Aoba Office

Chapter 1380 No. 086-Shared Bicycle (7)

On October 23, 2014, I received a call from the client. Telephone recording 201410231735.mp3.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang."

"Well, hello. That matter..."

"We are still investigating. The latest situation has been explained to you before. There are still several family members of the deceased who are difficult to contact..."


"Have you encountered anything recently?"

"I...I went out recently and didn't feel anything anymore..."

"Are you saying that the weird feeling you had before is gone?"

"Yeah. The feeling I had before is gone. I haven't seen that car anymore. I've ridden it a few times myself and haven't encountered it again. That thing... doesn't seem to be staring at me anymore."

"That's it. So what are your plans now? Because we haven't figured out how that thing works yet, we can't guarantee your safety. I'm sorry. In this matter, we may have to spend more time asking about the situation. . On your side..."

"My dad has talked to me in the past two days. I thought... some of what he said makes sense. My mother has already been like that... reluctantly, reluctantly can be regarded as the right to blame and the creditor... although I think it is too much. My mother didn't do anything... What you said last time is reasonable. Those things are not human and don't make sense."

"Do you want to stop the investigation?"

"Well... on the one hand it's because of the commission fee, and on the other hand... my dad is also worried that if I continue to be so stubborn... the worst I can do is not have to share bikes in the future, or have anything to do with that thing. If I continue to investigate, I'm afraid...that thing will come back. I'm sorry for making you run away."

"It's nothing. This is our job. If you are ready, we have some contract procedures to complete. We will return to Minqing now."

"Yeah. Sorry to bother you."

On October 24, 2014, the investigation was suspended. Result of the incident: A spirit suspected to be related to shared bicycles was born, but its behavior and image have not yet been determined. This event is classified into the "Unfinished" category and the keyword "shared bicycles" is set.

On January 9, 2016, Zhang Qing was confirmed dead. Video file 08620160109.avi.

The video is a surveillance video, with the surveillance location in the upper left corner and the time in the lower left corner. The date and time is January 8, 2016 at 9:24 pm. Judging from the surveillance, it is not a crossroads, but a relatively quiet road. The dim yellow street lights are hidden among the canopies of tall street trees. The light is not bright. There are not many pedestrians and few vehicles. There are shadows all over the road.

There is a row of shared bicycles parked on the roadside. There are more than ten shared bicycles in total. Judging from the color, they are fast-riding bicycles.

A snowflake screen suddenly appeared on the screen for a second, leaving a twisted horizontal line in the center of the screen.

The video is paused, and the picture seems to be processed, but it cannot be completely processed. The twisted horizontal lines are still there, but after the shared bicycles are zoomed in, a figure sitting on the bicycle can be faintly seen.

The man had short hair and was wearing a winter down jacket with a gray top and black lower body. Because the picture is distorted, the whole person looks like a ball of muddy paint.

After a while, a man came from the end of the road.

That person was drawn with a red circle to distinguish him from other passers-by.

I couldn't tell who that person was, but I could guess that it was Zhang Qing.

Zhang Qing walked past the shared bicycles, stopped for a while, then turned and walked towards the row of bicycles.

His figure was also distorted by the horizontal line. It was barely possible to tell that he was taking out his cell phone, unlocking the door, and preparing to ride a bicycle.

The figure was sitting next to Zhang Qing.

Zhang Qing pulled out a car and pushed it onto the road.

The figure also jumped out of the car.

The screen flashed across the snowflake screen again.

Zhang Qing got on the car. While riding, a figure appeared in the back seat of the car.

Surveillance footage captured Zhang Qing riding off the road.

The video shot switched to another scene recorded by surveillance.

Switched like this several times.

Each time, a snowflake screen will appear on the screen for a moment. As the figure entered the surveillance range, the distorted picture moved slowly.

The place names and times on the surveillance screen are constantly changing.

After a while, the video starts to fast forward.

Zhang Qing rode like this on one road after another. He seemed to be having more and more difficulty, and the speed was getting slower and slower.

The video suddenly entered normal playback speed.

Zhang Qing turned his head and couldn't see his face clearly, but after turning his head, he pedaled the bicycle desperately. The speed of the car picked up again.

He began to turn frequently, turning when he encountered an intersection. For a while, he stared at the path, and after a while, he started riding on the main road again. There are a lot of right turns. When he encounters a red light, he always turns right immediately and pedals his bicycle non-stop.

He seemed to be chased by something terrible.

In the video, the figure can be seen sitting on the back seat of the bicycle.

Even if I can't see Zhang Qing's face clearly, I can still imagine what he looked like at that time. They should be like the editors who fell into Guangyuan Mountain, fleeing for their lives in a panic, not knowing what happened.

After riding for another distance like this, Zhang Qing seemed to be exhausted and the speed slowed down again.

Before reaching the next intersection, Zhang Qing stopped the car, shook his body a few times, and fell down.

The video screen flickered a few more times. After the snowflake screen passed, passers-by gathered around Zhang Qing.

The twisted horizontal line is gone. That figure was also gone.

The video ends.

On January 11, 2016, it was confirmed that Zhang Qing's cause of death was sudden heart disease.


The file stops abruptly when it reaches here. It’s like halfway through a song or halfway through a story, there’s no follow-up.

Judging from the time, only Ye Qing and Liu Miao were left in Qingye at that time, and it was even possible that even Liu Miao was missing. It is very possible that Ye Qing had no time to think about anything else and had no way to investigate Zhang Qing's death.

Judging from this whole thing, the spirit related to shared bicycles is a bit inexplicable. To use a human word to describe it, it is "moody". Why and how it kills seems to have no clue.

This was completely different from the spirits I had seen in the past.

Even its appearance seems uncertain. It was not clearly captured by surveillance cameras.

I haven't seen many spirits, but there shouldn't be many spirits in this world. That spirit should be a bit strange, more or less.

I usually don’t use shared bicycles much, and I haven’t registered an account specifically. Sometimes if I need it, I just use the shared bicycle plug-in that comes with the payment software and use my online payment account.

Thinking back carefully, I didn't encounter anything strange when I used those cars. I saw those cars on the road, and they didn’t seem to see any supernatural phenomena.

I still sent a message to Wu Ling and asked about it.

If Ye Qing didn't have the time and energy to investigate this matter at that time, now three of Qingye's people have been rescued by me. With Nangong Yao, it should be easier to investigate the spirit.

Not long after the message was sent, Wu Ling replied to me and said he understood.

I looked at the eyelid screen.

The video also freezes at the last second. Among the onlookers, Zhang Qing, who had fallen to the ground, curled up slightly and lay on his side.

I was thinking to myself, will I dream about Zhang Qing tonight?

Something happened these past two days. There are still only two updates today. _(:3 ∠)_

Good night everyone~

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