Aoba Office

Chapter 1393 New Life (4)

The scene disappeared in an instant, behind a wooden door.

I felt myself shivering from the cold and shivering. What he saw just now seemed to be just an illusion, but the fear left in that moment was all too real.

I stood at the door for a long time, not daring to open the door and look. In my heart, I really wanted to push the door open, and I also wanted to catch the person behind the door. It's just that I can't move my body, and there always seems to be something stopping me from moving.

After a while, I moved my numb feet and staggered towards home.

It felt like I had been gone for many years.

The surrounding scenery changed again and again, and I felt that my body had also changed. I had a girl's hand in my arm.

I led the girl into the residential building and saw vague small advertising marks on the wall.

The girl's high heels stepped on the wooden stairs, making a clicking sound. The old wooden stairs seemed to be shaking.

I don’t know when this staircase became like this.

It didn't seem so shabby before...

Just as I was thinking about it, I arrived at the door of my house.

I took out my key and opened the door, and heard the cheers of the children inside.

"Uncle!" A small figure bumped into me and hugged my thigh.

I leaned back slightly and touched the girl I was holding.

"Stop running around! Look at you!" A shout came from inside the house. The woman came out, looked behind me sheepishly, and smiled enthusiastically, "This is Miss He. Please come in quickly! He is a naughty little kid who likes his uncle the most."

Ms. He behind me chuckled lightly, "Ajie has always been very popular with children."

"Yes. He also likes children very much. Hey, you came right here, what else did you bring?" The woman stretched out her hand, gave Miss He a hand, and took what she was carrying, "No need to change shoes. , It’s okay. Just come in. Mom! The people are here!”

A man came out of the kitchen, wiped his hands with his apron, and said in confusion: "Why are you here so early? I'm still washing vegetables... I ate fish today and bought shrimps. I don't know what you like to eat... "

The family is enthusiastic and a little reserved.

That Miss He looked a little shy, but she behaved very generously and responded politely.

"Uncle, is this my little aunt?" The child who was holding me back looked up at Miss He.

"You still have an auntie. You still have an auntie." His mother scolded him.

The child was giggling and not afraid. He pulled me and shook him, "Uncle, I'm going on a spring outing tomorrow. I haven't bought food for tomorrow yet. You go with me."

The child's coquettishness gave me chills.

The word "spring outing" seems a bit taboo to me.

I have an indescribable weird feeling.

My body had already taken the lead and agreed immediately, even asking the child what he wanted to buy.

The child's mother looked at Miss He awkwardly, her eyes lit up, "It's still early for dinner. Otherwise, why don't you take him out for a walk? Ajie grew up here. I'll show you around. There's another one over here. garden……"

"Sister-in-law." I shouted helplessly.

Miss He pursed her lips and smiled.

The three of us were pushed out anyway, and money was given to us before we left.

Only the children cheered.

I glanced at Miss He.

"My brother should still be at work and will be back in a while. These are the only people in our family." I said without saying anything.

My mind is still on the spring outing.

"Uncle, when will you marry your aunt?" The child held me in one hand and Miss He in the other, and asked with a playful smile, as if he was saying something interesting.

"You're a kid." I knocked on his head, my face feeling a little hot.

Miss He also blushed.

"My mother said that after meeting my aunt, you are going to get married. If you get married and have a little brother, will you like me again?" The child asked again, pouting as if he remembered something, and then turned He looked at Miss He and said, "I would also like the little brother. I just prefer the uncle."

Miss He laughed out loud and touched the child's head, "I like you too, and I like your uncle."

The child immediately became happy.

We took our children to the supermarket and bought large and small bags of snacks and bread before the three of us headed home.

The rest of the dinner and conversation was a blur.

I took Miss He home, and when I went back, my mother pulled me to talk about Miss He again.

I lay on the bed restlessly and didn't fall asleep for a long time.

That kind of excitement and sweet emotion is a bit far away from me. They are equally real, but there is a gap that prevents me from being truly happy.

I think something's going to happen

When I fall asleep, my body is asleep but my spirit is still active.

I felt a gaze on me.

Judging from the position, the owner of that line of sight is directly in front of the bed. But the bed I was lying on occupied the entire wall, and the bedside and bedside were all against the wall. There couldn't be anyone in that place. It's not necessarily someone standing at the end of my bed.

I had a creepy feeling and wanted to open my eyes to see, but I couldn't.

Amidst the clatter of books, I heard another person breathing.

After a while, the sound of turning books stopped.

"Tu Ziyang, there was a car accident at 5:30 on April 19, 1992."

I heard a voice that sounded like a mechanical voice read this sentence without emotion, and I broke out in a cold sweat behind my back.

Tu Ziyang is the name of that child. April 19, 1992, is the date when the children will go on a spring outing tomorrow.

A mixture of fear and fear emerged in my heart. I wanted to open my eyes even more.

The voice continued: "Mr. Zhao, please don't worry, I will complete our deal."

This time, there was a weird smile in the voice. That kind of laughter was not out of joy, but rather malicious.

I seemed to be in a nightmare.

I couldn't explain the content of the nightmare, I just felt extremely scared. I wanted to wake up, but I couldn't.

It wasn't until the "didi-didi" alarm clock rang that I suddenly opened my eyes.

Cold sweat fell from my forehead.

I was breathing heavily, and my eardrums and brain were hurting from the sound of the alarm clock.

I still remember what I heard in my sleep, but my mind seems to be out of control, and I can only think about the fear that captured me.

I pressed the alarm and got up from the bed. It took a while before my brain cleared up.

I jumped up, rushed to the living room, picked up the phone and dialed.

The door to the next door also opened, and my mother walked out worriedly, her eyes red, as if she had cried.

An idea flashed in my mind, and I suddenly understood something.

The call didn't go through, and the person on the other end was also on the phone. I had to hang up the phone and wait before dialing again.

My mother and I looked at each other.

"Ajie...praising him, praising him..." Tears overflowed from the mother's eyes.

My heart felt like someone had punched me in the face.

"Mom, have you also...have you seen that person? Signed..."

Mother's eyes widened.

After many years, I still remember that strange foreigner and the name I signed with a quill pen.

"Mom, call my brother and the others!" I was about to rush out the door, but my mother held me back.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious. You change your clothes and go to that place to have a look. Yang Yang has been at school at four or five in the morning. He must be setting off now. He can't catch up..." At this time, she showed her strong side, More calm than a young man like me.

I agreed, went back to the room, quickly changed my clothes, and rushed out of the room.

The last day of December, the last day of 2017, please vote for me~ If you don’t vote, it will be too late~

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