Aoba Office

Chapter 1390 New Life (1)

After thinking about this, my previous guess became uncertain again.

Maybe my parents really just believed in me so much that they didn't suspect my abnormal behavior during this period. Maybe it’s because I’ve grown up long ago and am already working and independent. Even though they have suspicions, they choose to pretend to be deaf and don’t tell me the truth.

As long as it's not related to something like the devil, I hope it stays like this at home. Knowing too much may actually frighten them. After all, what I am doing now is too dangerous, and my situation is also too dangerous. I may die at any time. Letting my parents worry day and night is worse than not knowing anything. If I really die in the future, they will just treat it as an accident.

"Have you ever tried summoning a demon?" Chen Xiaoqiu suddenly spoke and changed the subject.

This question was naturally asked to Wu Ling.

Wu Ling replied: "I tried. Either it failed, or I could only summon ghosts."

Probably because he had tried it himself, Wu Lingcai was certain that there was no such thing as a demon.

"I will ask Nangong to check the parents of those people first. If there is no way to forcefully summon them, then we can only wait and wait. There are still many people in that class alive. The original Mr. Ren is also still alive," Wu Ling said.

This is also a solution.

After we discussed it, I got out of the car and walked separately from Fatty and the others.

This is mainly to avoid causing trouble for Fatty and the others.

When I take public transportation, especially the subway, I can't come across shared bicycles.

I encountered it while walking. The traffic accident also happened around me, not to me.

I feel disgusted when I think of that malicious spirit, but I really have no good solution.

When I went home in the evening, I carefully read the documents Wu Ling gave me.

Several people who have died died in car accidents, but the methods of car accidents were different. In addition to the typical car accident, there are also people who are involved in car accidents. The most unlucky one was because a car hit the guardrail and was hit in the head, causing him to die on the spot.

If we hadn't found the connection, there would have been clues in advance. No one could have imagined that the unexpected events in the South China Sea and North China on this day were related.

When I thought of this, my hand turning the pages suddenly stopped.

All over the world...

This class was originally classmates in a primary school in the capital, but before graduation, they transferred to different schools and flew to different places. After working as adults, around 2008, many of them moved again.

I feel like I've found a new starting point. But then I thought about it, it was nothing special.

Zhu Yun's parents were so ill that they sought medical treatment and went to see Master Chao. Other parents will surely behave similarly.

Relocation has become an inevitable choice.

They wanted to run away, to escape from that demon.

Thinking more deeply, such a move proved that they believed that the devil could be escaped.

I was stunned.

Let me see, it is very difficult to escape from something like a spirit. For example, the spirit of shared bicycles can travel around the country. But for a spirit like a new thing, it has a fixed range of activities before it moves on its own. It is normal behavior for ordinary people to run away when encountered.

The demon Zhu Yun encountered was like a gangrene attached to the bone, with no entity at all. So Zhu Yun couldn't think of escaping.

Isn't that the kind of demon Zhu Yun and others' parents saw?

I feel like my brain is a little confused.

I really can't imagine what that scene is like.

I sent a text message to Wu Ling to let him know. Wu Ling was also a little confused.

None of us had ever seen the devil, and before that, Wu Ling—and probably the entire paranormal circle—thought the devil was dead.

Wu Ling was very direct and sent me the information on the victims that Nangong Yao had found. The victims this time are the parents of those students. The parents of these students, including fathers, mothers, grandparents, or seemingly unrelated aunts and uncles, all died in accidents. Every student has at least two or three relatives who die under mysterious circumstances.

I broke out in cold sweat, gritted my teeth, and read all these documents carefully.

If you read too many things like autopsy reports, you will become numb. I have seen more horrific and bloody death scenes. Compared with the methods used by evil ghosts to kill people, these accidents look relatively "peaceful". But these accidents one after another made my scalp numb.

I can feel the fear of the deceased from these words and photos.

They have all escaped before, but they did not escape successfully.

This reminds me of what happened in Guangyuan Mountain.

The feeling of being chased by a ghost is not pleasant.

By the time I finished reading all the documents, it was past midnight.

After I washed up, I lay on the bed.

I hope to dream about one of them.

They are the ones who have truly come into contact with demons. They are completely different from those like Zhu Yun who simply have their lives taken away from them.

I closed my eyes, counted the numbers, and gradually fell asleep.

I was woken up by a ringing sound.

It’s not my mobile phone’s alarm, but the “didi-didi-didi” alarm clock ringtone, which sounds particularly “retro”.

When I woke up, I was still conscious, but I felt my body moving on its own.

He flicked his hand and slapped it on the cold alarm clock. He fumbled for the switch behind the alarm clock and turned it off.

The harsh "di-di-di" is gone.

I turned over, as if I was about to continue sleeping, but my mind was still awake.

I heard movement outside the door. There were the sounds of slippers walking, the toilet flushing, the sound of water, the sound of a microwave oven, the sound of clinking dishes and chopsticks... Someone turned on the TV, and you could hear the news host playing the morning news, talking about the leader of a certain country today. Visiting...

There were two knocks on the door, and I turned over again and opened my eyes.

There is a fluorescent lamp on the ceiling.

The long vertical lights are embedded on the edge of the ceiling, which makes people feel strange.

I have only seen this kind of lamp in classrooms and other places. Nowadays, in decoration, household headlights like to have beautiful shapes, even simple ones, and round ones look better than long strips with just one lamp tube.

I was thinking wildly and had already sat up from the bed.

The room was small and so was the bed.

In addition to a bed, there is also a wardrobe, bookcases and writing desk.

The wardrobe is covered by a cloth cover. Judging from the appearance, this cloth cover is still a DIY product, and the workmanship is not fine.

The clothes you want to change into are draped over the back of the chair. The shirt and trousers look a bit old-fashioned.

I changed my clothes and went outside.

As soon as the door opened, I saw the living room and dining table.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a woman busy in the kitchen.

The woman looked to be in her fifties or sixties, her hair was meticulously combed, but her dress also looked a bit rustic.

Coupled with the decoration of the entire home, it makes people feel like they are watching a period drama.

Something didn't seem right, and I couldn't place it.

I heard myself say "morning" and playfully asked what delicious food I had for breakfast this morning. The woman rushed me to wash my face and brush my teeth.

In the bathroom, I saw myself in the mirror.

The young man is full of energy, looks like a young man in his twenties, has permed hair and extremely bright eyes. That good look made me a little surprised. There are no eye circles, no eye bags, and no red bloodshot eyes. It's rare to wake up so energetic in the morning.

My thoughts spread out involuntarily and eventually became empty.

By the time I came to my senses, I was already sitting at the table eating breakfast.

It was just me and the woman sitting across from each other, eating home-made scallion pancakes.

"After get off work today, come with me to visit your sister-in-law. You are also an uncle, so you have to behave well in the future." The woman said.

I heard myself laughing.

In the laughter, time seemed to pass by in a flash.

I was no longer at home, but following women in the corridors of the hospital.

The style of the hospital also has a sense of time, which gave me a sense of time and space.

The cries of children, the shouts of nurses, and the voices of patients' family members all made this narrow and cramped space very noisy.

But I felt the joy of new life. The child's crying also becomes cute.

The woman stared at the signs hanging on the concierges, stopped at the door of a room, and walked in.

A warm greeting soon came from inside.


"Ouch! The baby is awake now!"

I was about to go in, but I stopped and turned my head to look at the end of the corridor.

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