Aoba Office

Chapter 146 Don’t leave even if you die

Zhang Jiaxin weakly raised his eyelids, looking at people with empty eyes, his eyes were cloudy and lacked the intelligence he saw that day.

Director Mao was also shocked when he saw Zhang Jiaxin for the first time. He stuttered for a long time and didn't know what to call him.

"Why...have you become like this?" Guo Yujie spoke first.

Zhang Jiaxin did not answer.

I glanced at the house behind him, but nothing had changed. The only thing that has changed is Zhang Jiaxin, the owner of the house, or in other words, the owner of the cornucopia.

"Are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Guo Yujie relaxed.

Director Mao was probably afraid that something would happen, so he kept saying: "Sir, are you a friend of Tao Hai? I am the director of the neighborhood committee here. If you need any help, just ask. Our community has its own street hospital and doctors. Call us. You can call him over the phone. Let me ask our doctor here to take a look at you."

Zhang Jiaxin leaned against the door and remained silent.

Director Mao was stared at by his lifeless eyes, trembled, looked at Guo Yujie and me, and asked us with his eyes.

I called Chen Xiaoqiu.

After all, we are in charge of demolition. We are at most concerned about the situation of the houses to be demolished, not a law enforcement agency. This matter needs to be dealt with by Chen Yihan.

Chen Xiaoqiu had contacted Chen Yihan a long time ago. When I called Chen Xiaoqiu, Chen Yihan was already on the way here.

Zhang Jiaxin leaned against the door like a wooden stake, saying nothing or moving, and ignored anyone's words. Aunt Xu next door took a look and then retreated into the house. When Chen Yihan came, the three of us were so talkative that our mouths were dry and Zhang Jiaxin didn't move.

I pointed at Zhang Jiaxin to Chen Yihan and shook my head to express my helplessness.

Chen Yihan looked at Zhang Jiaxin and called me over.

There is another man beside Chen Yihan. He has an ordinary appearance, the kind that will be thrown into a crowd and will be forgotten in the blink of an eye.

"This is Lao Yao, one of the people I sent to follow Zhang Jiaxin." Chen Yihan introduced.

My heart trembled, "Hello, Officer Yao. What has Zhang Jiaxin done recently?"

Lao Yao smiled bitterly, "I didn't do anything. It's strange that I didn't do anything. This is so weird." He took out a cigarette and handed it to Chen Yihan and me. He also smoked one and puffed away the smoke. After a few seconds, he said: "I didn't believe people's stories about how your hair grew old overnight. I didn't believe it before, but now I have to believe it. This Jiaxin's hair turned gray overnight. My brother and I took turns watching him, and we watched him grow older little by little. .”

I looked back at Zhang Jiaxin.

Guo Yujie and Director Mao were still persuading, but Zhang Jiaxin still didn't respond. Guo Yujie had threatened him before, but Zhang Jiaxin still looked dead, not at all scared like last time.

"It's not just people who are getting old." I said.

Lao Yao nodded and took a puff of cigarette, "Not only are people getting old, but there is also something wrong with them. It was normal for the first day, but then, what should I say... Young man, have you ever seen someone who is addicted to drugs?"

I nodded.

Who hasn’t seen anti-drug propaganda videos? At least during primary and secondary schools, schools are required to organize inspections. There are quite a few movies with this theme.

"Is it just like a withdrawal reaction?" I asked.

"It's a little different from that one. When he came over, he scratched the door lock with his nails, kicked and banged on the door. He suddenly calmed down, took out the key and opened the door." Lao Yao said.

"Key?" I was surprised.

"Key, car key." Lao Yao gestured, "It's definitely not the key to the door lock, but he used that key to open the door."

It wasn't Zhang Jiaxin who opened the door, it was the door that opened by itself. Let Zhang Jiaxin go in, right? I glanced at Chen Yihan.

Chen Yihan didn't smoke much, just watched the cigarette burn quietly.

"What should we do now?" I asked.

Chen Yihan looked away from the red dot of the cigarette, "What do you think?"

Lao Yao looked at me in surprise.

I shook my head, "I didn't find it, and I don't know what to do. Otherwise, I can go and ask?"

Chen Yihan nodded.

I told Guo Yujie and ran to Qingye Office.

The office was still cold and cold.

I sat on the sofa and quickly explained Zhang Jiaxin's changes, and finally asked: "I really don't know what to do. Do you have any magic weapons or talismans that I can use? Otherwise, can you give me some hints? That house , what on earth is that cornucopia?”

I waited a few seconds, turning my head and looking around. Nothing has changed in the office.

"You wrote the note because you wanted me to handle this matter, right?" I asked tentatively, "I'm like a headless fly now, I don't know what to do. Can you write another note?" I haven’t had any dreams recently, and there are no hints. Or should I consult an expert?”

I talked to myself for a long time, but when I didn't get a response, I felt a little discouraged.

Compared to the urgency of the flames of Zhang Xue's class, the threat of this cornucopia is really nothing in my opinion. Tao Hai has lived well for decades, and Zhang Jiaxin and I are not familiar with each other. If Qingye hadn't written the note, I really wouldn't want to get involved in this matter.

I returned to Tao Hai's house dejectedly. Chen Yihan knew the result just by looking at my expression.

"Take him for a physical examination." Chen Yihan chose scientific methods.

Lao Yao is going to catch Zhang Jiaxin. Zhang Jiaxin was dragged two steps by Lao Yao numbly, and when he was about to step out of the house, he suddenly started struggling.

Director Mao asked tremblingly: "Is this okay?"

"He illegally invaded the house and should have been taken away." Chen Yihan remained calm.

Zhang Jiaxin struggled fiercely, his whole face twisted and ferocious, his hands clenched tightly on the door frame, and he let out an inhuman roar. Guo Yujie wanted to help, but Lao Yao took the first step and knocked Zhang Jiaxin unconscious. Zhang Jiaxin fainted, and his fingers were still holding on to the door frame. Lao Yao pulled twice and heard a "clicking" friction sound. Lao Yao could only pry Zhang Jiaxin's fingers.

"I think it's better to let him stay in the house." I said softly.

Chen Yihan glanced at me and said, "Is this your intuition?"

"It's his intuition. Tao Hai has lived here for decades and has nothing but poverty. From what Zhang Jiaxin said last time, I guess Tao Hai is poor willingly. Zhang Jiaxin doesn't understand this cornucopia at all. There must be a reason for not leaving like this. Let him stay. He has to be dragged outside..." I looked at Zhang Jiaxin's aging face and thought that he might die of old age outside not long after.

Chen Yihan thought about it and did not stop Lao Yao.

I couldn't help but turn my head to look at Chen Yihan, and suddenly thought, wouldn't Chen Yihan have thought of something like this that I can figure out? He thought about it, but he didn't care. He cares more about the truth than Zhang Jiaxin's life and death. Perhaps, he also intends to help Qingye do things to prevent Qingye from harming Chen Xiaoqiu.

When I think of this, I feel very unhappy.

"Ah! You woke up so soon?" Lao Yao screamed in surprise, and saw Zhang Jiaxin he was dragging open his eyes and starting to struggle again.

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