Aoba Office

Chapter 1403 Trembling (3)

The scene in Ren Pi's mind rushed into my consciousness.

It is impossible for me to cut off contact with Ren Pi at this time, otherwise, I would just watch Ren Pi collapse and not know anything.

But after getting in touch, I not only saw the scene Ren Pi saw, but Ren Pi's emotions also entered my consciousness.

The dark sky, the endless road extending into the distance, and the sense of death... Ren Pi was walking alone on such a road. The body is out of control and can only be forced to move forward. His internal organs were trembling slightly, also uncontrollably, but trembling because of fear. The twitching muscles did not make him fall to the ground, and he continued to move forward mechanically.

It was also a road in the dark, but what Ren Pi saw was completely different from the Guangyuan Highway. There is no pervasive Yin Qi, no strange scenery, just barren wilderness and straight roads. Other than that, there is nothing. He couldn't hear breathing, couldn't see light, couldn't feel anything other than himself. It seemed that Ren Pi was the only person left in the whole world.

Fear arises spontaneously and cannot be controlled.

Ren Pi was so scared that she wanted to scream, but no sound came out. His vocal cords were also trembling, but no sound could come out.

Half of this fearful emotion stems from the fear of death, and the other half arises out of no reason.

I had an infection and felt a little weak.

I still remember that it was recorded in the files that Ren Pi saw other ghosts after arriving at this Huangquan Road. Walking on the road like a sleepwalker like him, heading to the underworld.

This time, the road was empty.

My first reaction was not that Wang Xiaoshuai's ability had changed, nor that Ren Pi had gone to Huangquan Road at the wrong time, but that something was wrong with Huangquan Road and something was wrong with the underworld.

Wu Ling once mentioned the shortage of manpower in the underworld. There are some ghosts who have been reincarnated into our world. Chen Yihan and Chen Xiaoqiu are two of the souls.

Qingye's people have come into contact with ghosts from the underworld several times, and they are not without mistakes. Ye Qing and Wu Ling once handed over the entrance and exit of Guangyuan Mountain to ghosts from the underworld, but as a result, the ghosts of Guangyuan Mountain came from the other side, directly occupied Guangyuan Mountain, and extended their tentacles outwards.

Those lost ghosts were not guided by ghost missions and could only linger in the human world.

In this way, it seems to make sense that Huangquan Road is empty.

This is not a good sign.

I feel so instinctively.

The world is deteriorating, ghosts are rampant, and there are no souls on the road to hell... Everything is connected to confirm the fact that the world is gradually collapsing.

I felt a shiver. The chill was not due to Ren Pi's fear, but the fear of this situation.

The strange world that the Guangyuan Mountain Ghost came from came to mind.

That is the future after the world collapses...


A hand patted Ren Pi's shoulder.

Ren Pi's consciousness was withdrawn from the road to hell. He looked up at Wang Xiaoshuai.

Wang Xiaoshuai dragged a chair aside and sat down, looking tired.

"Did you see it?" Wang Xiaoshuai asked.

Ren Pi wiped the sweat from his head and nodded tremblingly, like a bobbing doll on the car.

"I just thought of something." Wang Xiaoshuai said suddenly, "Do you still remember what you saw...the way you died?"

Ren Pi was silent for a long time, still nodded, got up from the ground, dragged a chair and sat next to Wang Xiaoshuai.

"Remember. It's the same... and it's not exactly the same. This time I saw the... Huangquan Road directly... Last time, I had a hallucination in reality... This time I also..." Ren Pi's body trembled.

"But no one else saw Huangquan Road." Wang Xiaoshuai interrupted Ren Pi.

Ren Pi looked up blankly.

Wang Xiaoshuai lowered his eyes, "I can also see other people's deaths, and I can let them see my own death. There are some differences between the two scenes, like sending a message. When one person sends a message to another, the content will change slightly. "

Ren Pi said: "I know."

"No one saw Huangquan Road." Wang Xiaoshuai said again, "We thought you died in a car accident before. It may be that my ability is like this. So you saw Huangquan Road. But not long ago, an uncle of mine died in a car accident. Yes. I saw it, and I reminded him. What he and I saw was the car accident itself, not Huangquan Road."

Ren Pi showed a blank expression again and asked nervously: "What do you mean?"

"I don't know either." Wang Xiaoshuai smiled bitterly, "I just looked at your daughter and saw the same thing. When you die, I can only see the road to hell. I have only seen such a scene with you."

Ren Pi could not sit still.

"Do you still have contact information for that office last time?" Wang Xiaoshuai asked again.

Ren Pi nodded quickly and took out his phone.

He obviously lost his mind and did whatever Wang Xiaoshuai said. After failing to find a phone number, he finally handed the phone to Wang Xiaoshuai and covered his face, casting a shadow over his whole body.

Wang Xiaoshuai turned on the speakerphone and made the call.

I thought the call would be connected to Wu Ling's mobile phone, but the system prompt voice for shutdown immediately came from the mobile phone.

It seems that Wu Ling and the others have returned to this world, but they are not ready to reopen Qingye.

Wang Xiaoshuai and Ren Pi were both very frustrated. The two of them had no other choice for a while.

After sitting like this for a long time, it was time for get out of class to end.

The ringing of the bell brought Ren Pi back to her senses.

"I'm going to pick up my daughter. Come with us." Ren Pi said, "You only met her once when she was a child."


The two of them left the lounge as they spoke.

The corridor was already bustling with activity.

Ren Pi's daughter hasn't come out yet. Many parents came into the classroom and helped their children wrap themselves in layers of winter clothes.

Ren Pi also walked in, helped her daughter get dressed, and wrapped a long woolen scarf around her neck. The child suddenly changed from a tall and tall sapling into a top-heavy fat baby.

The little girl was led by Ren Pi and walked out.

Ren Pi greeted Wang Xiaoshuai and signaled her daughter to call her uncle.

The little girl raised her head, her face suddenly turned pale, she held Ren Pi's hand tightly, hid behind Ren Pi, and said eagerly: "Dad! It's him!!"

Ren Pi was surprised, "What?"

"That's him! The kidnapper!" the little girl whispered, hiding even more.

Ren Pi and Wang Xiaoshuai looked at each other.

It took a long time for the two grown men to coax the little girl into obedience.

"Did you dream about Uncle Wang? You didn't say anything yesterday, so why did you think that Uncle Wang was a kidnapper?" Ren Pi asked, sounding a little anxious.

The little girl stared at Wang Xiaoshuai sideways, then lowered her head, "He came to pick me up at school... You and your mother are chasing after me..."

"Then why did you follow Uncle Wang?" Ren Pi asked again.

The little girl thought for a long time and showed an innocent and helpless expression.

"So you see, Uncle Wang is not a kidnapper. You knew him, so you followed him. Your parents are here too." Ren Pi said patiently, but his expression was not very good.

The little girl lowered her head again, stopped talking, and held her father's hand glumly.

I saw a thoughtful expression on Wang Xiaoshuai's face.

I looked at Wang Xiaoshuai suspiciously.

He was dressed plainly, and it seemed that after more than ten years, he had not become as wealthy as Ren Pi. But it's not that bad to say that he's destitute. There is no reason for him to suddenly become a kidnapper and kidnap the daughter of someone he knows, right?

The content of the little girl's dream was also strange.

Zhu Yun's daughter was also one who shouldn't have been born. But before the accident, Zhu Yun's daughter showed no abnormality. Only Zhu Yun himself was harassed by the demon three days before the accident.

The situation on Ren Pi's side is really very different.

How much of this is due to the special nature of the devil's spirit, and how much is because Ren Pi knows a person with such abilities as Wang Xiaoshuai?

I looked at Wang Xiaoshuai again.

Wang Xiaoshuai's abilities are always being used, perhaps passively. What are the side effects of his abilities? Judging from Wang Xiaoshuai's demeanor, it seems that he has not suffered from the side effects of his ability. I just simply care about the death of someone I know well.

This is too strange.

Perhaps, there is only one explanation...

The side effects of his abilities are not his own responsibility.

It was unlikely that he would meet someone like Ye Qing who would take the initiative to bear the side effects for him. This should be a characteristic of the ability itself. Just like Muge, the terrifying side effects of his abilities are entirely borne by the loved ones. This is another kind of torture.

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