handle the funeral. After all, they were husband and wife for a while, got married, and haven't divorced yet. In this way, she will have a home after she dies. I also agreed. I also paid for her previous marriage house because she wanted to divorce. Her family disagreed, and the matter was stuck... After she died, the house was sold, and the money was basically used to buy a cemetery, funeral services, etc. I didn't see a penny of the compensation. . I guess I paid for her last trip.”

"After that, you never asked about her family affairs again?"

"No more, that's it, everyone is dead."

"Can I take the liberty of asking where her grave is?"

"Ah? Are you going to go and see it? The one I bought for the cemetery is a single hole. I'm going to get married, so I can't be buried with her..."

"I just wanted to take a look and maybe take a couple of photos. What happened to Ms. Tao is still very regrettable. She has mental illness, but from what you said, her family did not fulfill their obligation to take care of her."

"Well, that's true... They are a family, they are the father and mother, so I can't say anything... I can't help it..."

On June 20, 2003, it was confirmed that there was no abnormality in Tao Fangfei's grave.

June 20, 2003, audio file analysis. Audio file 02020030619G.wav.

"...She started sleepwalking when she was very young, probably in her teens, maybe eleven or twelve years old..."

"There are no strange sounds from this person."

On June 23, 2003, Tao Shihui, Tao Fangfei’s younger brother, was contacted. Audio file 02020030623.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Tao."

"Oh, um..."

“Thank you for taking the time to speak with us.”


"We interviewed your brother-in-law, Mr. Xu Anping before. He talked about what he learned about your sister."

"He's just talking nonsense!"

"Please don't get excited. We will contact you because we want to understand the truth of the whole thing more comprehensively. Because of this matter, the only people who know about this matter are you, Ms. Tao's family. Ms. Tao's neighbors don't know about Tao. What happened to the lady."

"My sister has a miserable life. She found such a man and became blind..."

"Can you tell me in detail? What exactly happened when Ms. Tao had an accident?"

"She...yes, she has sleepwalking. It's not serious. When she was ten years old, I still remember the first time she sleepwalked. She sat up. At night, in the middle of the night, she sat up alone on the edge of the bed. , motionless. When I got up and down, I was on the upper bunk and she was on the lower bunk. The iron bed was of poor quality. When she got up, I woke up. I fell asleep... I thought she was going to the bathroom or something... Then I woke up and found her sitting on the edge of the bed. I called her and asked her what happened. She said she forgot to do her homework. I would do it after I got up at school. Then I asked her the next day and she still remembered these things, but she said that she had finished her homework just for once. Time. Later, within a year or two, she sleepwalked for the second time. "


"The second time she sleepwalked, she was also doing homework. Maybe she had too much homework in school. The two sleepwalks were probably around the time of exams. The second time she sleepwalked, she got up and read a book in the middle of the night. The book was placed on the table and she didn't turn it over. The desk lamp It was on. When I asked her, she said she was reading, but she sat there motionless. I was so frightened that I immediately got out of bed and told my parents that there was a theory that my sister was sleepwalking. Wake up the sleepwalker. We just watched... After a while, she turned off the light and went to bed. When she woke up the next day, she still remembered that she read a book in the middle of the night, but she couldn't figure it out. Why did she wake up all of a sudden and go to read a book? It's not a serious problem. She always gets stressed and sleepwalks. My parents took her to see a doctor. , the doctor just said to relax and not to be stressed. Her problem is really not serious."


"But that person Xu Anping - it's true! My sister is newly married! She is nervous and has the old problem of sleepwalking, but she doesn't do anything! We told him that my sister was nervous and asked him to comfort her. He refused to comply. He was relentless, always staring and asking questions! He even asked my sister, our family, our relatives, my sister’s friends and colleagues! It’s so exciting! He’s been sleepwalking for several days in a month! He’s been like that before. His parents even said that my sister was sleeping with a kitchen knife and wanted to kill someone! Things! They want a divorce and my sister needs to get clean and leave the house! Our family paid for the furniture and decorations! Go to the work unit! The house was bought by my sister’s work unit and they would have it exclusively! We definitely didn’t agree to divorce like this. He made my sister even more depressed and unable to work. Our neighbors knew about these things. We really had no choice but to move her to my grandfather's house in the countryside. Inside. My grandfather’s old house in the country is still there, but no one lives there anymore, so my sister lives there.”

"After Ms. Tao moved there, did she live there alone?"

"Yes. My parents haven't retired yet, I have a job, and I just got married. I also know that this is not good. But there is really no way to take care of me..."

"What happened on the day Ms. Tao had the accident?"

"Maybe she was sleepwalking and ran to the road... She was sleepwalking and never left the house. She was always in her room, reading books, sitting still and so on. It was all caused by Xu Anping and his family! She walked up like that Off the highway...sigh..."

"Are you and Mr. Xu not aware of what happened to Ms. Tao? Are the neighbors who live nearby not aware of it either?"

"When the police checked, they couldn't tell clearly. It was so late at night and no one saw it."

"Ms. Tao's funeral was organized by Mr. Xu?"

"They haven't divorced, so what can be done? He still wants my sister's compensation. For that money, he hurriedly arranged a funeral for my sister. Not all our relatives here were notified. It's really... "

"The compensation was finally handed over to you?"

"Our family will take the compensation, and the house will be given to him. We have agreed that we will take the compensation, and the house will be his. This is what we agreed. My sister died, and our relationship is gone. It’s over now.”

"You haven't contacted each other since?"


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