Aoba Office

Chapter 1389 Worry

"Brother Qi, are you okay?"

The faces of the thin man and the fat man appeared in front of me.

Only then did I feel the pain in my forehead.

Director Mao babbled: "Xiao Lin, are you feeling uncomfortable? Are you anemic or hungry? Why did you suddenly collapse..."

I shook my head, "I just felt dizzy. Maybe it's because I didn't sleep well last night."

I made an excuse, and Director Mao talked for a while about young people staying up late. She was verbose out of concern, so I could only accept her kindness.

The thin man and the others just stared at me, their eyes full of exploration.

Finally, Director Mao stopped and allowed us to continue working.

Only then did the thin man wink, hinting me to tell him what happened.

I said, "Let's talk about it after get off work."

It's really not convenient to talk about the dream I just had now.

I glanced at my phone.

Zhu Yun's death report is attached to the personal file. In that car accident, both Zhu Yun and her daughter died. The overturned cement tanker crushed the back seat of the taxi. The daughter's body was completely gone, while only half of the mother's body was still intact. The death can be said to be very tragic.

I seem to still be able to remember Zhu Yun's sadness at that time.

She forgot her fear of death at that moment and was only thinking about her daughter.

After finally getting off work, we got into the car, but we were not in a hurry to drive back to the demolition office.

I called Wu Ling and turned on the speakerphone so that Slender Man and the others could hear my story.

"...So, you think that the spirit is a demon, and it will only come to the door, and there is no way to summon it through a spell?"

"I guess so." I listened to Wu Ling's summary on the other end of the phone and said, "Zhu Yun's last memory was before she went to elementary school. She should have been only four or five years old at that time. Her parents knew about her a few years in advance. Something happened, but I don’t know the details. After she miraculously survived the car accident, her parents began to pray to God and find Master Chao. The time difference between them was probably caused by the devil. "

After much thought, this is the only explanation that makes sense.

The devil knew about the car accident in advance and made hints and explicit instructions to the parents of the students in that class. Whether it was a dream or a direct appearance, in short, it made the parents of those students choose to believe it and be willing to pay the price.

During that interregnum, nothing happened. These parents must be lucky and suspect that they are dreaming.

It is also possible that there are thirty people in a class, at least sixty parents, and it took the devil several years to convince them one by one.

I don't know how many times it succeeded in the end, but Zhu Yun and others must have been saved from death by it and lived for decades longer.

"Zhu Yun's daughter died, but her husband survived. In the accident, only Zhu Yun's mother and daughter died, right?" I said, "This is the same as that routine. If Zhu Yun had died that year, there would be no daughter. ”

Therefore, when Zhu Yun died, her daughter was also killed.

The thin man muttered and mentioned the name of a movie.

"...Is it really a devil? A devil?" Guo Yujie was stunned, "Then, there are many ways to summon it, right?"

The four of us couldn't help but glance at the thin man.

The thin man nodded stiffly.

Wu Ling on the other end of the phone said: "There are many. However, except for the demon in Kaziana, there seems to be no example of successful summoning of other demons and demons."

I was surprised, "There is no example? How is this possible? Are there no examples abroad?"

"It has happened before. After the Middle Ages, exorcists cleaned it up, and it was no longer visible. After so many years, it seems that it has not been able to recover." Wu Ling said, "It is also possible that there was something wrong in the process. The original summoning ritual has been passed down to this day, and there has been a deviation, so no one can succeed. Otherwise, it is successful, but no news comes out. "

I don't quite understand, "After success, no news came out? You mean..."

"Just like what happened this time. If we hadn't been watching and you hadn't been able to dream about the truth, I don't think anyone would have connected this matter with the devil."

This is true.

"Zhu Yun didn't think of the devil, did he?" Wu Ling asked again.

"Yeah. She seems...never thought about..." I said this, a little surprised again.

"In this way, I have an idea. That spirit will deliberately choose its targets. It is careful not to expose itself and acts very cautiously. It is even possible that it is a demon left behind after the exorcist's purge."

My mouth dropped open.

"The original plan may have to be abandoned. If it is a spirit like that, we can't contact it, so we can't use it."

"But I don't think so..." I thought of the cold palm that grabbed me at the end of the dream.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else you didn't say just now?" Wu Ling asked.

I said the last thing, " probably wanted to do something to me. But, I used my power and it ran away immediately."

It's not that I don't want to, but I'm holding back.

Since the devil has such a plan, it may not give up. It should be waiting for opportunities.

I suddenly thought of my parents and sister.

"Could it be looking for my parents...!" I blurted out, a little excited.

If that were the case, wouldn't it harm them?

I became anxious.

"Have your parents...ever mentioned this kind of thing?" Wu Ling asked, his tone hesitant.

I was stunned, "No..."

They had never mentioned such a thing, and they had never been superstitious. The two of them are like normal retired old men and women. No, they are more homely than those retired old men and women.

For people our age, our parents are almost retired, and there are often activities for the elderly.

There are also various complaints and summaries on the Internet, which often trigger an upsurge of replies and resonate.

But my parents never had those typical behaviors of older people.

They don't travel or have dinner together very much, and they don't go to farmhouses every three days. Cruise travel, which has been popular for several years, has nothing to do with them. They didn't seem to participate in the chess and card room or square dancing.

They do like watching TV, it seems, they just like watching TV.

When I thought about this, I suddenly felt uneasy.

I thought of all the things that had happened before.

My performance was not normal, and my acting skills were not very good.

But my parents didn't suspect anything, nor were they worried too much.

I thought they had confidence in me.

Growing up, I never got into trouble or let them worry about me. My parents often say that I am sensible. When they were young, they took my sister and me to dinner parties, and the most common praise I heard was that we were worry-free, obedient, and sensible.

Therefore, it is natural that they believe in me and do not think that anything bad happened to me, let alone encountering evil spirits and encountering ghosts.

Suddenly, I began to doubt my unfounded self-confidence in the past.

Is it possible that the parents already knew something?

They didn't say anything, maybe because they were evading, maybe because... they were sure that nothing would happen to me.

That devil...

Have you already looked for my parents?

I was restless and wanted to go home right away.

The thin man advised: "Brother Qi, don't think too much. How could it be such a coincidence? If so, are our parents also tempted by that devil? It's unlikely."

I look at the four of them.

The fat man shook his head first, "If my mother believes in Buddhism, she also believes in Buddha, Bodhisattva, Buddha, etc. There is no reason to believe in demons."

"What if the devil turns into a Bodhisattva or a Buddha?" Chen Xiaoqiu said.

The fat man was speechless.

Chen Xiaoqiu added: "My parents should not have such thoughts. Moreover, when I touched that kimono, I almost died. It was you and Ye Qing who saved me. That was not a miracle. I When I was born, I had a narrow escape, and it was my brother-in-law who saved me.”

Chen Xiaoqiu's suspicion was easily eliminated.

On second thought, I thought I could be cleared of suspicion myself.

Because when I was a child, I also escaped from death and was saved by Ye Qing. That's not a miracle either.

Please give me a monthly pass before going to bed~

Good night everyone~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

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