Aoba Office

Chapter 1277 Taking the Ashes

This isn't the first time I've seen someone kill someone with a curse. It's just that the cursed murderers I've seen before all kill people invisible, creating ghost-like shadows. This is the first time I've seen it. And the malicious shadow is also very intimidating, it doesn't look like a simple curse.

Jin Shanshan was already in tears and trembling with anger, "How is it possible...who did this to my cousin..."

She was excited, but no one could answer her question.

"It's been too long, and the room has been destroyed. I can no longer see the original condition of the room." Sister Hei said.

Mo Xiaoling also shook her head and said sympathetically: "I can only see death scenes of people being killed by ghosts, but not other things."

Jin Shanshan looked at the two of them at a loss, bit her lip, "It can make a fortune teller..."

Sister Hei said: "If he could figure it out, he should have figured it out a long time ago. That curse is not simple. Your cousin's soul should have been taken away by a ghost. It is so scattered that it is impossible to find it. There is no way to find the ghost using normal methods. And the cursed person.”

Jin Shanshan seemed to have lost her strength and her whole body collapsed.

Wu Feiren helped Jin Shanshan, "Shanshan... don't worry, there will definitely be a way."

He comforted, his words weak.

Sister Hei suddenly said in deep thought: "Unless..."

"Unless what?" Jin Shanshan looked at Sister Hei eagerly.

"I have to see your cousin's body to know if it's possible." Sister Hei said.

Jin Shanshan knew which cemetery her cousin was buried in, but she didn't know how to dig the grave. Wu Feiren was even more hesitant about this.

When Sister Hei heard Jin Shanshan say the name of the cemetery, she took out her phone and looked through her address book.

Mo Xiaoling comforted Jin Shanshan and said: "It's okay, there will definitely be a way. If we have no other way, we can find someone else. We will eventually find someone who is capable."

Jin Shanshan was panic-stricken, holding Mo Xiaoling with one hand and Wu Feiren with the other.

I saw that Wu Feiren hesitated to speak, and his expression kept changing. He should not support Jin Shanshan doing such a thing. But he had no other choice. Ordinary people can't do it.

I moved next to Sister Hei and looked at her address book.

Her address book is sorted by color, with each person's name preceded by a color. Now, she was looking through the names that started with "Green", found someone whose notes were "Kangzhuang", and called him.

Kangzhuang is right next to Minqing, quite close, but it is no longer considered the boundary of Minqing. There is no tourism industry there. Unlike Puhe Town where there is a Guanyin Temple, Kangzhuang is just a small place with no characteristics.

After the call was made, it took a while for someone to answer. Sister Hei did not tell her where she was, but asked for the contact information of Songyuan Cemetery.

I couldn't hear the person on the other end of the phone.

Sister Hei listened for a while and then made an appointment with the other party.

Sister Hei hung up the phone, "Just this weekend, be there at twelve o'clock on Saturday night. Let's come out early to meet and go there together."

Wu Feiren asked: "Do you know the people in the cemetery?"

"Yes. Don't worry, nothing will happen." Sister Hei said confidently.

Mo Xiaoling breathed out, "That's fine."

Jin Shanshan nodded with mixed feelings.

As soon as the dream time jumped, I was already sitting in a private car with Jin Shanshan.

Sister Hei was driving, Mo Xiaoling was sitting in the passenger seat, and Jin Shanshan and Wu Feiren were sitting in the back seat.

The car drove all the way on the wide deserted road. There are few street lights and there are no high-rise buildings around. This is the suburbs. On the way, Jin Shanshan's cell phone rang once, and she received an inter-provincial message from the communications company.

The car was quiet, no one spoke.

Jin Shanshan held Wu Feiren's hand, feeling a little uneasy and a little excited.

Sister Hei turned the steering wheel, turned into a small road, made some twists and turns, and drove onto another wide road, where she saw houses and green trees on both sides of the road. It's the same deserted street and the same sparse street lights, but this road gives people a completely different feeling.

I turned to look at the roadside and noticed something strange.

This faint gloomy atmosphere hanging over the sky is exactly the atmosphere found in cemeteries, crematoriums, funeral parlors and other places.

However, there may not be an October here.

The car stopped at the entrance of Pine Garden Cemetery.

An old man came out of the security room at the door. In summer and autumn, he was already wrapped in a military coat, and when he took a breath, white mist came out of his mouth. He held the flashlight. The flashlight's light was white and did not illuminate much of the area, leaving only a creepy feeling. The old man's skin is rough and full of grooves. The light shines up from below, making his face look eerie.

I felt weird.

This man was tainted with the faint aura of the cemetery. This is not surprising. The strange thing is that he doesn't seem to have much living breath.

Jin Shanshan and Wu Feiren were both startled and hugged each other.

Sister Hei got out of the car and waved generously as a greeting.

The other party didn't speak, and stopped at the door, motionless, and didn't seem to blink.

Sister Hei didn't call anyone. She turned to look at the three people who got out of the car and reminded them: "Don't talk. Especially don't say your name, not even your nickname."

Jin Shanshan nodded repeatedly.

Wu Feiren's expression was complicated.

Mo Xiaoling walked on the other side of Jin Shanshan, holding hands with Jin Shanshan.

The old man turned on his heels and led the way, showing no intention of waiting for anyone.

Sister Hei followed and motioned for the other three to follow.

After entering the cemetery, the yin feeling became even stronger.

Tombstones, like corpses, line up in the cemetery.

The atmosphere is completely different from that of Minqing Cemetery. I didn’t see any souls here waiting for family members to come to worship, nor did I see any ghosts.

I feel very uncomfortable.

If there are no ghosts, where does the Yin Qi here come from?

I'm thinking about this.

Every time the old man passed a row of tombstones, he would stop at the intersection.

Sister Hei looked at Jin Shanshan.

Jin Shanshan couldn't remember which one her cousin's tombstone was, but she roughly knew the location. She shook her head at Sister Hei and looked at the tombstone in the center of another cemetery.

Sister Hei turned around and shook her head at the old man.

The old man didn't look sideways at Sister Hei, but he seemed to feel something. He took a step forward and stopped in front of the last row of tombstones. Sister Hei continued to shake her head.

This is like some kind of ritual. You can only walk through rows of tombstones at the pace of the old man.

Arriving in the middle of another tomb area, Sister Hei would nod when the old man stopped.

The old man walked into the tombstone and used his white flashlight to illuminate the photo and name on the tombstone.

The black and white photo of the deceased was hit by light and became even more bizarre and terrifying.

The old lady and grandfather who used to have kind faces now look like grimaces. As for those serious and serious-faced photos, they look even more like ghosts.

Jin Shanshan was trembling with fright and tightly held the hands of Wu Feiren and Mo Xiaoling.

Wu Feiren held Jin Shanshan's hand back while observing the old man on the other side.

I also stared at the old man for a long time. He was breathing, and you could see the white breath coming out of his mouth and nose. But I don't know if it was because he was wearing more clothes, but the rise and fall of his chest was not obvious.

I stared at it for a long time, and I started to wonder if the white air was actually the air he exhaled.

This person could be a zombie, some kind of puppet, a puppet, not a living person at all.

My eyes moved to Sister Hei.

Sister Hei would take a look at Jin Shanshan every time to make sure the person on the tombstone was correct before informing the old man.

It took them a long time to find the grave.

However, when I looked up at the sky, I was shocked to find that it was the zenith of the moon and not much time had passed.

Jin Shanshan was crying looking at her cousin's photo on the tombstone.

Mo Xiaoling hugged her and stood beside her.

After Sister Hei nodded, the old man held a flashlight in one hand and reached out to the stone brick in the middle of the three-hole cemetery with the other.

His cracked and blackened nails were easily inserted into the gap between the stone bricks. With a little force, the black stone brick was broken open, revealing the reddish-brown urn inside.

He picked up the stone brick with one hand and put it aside. He took out the urn and handed it to Sister Hei.

Sister Hei looked serious, holding the urn, and opened the urn with her thumb.

The Yin Qi in the cemetery suddenly changed.

I saw a flash of red light on both the old man and the black sister.

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