Aoba Office

Chapter 1394 New Life (5)

My spirit seemed to be split. On the one hand, I was anxious and on the other hand, I was excited with anticipation. These two emotions are not mixed together, but independent.

After I ran all the way and arrived at the door of the courtyard, I discovered the Iron General hanging at the door.

It looked like a closed warehouse, with an iron chain wrapped around the door knocker and a lock the size of a child's fist. It looked extremely heavy and strong.

There was dust on the chain, and the color of the door panel had faded, as if it had been exposed to wind and rain for a long time without being cared for.

Looking up at the courtyard wall, I couldn't see the tall trees in the courtyard, only the blue sky, white clouds and slightly bright sky.

I pulled the door lock and found that the chain was real and the lock was indeed locked. I couldn't help but feel anxious.

This time the mood is unified.

I took two steps back, looked around, then jumped up to the top of the wall.

In an instant, the scenery changed.

There is a big tree in the courtyard, the crown of which is much higher than the courtyard wall. The leaves are dense and a dark green, like trees in summer.

When I hang it on the courtyard wall, I can feel the obvious temperature difference between the courtyard wall and the two sides. It's summer inside the courtyard, and it's still spring outside. It's hot on one side and cool on the other.

I heard the cry of cicadas, endless and deafening.

On the trees, small animals such as squirrels and birds were running around, causing the leaves to sway in circles.

The doors of the rooms in the courtyard are closed, and the windows are not glass windows, but paper windows, so the scene inside cannot be seen from the outside. There were no lights on and no one seemed to be there.

I took a deep breath and wanted to climb over the wall to get in. Suddenly I felt strong winds and heavy rain in the courtyard.

I don’t know when, the sky divided into two distinct sides. On the top of the courtyard, dark clouds covered the sun, and lightning flashed in the thick clouds.

There was a rumble, and then lightning crackled down from the clouds.

After a ray of purple light, the big tree was split in half, and half of it fell over, pressing towards me.

I was startled and had to let go and fall to the ground.

As soon as I landed, I saw that the sky still looked like it had just dawned. The sun was hanging diagonally in the east. The sunlight was not dazzling. The white clouds in the sky were slightly thinner. There were no dark clouds or lightning flying around. scene.

There are no fallen trees weighing down the courtyard wall.

My heart was beating wildly and jumped onto the wall again. When I reached out to grab it, I found that what I grabbed was not the dust on the courtyard wall, but a handful of leaves. My hand was pricked by a branch, and it hurt so much that I subconsciously let go. A large green flashed through my eyes, and I fell back to the ground.

This time I was caught off guard, my foot twisted, my palms stung, and my ankles hurt terribly.

I looked at my hand, and a red mark appeared. The leaves fell from my hands and lay quietly on the ground.

This is all true.

I shuddered, thinking of my nephew, and took a few steps to the side, trying to climb up the courtyard wall.

However, I sprained my foot and was a little unable to use my strength. It took me two attempts to successfully grab the top of the wall and climb up with difficulty.

A bolt of lightning fell almost right in front of my face, making my eyes go white. Except for the white background, I could see a purple-blue light and nothing else could be seen.

The sound of thunder and lightning striking things was constant. The chirping of the cicadas has disappeared, leaving only the sound of the heavy rain.

My hands were all sore from the beating, but only the hands that crossed the courtyard wall were hit by the rain, while the rest of my body was dry and dry.

I blinked, finally regaining my vision, and vaguely saw the horrific scene in the courtyard.

The lightning struck in pieces, splitting the courtyard into pieces, but the house was intact without any damage. Lightning does not fall on the house. But the rainwater flowed down the roof tiles, like a row of waterfalls, completely covering the house.

I felt my heart pounding.

In such an environment, it is impossible for me to climb over the wall and get in.

A loud shout came from behind: "What are you doing, kid!"

I turned around and looked over, and an old man was glaring at me, pointing at me and yelling, telling me to get down.

I also knew that my actions had been misunderstood.

I took another look at the scene in the courtyard, reluctantly let go of my hand, and landed on my feet, making me grin.

"Hey, you are still making weird expressions! You are too young to learn well! You want to steal something!" The uncle rushed over, like an old and tough bull.

I could only explain: "I know the owner of the house here. I want to come find him."

"You think I'm a fool! The whole family in this house has moved away a long time ago! You, a thief, still deny it!" The uncle grabbed me with his hands like iron pliers.

It's not easy for me to struggle violently, let alone attack an old man who is brave enough to do justice.

"We really know each other. We met when we were kids. I know they went abroad and wanted to see if they came back. I live here too." I explained helplessly, "I met them a few years ago, just six or seven years ago. A foreigner moved here..."

"Stop talking nonsense! No one has come back from this place for many years." The uncle's expression softened slightly and he looked at me a few times.

"I really encountered it. Otherwise I wouldn't have come here today. When is the wrong time to steal something? I didn't bring anything with me. Where would I put the stolen things?" I said.

The uncle stared at me suspiciously.

"Have you really never seen anyone come in or out of here? Such a tall foreigner with blue eyes and a beard." I gestured and looked at the old man expectantly.

The uncle shook his head and let go, "I haven't seen it before. Okay. If you're not a thief, don't climb on other people's walls. You..." He paused.

I didn't dare to say anything, for fear of causing trouble at the police station.

But in my heart I don't think so. I don’t know where my indifference comes from. It seems that it’s not because I am convinced that I am innocent and will not be wanted, but because I simply don’t care.

"I saw the lock was unlocked one night..." the old man suddenly said, glancing at the circle of chains, "There seemed to be some movement inside the house."

"Someone must be living in it!" I cheered up.

"Well... the police station said that the family came back to do something..." The uncle looked at me sideways.

"I really know the person who lives here." I said sincerely.

"That person is gone now. Didn't you see such a big lock? He still climbed on the wall. Today's young people!" The uncle drove me away.

I saw that there were more people on the road, and it was inconvenient for me to climb the wall, so I could only leave sadly.

When I walked home, my feet no longer hurt much and my heart felt heavy.

Before the door could be opened, the door was opened. Mother's face was filled with tears.


"Something happened to Yangyang! Their car overturned!" her mother said anxiously.

My head blurred and I thought of the words I heard at night.

Next, my mother and I rushed to the hospital and saw my brother, sister-in-law, and the child.

There are thirty students in a class, plus the teacher and driver, for a total of thirty-two people. The bus was hit by a car traveling at high speed and rolled over. A group of children fell into a mess, but apart from a few scratches and contusions, there were no other injuries. No one needed to be hospitalized, there wasn't even much bleeding, and no wounds needed to be bandaged.

The police and doctors were lamenting the miracle.

I found that although many of the parents present had tears on their faces and looked haggard, they all maintained a strange silence.

There was no rejoicing about surviving the disaster, only a subtle atmosphere lingering among everyone.

Everyone looked at each other and secretly glanced at the people around them, with increasingly strange expressions.

It wasn't until someone awkwardly said that they wanted to leave, and someone silently took the child away that the frozen state began to flow again and gradually returned to normal.

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