Aoba Office

Chapter 1278 Forming a Group

I was surprised, and so were Jin Shanshan and Wu Feiren.

Sister Hei had no intention of explaining. After opening the urn, he held it in one hand and hung it above the urn with the other while muttering something in his mouth. She closed her eyes, but I felt like there was a red light flashing in her eyes.

The old man became a wooden sculpture, motionless, and the flashlight in his hand only illuminated the photo on the tombstone, illuminating the black and white photo and Bao Jiaxiu's name in white.

Bao Jiaxiu and the previous portraits showed evil expressions.

At this time, something floated out of the urn under Sister Hei's hand. The powder of the ashes formed the shape of a column of green smoke, swaying, not floating, and condensed under Sister Hei's hand.

Because the light was dim, it was not very clear what Sister Hei was doing.

In the photo of the body that was illuminated by the light, Bao Jiaxiu showed an angry look on her face, staring resentfully ahead, with blood and tears streaming from the corners of her eyes.

Jin Shanshan just stared at Sister Hei and didn't notice the photo. After Wu Feiren took a look at the photo, his eyes suddenly widened, a little horrified, and a little withdrawn.

That kind of Bao Jiaxiu is really like a vicious ghost who wants to eat people, and there is nothing reassuring about it.

The air in the cemetery seemed to have gotten colder. The moonlight in the sky was also obscured by dark clouds.

Bao Jiaxiu's head started to move. He no longer just changed his expression, but wanted to break free from the shackles of the photo and rush out for revenge.

The whistling sound of wind came from under Sister Hei's hand, like the howl of a female ghost, shrill and terrifying.

Sister Hei rolled her eyes, revealing the whites of her eyes. A red vertical line split open in the white of the eye, like a snake's vertical pupil.

Jin Shanshan was startled and almost screamed, but Mo Xiaoling covered her mouth.

Sister Hei stopped chanting the curse, opened her lips, and read out a name: "Xu Zhou."

As soon as the words fell, all the weird scenes disappeared.

Sister Hei closed her eyes, and the urn in her hand returned to calm. In the photo of Bao Jiaxiu, she turned into a pretty and lovely girl again. The flashlight in the old man's hand flashed twice at this time.

Sister Hei breathed out, covered the urn, and returned it to the old man.

The old man put the urn back in its place, covered it with stone bricks, and with a touch of his hand, the stone bricks sealed it again.

He led the way to the cemetery entrance. After standing at the door of the cemetery, he stopped.

Sister Hei continued forward and returned to the car.

The old man was still standing at the door of the cemetery, and the flashlight in his hand still had that white light.

Sister Hei said nothing, started the car, turned around and left the cemetery.

I looked back and saw that the old man was still standing at the door. Until suddenly, the flashlight went out and his figure disappeared.

I'm afraid that's really not a human being.

I frowned.

Jin Shanshan calmed down for a while and asked impatiently: "Sister Hei, is the Xu Zhou you just mentioned the person who killed my sister?"

"Well, that's right. Do you know this person?" Sister Hei asked.

Jin Shanshan shook her head in frustration, "I have never heard of this name."

"You can let the fortune teller do the math. It should be much easier to calculate with a name." Mo Xiaoling gave Jin Shanshan advice.

Wu Feiren hesitated, looked at Jin Shanshan's happy and expectant look, and then asked: "Is that okay? Isn't there a price to pay for using magic?"

Jin Shanshan's face tightened.

Mo Xiaoling shook her head, "I don't have to. I have super powers. As for Sister Hei..."

"This is a family inheritance, and it is considered a family education. The price paid is calculated separately. Our family worships gods." Sister Hei said.

"Is it Wong Tai Sin's kind?" Jin Shanshan asked.

Sister Hei replied: "They are not the common kind of monsters in the folk. They are real gods. However, I have never seen them. It's just what the older generation said. As long as you worship well, nothing will happen. Nothing has happened to our family. ." Sister Hei glanced at the rearview mirror, "It's not that no one died, but the cause of death was not because of the use of magic, but because they were killed by more powerful ghosts."

Jin Shanshan shut up. Wu Feiren couldn't say anything more.

When the car drove back to Minqing, it was already dark.

The four of them found a breakfast shop to have breakfast together, and Sister Hei sent Wu Feiren and Jin Shanshan back.

"The fortune teller will come to Minqing soon."

"Really?" Jin Shanshan said in surprise.

"Well, we may also move to Minqing." Mo Xiaoling said with a smile.

"Moved to Minqing? Did you find a job here?" Jin Shanshan asked doubtfully.

"I found a job, but that's not the most important thing. The fortune teller calculated before that something happened in Minqing. Now Minqing is a vacuum zone." Mo Xiaoling said, drawing three circles on the table. "The police can't care about it, the ghosts won't care about it, and the supernatural circle doesn't want to care about it."

My heart skipped a beat.

Jin Shanshan looked confused.

"It's the Qingye you mentioned. I heard that they were killed. Everyone is dead." Mo Xiaoling said mysteriously, "It was not certain before, but now it is certain. Originally, the people Qing is their territory, and now that they are gone, Minqing is free.”

Jin Shanshan felt a little regretful subconsciously, "Is that why I didn't find them?"


Wu Feiren asked: "You want to come over and occupy the land?"

He asked this question with a bit of curiosity, but it didn't sound too sharp.

Mo Xiaoling shrugged, "How can I occupy the territory? It's just that this kind of three-no-thing zone will be freer. Otherwise, people like me or Sister Hei will be discovered by the local forces and will either be incorporated or captured. Drive away. If it is a chaotic place with many hills, then it is better to be afraid of a single family."

Jin Shanshan felt eye-opening as she listened.

I already felt something was wrong.

The first time Jin Shanshan met Mo Xiaoling and the others was in 2011. At that time, nothing happened to Gu Mo. Later, the time in the dreamland passed quickly, but the most recent date record I saw was in 2014, which was before Nangong Yao and Wu Ling's accident. Now, at best, it’s only 15 or 16 years. Could it be that in the blink of an eye, more than three years have passed and even Ye Qing is dead?

And the "forces", "incorporation" and "driving" that Mo Xiaoling mentioned are also things I have never heard of.

Mo Xiaoling's ability is very special and practical, but it cannot be said to be powerful. Her ability is not like my ability, which can determine life and death, and can kill people, kill ghosts, and destroy any tangible object without anyone noticing. As for Sister Hei and the fortune teller, their abilities are somewhat similar to Wu Ling and Nangong Yao. If they can't find a place to settle down and have to be chased by people in the supernatural circle, then the value of the supernatural circle will be too low.

What's more, just look at Minqing's situation. From the establishment and opening of Qingye to Ye Qing's death, Qingye operated for nearly twenty years. With Ye Qing's abilities, he could not even claim to dominate Minqing, leaving Minqing with no place for supernatural things. In Minqing City, there were still people with abilities like Jin Haifeng and Li Xingfang. Ye Qing also knew about their existence, but he didn't do anything. Neither the "incorporation" nor the "expulsion" mentioned by Mo Xiaoling are true.

But I can't say categorically that Mo Xiaoling is lying.

Maybe Mo Xiaoling met some bad people in the paranormal circle?

The dream was slightly distorted at this time, and many pictures quickly passed before my eyes.

Mo Xiaoling and Sister Hei moved, and the fortune teller also moved to Minqing. They took Jin Shanshan and Wu Qiren to do divination and calculated Xu Zhou's location.

"Northwest" is just a general direction, and it cannot be determined where Xu Zhou is or who he is.

However, for Jin Shanshan, this is already a gain.

Mo Xiaoling is very interested in supernatural events, and Sister Hei has a sense of mission to catch ghosts and exorcise evil spirits. The two of them are particularly devoted, looking for places with supernatural legends all over the world. Jin Shanshan was also pulled in. She couldn't help much, so she helped the two of them, booking flights, hotels, cars, taking notes, and collecting some public information.

After the fat man Liu Liangwang learned about this, he also took the initiative to help. Surprisingly, he is a painter who is relatively famous. A painting can be sold for hundreds of thousands of yuan. He has no worries about food and drink. He participates in these things as a way to find inspiration.

Liu Liangwang also moved to Minqing.

This small group seemed to coalesce and take shape.

It seems that another green leaf was born in Minqing.

And all this happened very quickly.

I tried my best to capture the scene passing before my eyes, trying to see some message about time. It really caught my eye a few times.

Although the evidence is not very sufficient, it should be that their relationship began to heat up rapidly in 2017, and in 2017, they officially formed a small group.

This time point was almost within the time of Ye Qing's death.

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