Aoba Office

Chapter 1404 Trembling (4)

Ren Pi obviously didn't know Wang Xiaoshuai that well. At least he didn't think of anything now. After comforting his daughter, he took his daughter to have a meal with Wang Xiaoshuai before going home.

When his daughter returned home, she told her grandma and mother about it.

Ren Pi's wife was slightly surprised. Ren Pi's mother seemed to have Alzheimer's disease, her reaction was very slow, and her speech was slightly garbled.

I looked at this old lady and had some suspicions in my mind.

The devil must have been looking for this old lady back then. Or did the devil already know that the old lady would refuse the deal?

The family could not figure out the reason. Ren Pi's wife only thought that her daughter had a nightmare, and when she saw someone in reality, she pretended to be her daughter.

Neither the mother-in-law nor the daughter-in-law took the matter to heart. After a while, the little girl gave up on this matter and was very busy doing homework and watching animations.

Ren Pi was worried and couldn't sleep well for several days.

The dream kept showing him tossing and turning on the bed. What the little girl found that night never happened again, and life suddenly seemed to be back on track, except that it left Ren Pi with the sequelae of insomnia.

Perhaps because there was still fear in his heart, Ren Pi approached Wang Xiaoshuai one day and proposed the idea of ​​going to Minqing.

"You saved me last time. But the whole thing was investigated clearly thanks to them. They know a lot of things, at least a lot, and they may know what happened to me." Ren Pi said sincerely, "I I want you to go with me. If we find someone, we might be able to find a solution."

"I see..." Wang Xiaoshuai hesitated slightly, "I used my annual leave before. It's a bit troublesome to ask for leave now."

"In terms of money, you're welcome. You know, I'm in business now and the company is in pretty good shape."

"It's not a matter of money. I'm not short of money either. It's just that working for others is quite inconvenient. I have to take a few days off suddenly, but the salary and bonus don't matter. The impact on my promotion will be too great." Wang Xiaoshuai was not very happy. , "The key to this matter is still with you. It doesn't really matter whether I go or not. Your main purpose is to find people, right? If that doesn't work, you can also invite them to come to Minqing."

Ren Pi thought for a while and regretfully agreed.

Wang Xiaoshuai felt a little apologetic at this time, "I'm sorry, something like this happened to you, and I was still thinking about promotion..."

"It's nothing. I haven't seen that kind of thing recently." Ren Pi shook his head.

The relationship between the two did not seem to have become particularly close because of what happened that year, nor did they become life-or-death friends.

I was slightly surprised.

Wang Xiaoshuai's attitude towards supernatural events is even more indifferent than mine.

I care about my family and I can't lose my job, but when it comes to being dedicated, that's not even possible.

This may be because we have different jobs and the attitudes of our superiors are also different.

But I subconsciously feel that this is not the case.

Wang Xiaoshuai really doesn't care that much. He wasn't nervous about this kind of thing.

I still remember that in the audio file, Wang Xiaoshuai was interrogated by Wu Ling, and faced Qingye's people, showing deep helplessness. That tone was like knowing someone else's death date but being unable to stop it, revealing a deep sense of reluctance and a little bit of despair. He cares about this kind of thing. I also want to do something to change the status quo.

But today, I found that Wang Xiaoshuai was already a little indifferent to these things.

It seems like a doctor who is used to seeing life and death. He has given out more emergency notifications, and the pain he felt when he was new to the job has disappeared.

This performance further confirmed my previous conjecture.

Wang Xiaoshuai himself has no ability to bear the side effects.

He may still not know that the ability has side effects.

In more than ten years, he probably really got used to seeing life and death.

The problem is that he rescued Ren Pi back then. In the past ten years, has he not taken action again when he saw others dying?

Judging from the attitudes and words of the two people, Wang Xiaoshuai probably did not take action, or failed after taking action.

I frowned.

I care more about Wang Xiaoshuai than Ren Pi.

If the devil doesn't show up, I have nothing to do in this dream.

The appearance of Wang Xiaoshuai undoubtedly attracted most of my attention.

But Ren Pi would not act with Wang Xiaoshuai.

He went to Minqing, found the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, entered Building No. 6, and went up to the sixth floor.

Ren Pi was stunned when he saw the note posted by the police station on the door.

He knocked on the door without giving up, and even went to the house downstairs to ask, but found nothing.

Ren Pi could only return disappointed.

He made an appointment with Wang Xiaoshuai again.

Wang Xiaoshuai was not too disappointed.

"Now...I can only rely on you..." Ren Pi said, looking at Wang Xiaoshuai sincerely, hesitating to speak.

He wanted to reward Wang Xiaoshuai heavily, but he couldn't say it.

When he started his own company from scratch, he went through a lot of twists and turns.

Wang Xiaoshuai left Minqing with him, but they didn't go to the same place. The contact between the two was interrupted for a period of time, leaving only group messages during the New Year and holidays.

Only then did I see Ren Pi's memory, and I learned that Wang Xiaoshuai had only been sent to work in this city by the head office in the past two years, and reunited with Ren Pi.

Ren Pi helped Wang Xiaoshuai a lot at that time, renting a house, buying a car, and helping his wife find a job here. However, Wang Xiaoshuai's wife died of illness two years ago, and the two have no children. At that time, Wang Xiaoshuai's wife was ill and was hospitalized. Ren Pi also contributed money and efforts and helped a lot. When Wang Xiaoshuai was alone, Ren Pi still wanted to help and introduce him to a blind date. Wang Xiaoshuai himself refused.

The two sides get along like this, neither close nor far away.

The reunion was a coincidence, but it also revealed a bit of weirdness.

I had my doubts. Judging from Ren Pi's memory, he didn't think much about it.

But now, it was a bit hard for him to ask Wang Xiaoshuai for help again.

If it's a pure stranger, just make an offer. If the relationship is really good, there is no need to talk about money, everyone knows it.

It's hard to figure out the relationship between the two of them that is half-baked.

Wang Xiaoshuai also looked embarrassed at this time.

"Ren Pi, let me tell you the truth." Wang Xiaoshuai sighed, "Except for you, I didn't save anyone else."

Ren Pi looked at Wang Xiaoshuai in surprise, his expression becoming uncertain.

"You should be able to guess... I couldn't save any of my family members..." Wang Xiaoshuai said sadly, "That time, the biggest contribution may not be from me, but from the people in that firm. I don't know either. How could I have done it at that time..."

Ren Pi didn't make a sound.

Wang Xiaoshuai did not continue.

"I can't find them now, so I can only ask you to give it a try. At least... I want my daughter to live well. You may have saved her from the kidnapping she dreamed of..." Ren Pi suddenly said.

Wang Xiaoshuai was surprised, but he suddenly realized it.

I also understand somewhat.

But the premise of Ren Pi's assumption is that his daughter has some ability and can predict certain futures like Wang Xiaoshuai.

I always thought that the strange things Ren Pi encountered were caused by demons, and I never thought about it that way.

Could it be that things will develop in another direction? Ren Pi's daughter has some kind of ability?

When I think about this, I feel like things are getting weirder and weirder.

That demon...has he ever appeared?

Does the weirdness of Ren Pi's wife and daughter have nothing to do with it?

Just as I was thinking this, the dream scene changed.

Ren Pi's family sat around the table to eat. Wang Xiaoshuai was also sitting at the table.

Ren Pi's wife greeted her and she was a very enthusiastic hostess. She and Wang Xiaoshuai should have known each other for a long time, but they were not familiar with each other.

Ren Pi's daughter was more cheerful than the last time she saw Wang Xiaoshuai. She ate with a smile and even said a few words to Wang Xiaoshuai.

Ren Pi's mother asked Wang Xiaoshuai twice about his family situation. As soon as she asked, she forgot about it and asked again.

In this peaceful atmosphere, the phone in the living room rang.

Ren Pi was getting up to answer the call, but the call had been transferred to the answering machine.

"... rustle... rustle..."

"Is it broken?" Ren Pi muttered, still walking to the phone.

"...Husband, we have to come back later tonight..."

Ren Pi paused.

Wang Xiaoshuai at the dining table also raised his head.

"...There's a traffic jam on the viaduct here. There might have been a car accident ahead...I don't know when we can leave yet. You and mom should go to bed early."

The voice of Ren Pi's wife came from the answering machine.

The next second, Ren Pi's daughter's voice intervened: "Dad, you and grandma go to bed early."

Ren Pi stood upright at the junction of the living room and dining room.

Behind him, his wife and daughter were still sitting at the table, talking and laughing about their daughter's ballet public performance next week.

Wang Xiaoshuai put down his chopsticks, leaned back slightly, and his face turned blue.

"...Okay. Goodbye, dad. ...Goodbye, dad. Wait! I want to eat xiaolongbao tomorrow. Dad, tell Aunt Wang. ...Aunt Wang has gone home long ago. Mom, tomorrow morning I’ll buy it for you...then I’ll eat it in the store with my mother!”


Behind Ren Pi, the mother and daughter had already changed the topic.

"Mom, let's go eat Xiao Long Bao tomorrow."


I saw the two people, one big and one small, saying this, slowly turning their heads and looking at Ren Pi.

"Husband, do you want to go together?"

"Dad, do you want to come with me?"

they asked in unison.

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