Aoba Office

Chapter 1272 Pen Fairy (1)

Jin Shanshan's cousin once appeared in Qingye's files as a client. The case Aoba solved at that time was the matter of the abandoned farm. After that, Jin Shanshan seemed to be obsessed with supernatural events, and she did some research on this aspect. She also joined a certain supernatural group and met people with the same hobby. As a result, she died and her body was dumped on an abandoned farm. A corpse transformation occurs.

Jin Shanshan's boyfriend Tails was drawn by a little master of death-making and participated in his supernatural adventure live broadcast. After arriving at the abandoned farm, he found Jin Shanshan's zombie form and was killed by her.

Things should be over by now. Wu Ling and the others who arrived later should have eliminated Jin Shanshan and the other zombies in the abandoned farm. Although the land on the farm had become some kind of strange land that was not suitable for living people to set foot on, Jin Shanshan and the others were indeed dealt with.

I looked at the girl in front of me, trying to make sure she was the Jin Shanshan I knew. It's a little hard to tell. I didn’t even see Jin Shanshan’s zombie appearance clearly.

This group of young people sat in a box and listened to their conversation. This was a face-to-face meeting with netizens.

The girl holding Jin Shanshan's cheek just now is named Mo Xiaoling, and she has some special abilities. She can see the scene when the supernatural case occurs. Those car accident scenes just now were what she let Jin Shanshan see. Previously, someone in this supernatural group had been to Guangyuan Highway together.

"...But, I only saw these, I didn't see any ghosts." Mo Xiaoling said depressedly.

Next to him, a man wearing a sweatshirt and covering half of his face with a wide hat said: "You can see things at least. I haven't calculated anything yet."

He was playing with a deck of tarot cards in his hand, making the deck of cards fly between his fingers as if by magic.

"Shanshan, what was that firm like that you saw before? What were those people like?" Mo Xiaoling became interested and asked Jin Shanshan.

As soon as she asked and Jin Shanshan said it, I knew that I had guessed correctly. This "Jin Shanshan" is the "Jin Shanshan" I know.

People are in comparison, but why do I dream about Jin Shanshan?

Shouldn't I be looking for ghosts on Guangyuan Highway who can take me to Guangyuan Mountain Resort?

I kind of suspect that something went wrong when I used my ability. It's like Zheng Motian was looking for a scapegoat, but ended up looking for Li Shi's family. Maybe a certain "frequency" wasn't quite right, so I dreamed of Jin Shanshan.

I looked at the people in the room again, guessing whether they were going to Guangyuan Highway.

Jin Shanshan's understanding of Qingye only exists in memory. When it happened, she was a panicked high school student. She must have graduated from college now, right? And that matter was mainly handled by Qingye's people alone, and the person who communicated with Qingye was Jin Shanshan's cousin.

Jin Shanshan talked about the video Qingye showed her and her cousin, but the rest was unclear.

"How many are there in them?" Mo Xiaoling asked curiously.

"Three, maybe. Two boys and one girl. They are all very good-looking." Jin Shanshan said.

She didn't even know the existence of Gu Mo and Nangong Yao.

When Mo Xiaoling asked again, Jin Shanshan couldn't answer.

"It's in Minqing. If you want to look for it, you can definitely find it." The man in the sweatshirt said.

"Then take a look." Mo Xiaoling turned to look at him.

The two of them looked very familiar.

Others in the room were still a little embarrassed.

The man in the sweatshirt snorted.

"I want to find them too..." Jin Shanshan lowered her head, "My cousin, my cousin was killed by a ghost. I have no choice... I want to find them to avenge my cousin, but I can't find her anywhere."

"We all know. Alas..." Mo Xiaoling put her arms around Jin Shanshan's shoulders.

"Is he really that powerful? We can also help your cousin." The man in the sweatshirt was unconvinced.

"I tried the spirit board, pen fairy, and dish fairy, but I could never find my cousin, and no one told me who did it," Jin Shanshan said.

"Is there still this matter?" The man in the sweatshirt raised his head, revealing the upper half of his face. His appearance is very ordinary, with a passerby face, a little small eyes, single eyelids, and heavy eye circles.

Mo Xiaoling said: "I told you not to read the messages in the group. Shanshan has already tried it."

"Maybe it's the wrong person." A fat man in the corner said. He pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose. After being stared at, he couldn't help shrinking his body, as if to avoid the sight of others.

"Who's wrong?" Jin Shanshan asked.

The fat man replied: "Not just anyone can succeed like Fuqi. It must be a person with a special physique. One of the people in question must be a family member or related person, and among the remaining people, there must be a person who is Yin." , and you have to be sincere.”

Jin Shanshan thought for a while and became frustrated.

"I just told my classmates, and then together... I also tried it once with my boyfriend. When I asked my classmates, they were frightened and refused to pay attention to me. My boyfriend accompanied me and asked It’s over, but…”

"Maybe it's just the wrong person." The fat man looked confident.

"Then we can try again here." The woman sitting opposite him said. The woman had long hair, dressed up in a T-shirt and jeans, and put on light makeup, looking fresh and clean.

"Over here?" The fat man was surprised.

Mo Xiaoling asked: "Shanshan, where did your cousin get into trouble?"

"At her house. She and I were in the room that day, and her parents were in the living room." Jin Shanshan replied, "We can't live now. family doesn't like me doing this kind of thing. They don't agree."

"It's okay here. Just arrange it." The long-haired woman said.

"There are many people here and the aura is chaotic. It's better to choose a quiet place." Another man said.

They seemed to get interested and immediately decided to change places.

Mo Xiaoling also said regretfully: "If I could go to that room, I could see it without having to go to so much trouble."

Jin Shanshan said in embarrassment: "I was thinking last cousin's parents already felt uncomfortable with me..."

"There's nothing we can do about it. There are too many stupid people in this world." The long-haired woman said rudely.

I counted a total of twelve of them. Most of them were introverted and silent, but now, everyone has excitement on their faces.

I don't like the atmosphere of these people, but now I can only follow Jin Shanshan.

Jin Shanshan's mood was calm. She has failed many times. She has tried spiritual boards, pen fairies, disc fairies, psychics, and fortune tellers, but nothing works.

Her emotions made it difficult for me to accept her thoughts.

After possessing her, I felt her shock when she saw the car accident scene, and through this I learned Mo Xiaoling's identity. Speaking of identity, it is actually just a name and the abilities Mo Xiaoling mentioned in her self-introduction.

The group of people left the private room, paid the bill, and left the party venue.

They called a car, and the group divided into several cars and arrived at Maixi Road.

Maixi Road is a road next to Shibei High-tech Park. When the taxi arrived here, there were far fewer vehicles and pedestrians on the road, and only patches of industrial parks, office buildings and high-rise residential areas could be seen.

Mo Xiaoling is not a native of Minqing. She is one of the organizers of this interview and an old member of the supernatural group. She rented a short-term rental house here, and other group friends from outside Minqing also lived here.

In broad daylight, it seemed like it was still a working day, and there was almost no sound in the rental apartment Mo Xiaoling rented. The security guard of the building saw so many people and didn't say much. Several people had access cards in their hands. After entering the door and getting on the elevator, they reached the fourteenth floor and saw two doors.

"Just in my room." Mo Xiaoling said, opening the door on the left.

The room is very large, with three bedrooms and one living room. The decoration is very simple and there is not much life atmosphere.

The twelve of them stayed in the living room, moved the furniture away, lined up in a circle, and sat on the floor.

"We don't have a suitable spiritual board, so we'll just use the pen fairy." Mo Xiaoling said, entering the room, and when she came out, she had an A4 paper and a water pen in her hand.

"Isn't this fun for Bixian? There are too many people." A girl said and glanced at the fat man next to her.

The fat man blushed and shrank back in embarrassment.

"Then just choose four people. My birth date is Yin, so Shanshan must be there too." Mo Xiaoling said.

"Let me tell you a fortune." The man in the sweatshirt walked aside at this time, flicked the tarot cards in his hand, and began to tell fortunes on the table next to him.

Many people looked over.

The long-haired girl raised her hand, "My birth date is also Yin."

"Then there's one more..." Mo Xiaoling looked at the man in the sweatshirt.

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