Aoba Office

Chapter 1429 The Name of the Devil (1)

Alarm bells rang in my heart, and I felt a sense of powerlessness.

Other conditions are easy to negotiate, but the devil wants Ye Qing's soul, and we can't agree to it no matter what.

In this case, we have no room for negotiation.

The devil showed up and told me this, which showed its fearless attitude.

My previous speculation may be correct. It can't kill me directly, it can't kill people, and perhaps, it can't directly destroy a soul. But it has too many tricks.

The demon said no more and quickly disappeared.

I watched the Ni family go crazy, and within just a few minutes, they lost their consciousness and no longer looked like normal people.

There are no signs, and there are no supernatural phenomena like yin energy or evil energy. They seemed to be simply scared out of their wits, that is, scared out of their minds.

The police car and ambulance arrived quickly, but several members of the Ni family were not cooperative at all. They were yelling something incomprehensible, waving their hands and feet, and struggling desperately.

Finally, the medical staff in the ambulance contacted people from Minqing Psychiatric Hospital and brought them professional restraint equipment before putting them into the ambulance.

I felt physically and mentally exhausted, and people around me were talking and marveling.

As the only sane person, Chen Aihua was taken away by the ambulance staff in a daze to deal with the aftermath.

"...I have seen it a long time ago. The eldest son of the old Chen family has a strict wife control, which is useless. The girl in his family cries, makes trouble, and hangs herself. There is nothing he can do. And his mother-in-law's family, They are not good things. I still remember that before he got married, his mother-in-law dragged his wife over, pulled off his clothes, pointed at the marks on his body, and forced him to take responsibility..." An old neighbor from Gongnong Village. Someone broke the news.

A group of melon-eating people set off a new wave of discussion.

The people from the Housing Authority went out to work, and the four of us looked at each other without saying a word.

When everyone is almost gone, we can find an opportunity to talk.

Guo Yujie didn't see anything and asked me doubtfully: "What happened just now? What did Ye Qing do?"

When Guo Yujie mentioned "Ye Qing", she lowered her voice.

I shook my head, "It's the devil."

Guo Yujie's eyes widened instantly.

The thin man shivered and glanced around with a stern look, as if looking for traces of the devil.

The fat man asked: "What does it want? If... it should go to him directly, right?"

"It's impossible for Ye Qing to agree." I said, "Maybe he hopes to... incite rebellion against me?"

My tone became hesitant towards the end.

The devil came to me to talk about this matter, apart from demonstrating, it could only be for this purpose.

Perhaps, it instigated Qiao Xi to come here for this purpose. Qiao Bi died, so he had no choice but to get in on his own.

But when I say it, I don’t believe it myself.

I don't think I would betray Ye Qing. If Ye Qing loses control and wants to kill me, I will run away and resist. I can't help the devil to trick Ye Qing.

This kind of thing is obvious.

Although, there are many things that can be done about the whole thing. I can use Ye Qing to get my abilities back first, and then use them to deal with the devil. But I have no confidence in this. I won't do such a risky thing.

I am very troubled.

I sent a message to Wu Ling to explain the situation here.

It took a long time for Wu Ling to send me a message saying that the things were ready.

I looked at that line of information and reacted for a few seconds before suddenly realizing it. I looked up and looked for the thin man.

"He went to the toilet." The fat man said.

"Oh. Wu Ling and the others found that thing." I said.

I didn't tell Fatty or them about this plan.

When Fatty and Guo Yujie heard what I said, they didn’t understand what I was talking about.

The thin man came back just at this time, so I told them the news according to the results of my previous discussion with Wu Ling.

"I'll probably look for an opportunity..." I thought about how to use the book with the devil's name written down, "I just don't know the name of that devil."

"Can you find such a thing?" The thin man was surprised.

"The news received from abroad may be related to the great changes in the current world." I lied.

If you think about it carefully, this cannot be said to be too much of a coincidence. If you are willing to search, coupled with the deterioration of the world, and the supernatural circles around the world are willing to cooperate, it is not a miracle to spend some time to get the book and the accompanying pen and ink.

"They may have paid something." For the sake of authenticity, I added the details myself.

The thin man seemed to believe it, "I don't know what it looks like... If you want to use it, is it dangerous?"

"Well, I don't know yet." I shook my head.

I really don't know this question.

"We have to wait until they are discharged from the hospital." Fatty said.

Nangong Yao is in a worse condition, and Wu Ling and Gu Mo should be discharged from the hospital soon.

The fact that the demon was targeting Ye Qing might have made them anxious, so Wu Ling's movements sped up a lot.

Two days later, I heard further gossip about the Ni family in the community.

Everyone who came that day was crazy, and it seemed that they could not be cured in the short term. Their symptoms include fear of people, autism, and decreased appetite. Some said they had fainted from hunger and were being kept alive by drips, while others said they had self-mutilated or committed suicide and were almost dead. Rumors were flying.

The source of the rumors is still very clear, namely Chen Jiahui's children.

Chen Aihua was beaten up by other relatives of the Ni family and was hospitalized. His two remaining siblings, Chen Ronghua and Chen Xianghua, visited him and had a big quarrel with the Ni family. Chen Aihua's son has already reported the matter to the police and is preparing to file a lawsuit to demand compensation.

The other is Chen Jiahui’s custody case.

Chen Minhua died in the earthquake. Her husband and children were still there, and she was reluctant to give up, but her behavior was different from that of the Ni family. The two cried and complained several times and pestered Chen Ronghua and Chen Xianghua. Chen Aihua was hospitalized and even more targeted by them. They seem to be reaching an agreement, and the other three families will pay a compensation payment to Chen Minhua's family.

These few things piled up together make these people have no time to bother us with the demolition.

I listened to these gossips in the community and waited for Wu Ling's call.

Everything is ready, all that's left is the last scene.

In order to achieve realism and convince the thin man, Wu Ling decided to arrange the stage in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants.

The time was set in the afternoon, when the aunts and mothers would take a nap or play mahjong.

The Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants has lost a lot of people in the past two days.

Although the atmosphere for discussing gossip was lively, it was an indisputable fact that the number of people was decreasing.

Many people have looked at the progress of demolition and have already made plans to rent temporary houses in advance, and some have moved to their children's homes. Some tenants in rental houses also hesitated to renew their leases and moved out early.

Explosions, burst water pipes, and this earthquake caused the number of residents in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants to drop off a cliff.

During this process, many people may have had their memories awakened by others or their own subconscious. They thought of Ye Qing and the disaster that happened to Ye Qing's family, and they moved away as if running away.

With fewer people, it is easier for us to move around.

Guo Yujie couldn't see the devil, so she was left by us as a matter of course to deal with Director Mao and the others.

The thin man and the fat man were very loyal and decided to go to Building 6 with me.

That was also the final stage set by Wu Ling.

Gu Mo and Wu Ling drove to the downstairs of Building 6 and sent us a message.

Looking for an opportunity, we sneaked into the blocked building No. 6 and saw that Wu Ling had circled around the residential building and put paper tape on the ground.

We have seen this tape last time. It is a blinding device that prevents ordinary people from seeing what is going on in the building and will subconsciously avoid the building.

Wu Ling waved his hand and called us over.

Gu Mo also got out of the car at this time, carrying a plastic bag. He looked like a middle-aged uncle who had just returned from the supermarket.

I stepped into the range of the washi tape, took the plastic bag from Gu Mo, and took a look inside.

A thick book like a movie prop appeared in front of me.

Something flashed through my mind, but I didn't catch the thought.

Gu Mo took out something new from his pocket - a white quill pen and an exquisite glass bottle with bright red liquid in it.

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