Aoba Office

Chapter 1271 Strange Positioning

I felt like there was something wrong with the ending of the dream. It's a little different from how the previous dreams ended. More importantly, Ye Qing was planning to do something. He wanted to catch the ghost. At least, he wanted to see the reality of the ghost with his own eyes. But the dream ended like this?

I was confused and there was no one I could discuss this with.

On the way to work, I was distracted.

When they arrived at the work unit and told Shouzi and the others, they naturally couldn't figure out what was going on.

After our group arrived at the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, I was still thinking about this matter, but it made me realize something.

Li Shi's words "finally" and his stunned mood at that time are a clue. I'm afraid that ghost has already discovered me. After discovering me, he didn't act rashly, but let everything continue to develop as it was. The Li Shi family should have been drifting on that river, just like the ghosts trapped on the road, never able to find peace. But after discovering me, the ghost simply let Li Shi's family go. They went to reincarnate, and my dream was cut off.

I felt how troublesome that ghost was.

With Ye Qing's ability, what he fears most is not that ghosts will appear in front of him and confront him head-on, but that the ghosts will not appear and play hide-and-seek with him. My abilities are of the same nature. If you can face the ghost face to face, everything is easy to say, but it is difficult to deal with it if you can't catch the ghost like this.

I find it troublesome, but I can't think of any good solution.

There are more ghosts trapped on that road than the ones I saw in my dream yesterday. I read the message from Wu Ling again, especially the names and photos of the victims. I wrote them down one by one, waiting to continue working hard tonight.

Director Mao came over to say hello to us, chatted for a while, and talked about recent events.

"I don't know why, I'm always restless. My eyelids have been twitching recently." Director Mao was worried.

I looked at Director Mao and saw no yin energy in her body.

Xiao Yao, who was passing by with water, came over and after saying a few words, he agreed: "I think so too. Is something going to happen?"

I look at the thin guys. I don’t know if we have been exposed to supernatural events for a long time and have become nervous, or if Director Mao and the others have encountered something else that makes them so uneasy.

I had to ask: "Is there something in the community?"

Director Mao thought for a moment and shook his head, "There was a reporter who came here often, and a young man who wandered around."

She should be talking about reporter Yuan from Tianxia Weekly and the little expert who commits suicide.

"They seem to have rested in the past two days. Hey, Aunt Xu and the others have less activities these days, and they have less time to dance square dances. There is nothing else. It is still summer, and if the elderly suffer from heat stroke... it will pass. The temperature is starting to drop." Director Mao thought about one thing after another.

Those are the jobs of neighborhood committees. What I fear most is what happens to the residents in the community.

Xiao Yao said: "But, it is also an evil sect. This year, as many people died here as we did in previous years. There are also people who have destroyed the sect."

As soon as she spoke, the air conditioning in the room seemed to drop a few degrees.

Xiao Yao himself also looked scared.

Director Mao looked at us and turned his face away in embarrassment.

She probably wanted to say that this time coincided with the demolition work.

I also feel helpless.

The deaths that have occurred in the Six Workers and Peasants Villages in the past year are really related to supernatural things.

The topic died down, and Director Mao and Xiao Yao went back to their office.

Chen Xiaoqiu said: "Maybe it's not an illusion."

The four of us all looked at Chen Xiaoqiu.

"If God can make ghosts have a subconscious mind, then it should also be able to make people have a subconscious mind. They may have received this subconscious mind." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

"Then why didn't we receive it? Doesn't it make sense?" The thin man questioned.

"Perhaps, it's just because it's 'us' that we didn't receive it." Chen Xiaoqiu emphasized "we".

This reasoning sounds reasonable.

However, even if we know this, we have no way to deal with it. The change of the sky has long been a foregone conclusion, and the deterioration of this world is also a foregone conclusion.

By the time we got off work, we hadn’t met a single resident who came for consultation all day. After returning to the unit, I met Jiang You and people from other groups. After talking with each other, we found that everyone was in the same situation.

As if winter has arrived early, people's outdoor activities have suddenly decreased a lot.

This situation must of course be reflected.

If the property owners have no doubts, a new vote will follow. With luck, the next round of voting will determine the final demolition compensation package.

This kind of thing is rarely encountered during the demolition of other land parcels. The demolition compensation package is not so easy to finalize. The situation of each household is different, and the total amount of compensation for each demolition is also different, which cannot always satisfy everyone. There are too few times when both sides of the demolition can understand each other, so we, the grassroots workers, need to do the work for them again and again.

The work went surprisingly smoothly, which did not make me feel at ease.

After returning home, I had dinner with my parents, I ate, washed up, and then started dreaming.

Before I went to sleep, I reviewed the appearance of the other victims.

I was still tossing and turning, I don’t know how many positions I changed on the bed, but I didn’t even fall into dreamland.

so slow……

I thought.

Is Ye Qing dilly-dallying, or is something wrong?

Am I in bad shape?

It's not like I haven't experienced dreaming for two consecutive nights. However, I had several people dancing in my dreams the night before. This should be considered as using the ability multiple times, which will consume a lot of money.

I was thinking wildly, and my consciousness gradually blurred, but I didn't fall into darkness all of a sudden.

In my daze, I was still wondering when the dream would begin. His consciousness became even more erratic. Suddenly he saw Li Shi, then he saw the five members of the Shen family and the Zhao family, and then he saw the drug dealers. They were all driving, but their cars were blocked on the elevated road, and the noise of car horns was everywhere. Suddenly, the car started to move, but it started to move from the end. A huge black shadow advanced slowly, pushing away all the vehicles in front of it. The elevated road turned into a winding mountain road at some point. Those cars rolled over the guardrail and turned into balls of fire under the cliff. The fireball then turned into fireworks, exploding over the resort area. There seemed to be a welcome party going on inside the resort, but the next second, I saw clearly that it was actually not a welcome party, but a memorial service. There were coffins parked in the circular square and black and white banners were hung. The portrait is printed on the ground of the square. There were so many people standing there that I couldn't see clearly who the deceased was.

I was drifting in confusion. Those dressed in black stepped forward to lay flowers with expressionless faces. One person after another, and so on, the square gradually emptied.

I saw thin people, fat people, parents and younger sisters, and a few mosaic faces.

When I came to my senses, I found that the portrait printed on the ground was my own face.

Am I dead?

In confusion, I looked at the coffin and the banner. Now I can see it clearly. My name is written on the banner, and I am the one lying in the coffin.

what happened?

I didn't feel fear, just confusion.

I shouldn't...should be waiting to enter the dreamland, waiting to reach Guangyuan Highway...

Suddenly, I was enveloped in darkness.

The sound of cars colliding and the screams and cries of many people merged into a humming murmur.

The sound appeared for an instant and disappeared for an instant.

I saw the headlights flash a few times. In the dancing light, the scenes in the darkness are revealed. First there was an overturned car, then the car that hit the woods on the roadside, and the car that skidded and drifted out. The fourth, fifth... eight cars constituted a car accident scene.

This is Guangyuan Highway.

Then the object I possess is...

"Did you see that? I told you there was something wrong with that road!" An excited female voice broke through the darkness.

I opened my eyes and saw the girl's face close at hand.

It was a completely unfamiliar face.

I saw another unfamiliar face in the reflection of her pupils.

"Shanshan, do you believe it now!" the girl said happily, still holding my face with her hands.


A name came to my mind.

"Now, do you want to join us, Jin Shanshan?" A male voice came from the side.

I turned my head and saw another face that was equally unfamiliar.

"Of course!" I heard a woman's voice coming from my body.

In a flash, I was separated from the possessed object, and looked at the group of young men and women in front of me in shock.

Jin Shanshan...that Jin Shanshan? !

Supplementary update

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Good night everyone~

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