Aoba Office

Chapter 145 No. 028-Little Poltergeist (5)

“How can we carry our student ID cards with us?”

"What are your names? I need to call counselor Liu Yan to confirm."

"Mr. Zhou, are you doubting us?"

"I doubt anyone around my daughter! My daughter was fine at first, but suddenly she developed mental problems, and her condition is getting worse. We must investigate this matter! Hey, what are you doing?"

"Step aside!"

"Ah, that thing!"

"Mr. Zhou, Mrs. Zhou, please get out of the way. Miss Zhou is in danger now."

"What are you going to do? Get out! This is our home! Go call the police!"

"Mr. Zhou!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Liu Yan!"

Da da da da da da…

"Girl! Baby! Go call an ambulance!"

"Where was that thing just now?"

"Not found. He should be hiding."


"Did you give me this thing? You are the one who led my Liu Yan into trouble, right?"

"Mr. Zhou, now is not the time to talk about this."


"Yanyan, Yanyan...wuwu..."

"We need to stop the bleeding first. I've learned first aid, please get out of the way."

"Don't touch my daughter! I won't let you touch my daughter! What are you doing! Let me go!"

"Get away! Get away!"

"Mrs. Zhou, I have learned first aid. Please let me rescue Ms. Zhou first!"

"You really……"

"Honey, it's them! It must be them!"

"He is still breathing and heartbeating. Stop the bleeding immediately and he can be rescued when the ambulance comes."

"What are you touching?"

"Boss, is this it?"


" could the tourmaline..."

"Becoming...a human?"


"You can't speak yet, yet you're so vicious."

"Ah ah!"


Ding ding dong dong…

"What...what's going on..."

"Let's discuss the specific matters after your daughter is rescued."

On December 27, 2005, the client was sent to the hospital with multiple scratches on his neck. After timely rescue, his life was not in danger.

On January 4, 2006, the client visited with his parents. Audio file 02820060104.wav.

"Hello, please come in."


"Has Miss Zhou recovered?"

"The vocal cords were injured and they haven't healed yet. Others are fine."

"It would be great."


"I'm here to thank you. Liu Yan has already told us everything. We didn't expect this to happen."

"Ugh. I almost, almost killed Yan Yan."

"Mom, it's okay. It's all over."

"That thing, that piece of tourmaline stone, was given by my friend. He was engaged in this craft and made tourmaline works of art. When I visited his factory, I saw the raw materials and chose the one that pleased my eyes. At that time, it was just I thought it was pleasing to the eye, and the more I looked at it, the more I liked it. I often played with it and took it with me when I went out. I asked my friend two days ago whether the rough stone was mined together with other rough stones. When it was mined, it was a whole stone. , weighing about seven or eight kilograms, something went wrong during transportation and the stone broke."

"Are you worried that there is something wrong with that stone?"


"Are the other parts still there?"

"Well, this has been made into merchandise and sold."

"Have your friends discovered similar supernatural events?"

"There are some! A carver hired by my friend also chose a rough stone. Like me, he liked it at first sight and often carried it with him. A similar thing happened in his house. He... didn't have mine. Such good luck. His little grandson died, his head was smashed and he died. The police were called, but the murderer has not been found."

"The one who was attacked was also a child at home?"

"Hmm. I think it might not just be children."

"Please tell me."

"The old master's family has three generations living under the same roof. His two sons and one daughter live in neighboring houses. They used to be fine. But after he took away the stone, there were frequent conflicts in his family. Young Master Things were broken or broken, and the family blamed each other. The death of the grandson was a trigger, and their big family fell apart."

"It's about destroying families."

"That's what I think."

"It may be related to its fragmentation, which gave rise to this idea."

"Then, what should we do now?"

"To be honest, I don't have a good idea. They have been sold and scattered. With the manpower and material resources of our office, it is impossible to find them all."

"That's it..."

"That old master is still holding the stone?"

"Yeah. Can you help?"

"This is fine."

"Then I'll trouble you."

On January 8, 2006, one of the tourmaline stones was processed.

On January 9, 2006, the investigation was concluded. The result of the incident was that not all tourmaline fragments were found. This incident is classified as "Unfinished", and the keywords "tourmaline stone" and "poltergeist" are set. If related incidents occur, the investigation will be restarted and the disposal phase will be entered in advance.


"Brother Qi, you are watching these again." The thin man leaned on my shoulder and looked at the screen.

"Yeah. I have nothing to do." I yawned.

"Tourmaline stone, poltergeist." The thin man read out these two words, "This..." He started the sentence and then stopped.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I gave her a tourmaline bracelet." The thin man said with a bad expression, "She also disliked the tourmaline stone as having no power."

"She" must be Slender Man's ex-girlfriend who likes psychic witchcraft.

I wanted to laugh when I heard this reason, but I held it back.

Guo Yujie just hung up the phone and turned to look at me, "Lin Qi, Director Mao called. That Zhang Jiaxin has moved to Tao Hai's house."

"Isn't he good at prying open doors?" I asked in surprise and glanced at Chen Xiaoqiu.

"In the past few days, have you learned how to pry a door?" The thin man made a gesture used in the movie to pry a door lock.

"Then he is really diligent in studying and practicing." I darkened my face and motioned for Chen Xiaoqiu to ask her uncle.

Chen Xiaoqiu called, but didn't wait for the result so quickly. Chen Yihan sent people to follow Zhang Jiaxin, but for the police chief, there were too many things to do, and this matter should not be a priority on his schedule.

However, Guo Yujie and I have to deal with this matter first and have to go to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants to inspect the situation now.

When we arrived at the gate of the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, we first went to find Director Mao and went to Tao Hai's house with her.

"Aunt Xu came back to live, so I heard her talk about this. Isn't that young man Tao Hai's son?" Director Mao was worried.


"Can't they be the accomplices of those bombers?" Director Mao asked again.

"No." I answered hesitantly.

Chen Yihan didn't find out this kind of information, right?

Knocked on the door, but no one opened it.

Guo Yujie rudely slammed the door loudly and shouted Zhang Jiaxin's name.

The door was slowly opened, revealing Zhang Jiaxin's face with sunken cheeks and unshaven beard.

Guo Yujie and I were shocked. Zhang Jiaxin's eyes were dull and his temples were gray. He looked as if he had aged by more than twenty years. In a few days, he not only stopped breaking the door, but also went for plastic surgery, right?

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