Aoba Office

Chapter 1379 No. 086-Shared Bicycle (6)

"Did something happen again later?"

"Well...she...she also said that something was following her. She said she saw the car moving and that the thing was not dead. I accompanied her to the bridge to see it, and the car was still lying underneath. Part of it was stuck. In the mud. She said, there must be more than one of them. The way she looked... I was really... I stayed with her for a while, and saw that she was getting... more and more crazy, and there was nothing I could do... …There’s nothing I can do…”

"Did you send her to the hospital?"

"I asked my mother-in-law to stay with her. She was not hospitalized. I went to the hospital for treatment. I didn't dare to tell the doctor that. I thought about this kind of thing... My son is dead, what can we do? We can't spend the rest of our lives in this. Above. Besides, I don’t know what it is... My mother-in-law cries every day, and she finally calms down a little bit. But when she goes out on the street, I can only keep her at home. I don’t know when this will end.”

"Haven't anything similar happened to you?"

"No. Except for the one in the river that was a bit strange, she and I saw it. I didn't see the other things she said...never. I saw the shared bicycles on the road, they were all pretty normal. None of them are still moving. I can't help it. Let's see if it can be done in a few years... The worst we can do is move to the suburbs and find a place without shared bicycles. Maybe she will be fine in a few years. I can only drag it on now."

"Well. We also want to ask, did anything special happen to your son before his accident? From what you said, that thing was a bit weird. Could it be that your son did something inadvertently and offended that person? thing."


"Is this possible?"

"This, probably son...he is usually very obedient and doesn't mess around. Even when he uses things, he cherishes them very much. He is the kind of very careful child. It shouldn't be like what you said... …My wife threw the car into the river, and it was’s not possible, right?”

"That's right. Maybe we're overthinking it."

"It's okay, it's okay. You guys also want to help. Sigh... this may be just bad luck. My father-in-law and mother-in-law know about this and think so too. Maybe they just walked into each other and got entangled."

"Please also express your condolences."

On October 20, 2014, Xu Mian’s classmates were contacted. Audio file 08620141020.wav.

"...Oh, asked..."


"Classmates, do you know anything?"


"Don't be nervous. I just showed you my press card. We are a local magazine in Minqing. We also received contributions from readers in Minqing, so we became interested in this subject and investigated it. When I encountered something similar Xu Mian is not the only one involved. Did you hear what Xu Mian said before his accident? Don’t worry, your name will not be included in the publication. We just want a true story. We will protect the privacy of the parties concerned.”



"If you have any concerns, you can tell us directly. Our magazine society will issue rewards to readers who provide clues."


"No, what you are asking is too strange. Xu Mian died in a car accident."

"Does this student Wang know anything? We have some connections in the magazine and know some people. You know. If necessary, we can also introduce it to you and help you solve your difficulties."


"Actually, we have long thought this was strange. Xu Mian was also strange. He always changed cars those days. We went to and from school together and rode bikes together. There seemed to be something wrong with the car he chose every time."

"What kind of problem?"

"There was something wrong with the car's brakes or locks. One time, the car was riding for a while, and the car lock suddenly locked. The car was locked on the rear wheel, and the rear wheel locked suddenly, and the car lurched. He fell directly. Fortunately, nothing happened. Later, I changed a car on the roadside. Another time, the brakes failed. When I was about to get out of the school, I rushed to the door and put my feet down. After he came down, he stopped. The teacher on duty at the door said a few words to him. And..."

"You can do it."

"I'm not talking nonsense. Something happened."

"Those cars are of poor quality and no one cares about them."

"That's such a coincidence. We walked together, but he was unlucky. He picked up broken cars every time."

"You use Tiantian bicycles to go to and from school every day?"

"No, we all have accounts for Kuaiqi, Tiantian, and others. We ride whatever we see in the morning. Many people grab bikes in the morning. There are us students and people working. Sometimes we have to leave when we are late. For a while, go outside the community to find a car.”

"That's right. Didn't you buy your own car?"

"I used to use my own car, but then the car was parked in the community and was stolen, so forget it. Well..."

"We used to buy good cars. They were easy to attract thieves. After a few were stolen, my parents no longer wanted to buy any more cars..."

"I see. Apart from what you just said, are there any other situations?"

"Huh? Oh... gone."

"Classmate Wang, do you have anything to add?"

"no no."

"Don't have any scruples. Telling this matter is also a comfort to classmate Xu Mian. Don't you think so? You can't just die in such an unexplained way."



"Classmate Wang?"

"I...I don't know if...I don't know if I saw it wrong...I...I once saw Xu Mian going out on a bicycle. He played piano since elementary school and went to his teacher's house on weekends... I just saw... when he was riding out of the community, there seemed to be someone in the back seat of the car..."

"What did you say?!"


"Did you see... a ghost?"

"I don't know! I just saw a figure. I don't know if it is..."

"What kind of person is he?"

"...a man, but he seems to be a woman. He has long hair, no breasts, and is very short... he seems to be a child..."

"What did you say?"

"That's why I said I didn't know. That person was weird...I didn't see his face, I just caught a glimpse of him. I was sitting in the supermarket eating, and through the glass window, Xu Mian suddenly rode on In the past...I remember it being weird. That person was very...uncoordinated..."

"Long hair, no breasts, and short, right? How about your clothes?"

"I can't remember. It's white, but it's not... I just feel that the color is lumpy... I can't tell. Anyway, it feels a bit strange."

"He was in the back seat of the car?"

"Yes. None of the shared bicycles have a back seat. I saw him sitting on the back seat. Sitting sideways. Like a girl. felt like he was a boy, otherwise he was a child...I can't tell. "

"Did they see you?"

"No, no. Later I met Xu Mian and wanted to ask, but couldn't ask... that person... was just very strange..."

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