Aoba Office

Chapter 1428 Ye Qing’s Soul

I really hate what these people do.

Chen Aihua pretended to be dead and pushed the person in front of us. Our duty is to deal with it.

They kept shouting, and we took turns to go up and talk about the wheels.

They have no reason to do this, and it is untenable legally, but if someone wants to cause trouble, we can't beat them out.

After the meal, the people from the housing authority watched the excitement for a while, then patted our shoulders to express sympathy.

The neighborhood committee is not a big place. The housing authority was about to go out to do something, but those people refused to get out of the way.

The situation became chaotic, everyone said their own words, as if they were competing to see who could lose patience first and give in automatically.

I felt a headache and apologized quietly to the person in charge of the housing authority. The other party was full of resentment, but understood me very well.

People also gathered outside the neighborhood committee, many of them familiar faces.

An old man from Building No. 19 shouted loudly: "It's reasonable for you to obstruct people's work! It's so shameless to be so shameless!"

People outside followed suit.

Others knew Chen Aihua and scolded him: "Chen Aihua, are you a man? You're a coward! Your brother-in-law took advantage of him, and even his son's wedding room was taken over by others! You married into their Ni family!"

Chen Aihua lowered his head and said nothing, as if he was used to this kind of scene.

I turned my head and took a casual look, taking this opportunity to take a breath, and saw a figure in the crowd outside.

My body immediately stiffened.

The foreigner in the baseball cap raised his head and seemed to give me a smile. The next second, he reached out and pulled the brim of his hat, covering most of his face, and took a few steps back.

That devil!

I was so cold that I couldn't do anything except clenching my fists and staring at him.

There's no way I can eliminate it now.

It comes to my door, that is, it knows who I am and where I am!

Sweat ran down my back.

The figure disappeared from my sight and turned to a blind spot that I couldn't see.

I felt dangerous and wanted to alert the thin man to them, but I was also afraid that my actions would draw the devil's attention to them.

"Would you like some help?"

A voice rang directly in my ear, close to my ear, and penetrated into my brain.

I turned around suddenly and saw the confused face of the housing authority.

It's not him who's talking.

"Want me to help? It's easy. As long as you nod your head, I can make these troublesome humans disappear completely."

The voice sounded again, this time speaking a lot.

I realized it was the voice of the devil.

It was invisible, I couldn't see it at all, I could only hear its voice.

My body was still stiff and I didn't dare to move my neck.

"It doesn't cost you anything. This is a free help. As long as you nod, I can solve this little trouble for you. You should understand that using human means to deal with this kind of bedbug is cumbersome, inefficient, and even useless . Your laws and morals cannot restrain this kind of bug, and I can save you from all trouble." The devil whispered in my ear, "Since ancient times, devils have been driven by humans to do things that are inconvenient for humans. Good things that are mutually beneficial are part of the ecological chain.”

It talks about evil things, but I have to admit that the devil is very good at tempting people.

I knew it was dangerous, but I still couldn't help but glance at the spitting fat man and his triumphant son.

Laws and morals cannot restrain such people, let alone stop them.

But this does not mean that supernatural means are good methods worthy of promotion.

I ignored the demon and was thinking about how to secretly inform Wu Ling about this.

Wu Ling probably couldn't make it in time. I should look for Ye Qing.

Building No. 6 was sealed after the earthquake. That building has been identified as dangerous, and a warning tape has been tied downstairs. Even without those warning tapes, I wouldn't have been able to run to Ye Qing under the devil's nose.

To make matters worse, it is now difficult for me to leave the neighborhood committee office. The Ni family members were blocking the way, and they didn’t know when they would give up.

The demon let out a low laugh, full of irony.

"Don't you feel the world has changed?" It suddenly changed the topic and paused for a few seconds, as if waiting for my answer.

"The world is about to change. In the past, it was humans who changed the world. From primitive clans and tribes to the modern society after the industrial revolution. Human beings changed themselves, changed nature, and changed the entire world. Demons were slaughtered by humans, and monsters were exorcised. Away from the city, wizards and magicians were burned at the stake... Now, these things are becoming more and more prosperous. Human beings are obsessed with fake monsters, games and movies... Human beings use technology to put the monsters that their ancestors destroyed on the altar, and young people like it. These cool things, spend money on them and contribute to the world changing again.”

The devil's tone was not impassioned, not the kind of inflammatory speech, but a statement full of sarcasm and ridicule.

"This time, it is no longer a human-led change. Hehehehe...hehehe...hahahahaha!"

It suddenly laughed wildly, and from its laughter, I actually heard sadness.

I don't understand why it's crazy.

"Hey, won't you adapt to the times and join this revolution?" The devil stopped laughing and asked in a bewitching voice.

I remained silent.

What I want to do is change all that. I agree more with Ye Qing's point of view and hope that Ye Qing's plan will succeed.

Whether it is a demon or a ghost, it is better to stay in those works and become fictional characters written by people, which makes people feel at ease.

The devil seemed to sense my attitude and didn't speak for a long time.

I was grabbed by my clothes, and when I looked up, I realized that the young man had rushed in front of me.

The fat man stretched out his hand to stop me, but the young man was still holding on to my clothes tightly.

"What do you mean? Are you pretending to be stupid? I'm telling you, if you don't pay the money, this matter will never end! You can't escape even by pretending to be stupid! What is your name! I want to find your leader! I want to expose you on the Internet!" the young man shouted.

"Let go! Stop pulling back and forth. If you have something to say, talk to me!" The fat man wanted to pull the young man away.

I had been listening to the demons talking and not listening to their noise. But come to think of it, that's what they were talking about.

I felt it and didn't feel anything unusual. The devil didn't speak for a long time. Maybe he just left because he saw that I didn't have enough food and salt. I hope it's given up.

Just when I was about to open my mouth to deal with the situation in front of me, I saw the young man suddenly tremble, his eyes widened, and he stared behind me.

I felt like there was something more behind me.

The fat man looked sideways and tried to keep his little eyes wide open.

My body stiffened again and I didn't dare to move.

"Ah! Devil! Devil!" the young man shouted, let go of his hand, and ran out like a madman.

The fat man was confused and did not stop him.

Several women came with him. One of them, who seemed to be the young man's wife, grabbed his arm and was violently thrown away before he could say anything.

I looked at the young man who seemed to be really mentally disturbed, tearing at the people in front of him and trying desperately to get out. I also smelled the smell of urine, and watched him go limp little by little.

"Ahhh-" The young man's wife suddenly screamed, rolled her eyes, and fainted.

There was chaos all around.

These people in the Ni family seemed to have seen the terrifying figure of the devil, and were so frightened that they lost their minds.

I heard some people calling the police and ambulance, and some people hurriedly getting out of the way, saying it was an infectious disease.

I took this opportunity to turn my head and saw the figure of the devil in the dream.

Even scarier than in dreams.

This demon was more than two meters tall, with flesh and blood hanging from the corners of its head. It had rough skin, fierce eyes, a ferocious expression, and a burning aura exuding from its body. It held a whip in its hand, a necklace made of human skulls hung around its neck, and a vicious three-headed dog followed at its feet.

This is the standard devil look.

But compared to movies and animations, the aura exuding from this demon is enough to scare people to pieces.

Even so, this momentum is too amazing.

The people in the Ni family are all crazy and not normal.

"Look, I said, it's very simple." The devil said to me, his voice became loud and angry, "The world has also changed. Power is at your fingertips. Ha!"

My lips moved, "What do you want to do?"

"Of course it's the soul. The human soul, the powerful soul." The demon said, looking in one direction.

I don't have to follow its line of sight to know.

It's looking at Building Six.

At Aoba Supernatural Agency.

It wants Ye Qing's soul!

Good night everyone~

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