Aoba Office

Chapter 1264 Positioning (6)

The performance of the six people reminded me of Zheng Motian.

After the initial disbelief, panic, and fear, Zheng Motian calmed down and patiently tried to find a scapegoat.

For another person, it would be touching to see such a strong will to survive. But when it comes to these scum, it just makes people feel sick.

However, compared to Zheng Motian, these six people were even more unlucky. They didn't encounter ghosts, they just encountered ghosts hitting the wall and were trapped on this road, dying again and again.

The dream did not speed up, and I could only watch patiently as they tried various methods, and were eventually hacked to death with the knife in my hand. Even once, they threw away the knife, and after going around and around, the knife came to their hands again and became the murder weapon to kill themselves.

Patience wears thin quickly. They become addicted to drugs, take drugs, die in a daze, and start all over again.

I see their bodies changing. They didn't know it, but they did have the rot and maggots that only corpses have. They were still arguing, and the rotten flesh on their faces fell off from talking. When they make sounds, they no longer come from their vocal cords, but from their bones.

The night continued, and the only light on the road was the headlights of their cars.

After I saw the changes in their bodies, I became more patient.

Not long after, when they all turned into skeletons, I saw an extra light on the road.

The light came straight from behind. When I turned around, I saw the extra car behind me.

This light did not attract the attention of the six people.

The car followed the van for a while, and the van stopped.

I knew these six people had come up with some new idea and wanted to try it. The car behind me didn't know. The van was also used to being alone on this road. The little boss only stepped on the accelerator when driving, braked suddenly when parking, and occasionally turned the steering wheel without caring about driving safety.

The vehicle behind kept a suitable distance and stopped. The driver honked the horn several times, but naturally received no response.

I heard the driver behind me cursing, but as the six skeletons got out of the car, the driver behind him shut up.

The headlights of the car behind hit the six skeletons. The skeleton was busy walking towards the woods on the roadside.

Because of the bright light, I couldn't see the driver's expression, but I could guess his fear.

I thought I would follow Qiuzi's skeleton into the woods. Unexpectedly, my consciousness suddenly fell into a trance. When I came back to consciousness, I felt profound fear. I found myself in the back seat of another car. There was the sound of teeth chattering in the car.

This car was also a van, but it was much smaller than the six drug dealers' cars, but it was also cleaner. There was a leather bag on the driver's seat, and luggage and boxes were piled on the seat behind.

The driver was wearing thick down, and the heater in the car was on, but he was shivering.

Looking at the empty car in front of him, the driver didn't dare to move. His eyes moved as if looking at the direction in which the six skeletons were leaving.

I suddenly felt a gloomy air filling the car.

The driver didn't realize it. During the few seconds he was frozen, he was already dead and turned into a ghost.

After a long while, he shook his body and allowed the car to move forward. He bypassed the van and avoided the direction in which the six skeletons left. After carefully driving out of the van's headlights, he accelerated suddenly.

Only then did he dare to take a big breath, and he kept panting. His lungs were like bellows.

After a long while, he finally calmed down.

He muttered, praying for blessings from gods and Buddhas, and his driving posture gradually became more stable.

This stability did not last long, and he found that the road was unexpectedly long.

The driver panicked again, looked at the watch on his wrist, drove for more than ten minutes, stopped the car, and took out his cell phone.

He called the police and said he was lost.

I have seen the incidents that Nangong Yao found out, and I probably guessed the identity of this driver.

After calling the police, the driver pulled over and waited on the same road.

As he smoked, he thought of the six skeletons he had just seen. His hands trembled, and the ash fell on his down jacket, burning a hole in the clothes. He cursed, put out the cigarette butt, and patted the ashes on his body. Slowly, he felt fear again.

I saw him turning his wrist to look at the time on his watch.

The second hand is beating and the minute hand is moving. It seems that time is flowing normally.

When the minute hand turned halfway across the surface and passed 12 o'clock, I noticed that the hour hand trembled and returned to the number it just pointed to.

My heart tightened and I glanced at the driver.

The driver didn't seem to notice this change, only paying attention to the constantly beating second hand and the progressive minute hand.

A light appeared behind the car.

The driver perked up and turned to look behind the car.

The light from the high beam completely enveloped the car, making it difficult to see clearly. However, just by looking at the speed at which the lights move, one can also infer that the car is traveling very slowly.

The driver became anxious, honked the horn twice, and started his car.

The car drove to the side, and in the hazy light, the appearance of the car could be clearly seen.

That was the van driven by drug dealers. Inside the car, the figure of a skeleton is clearly visible.

The other party seemed to have discovered something and stopped the car in the middle of the road. Several skeletons turned their heads and moved their jaws up and down, as if talking. After a while, the skeleton in the cab reached out and pulled the door.

The driver took a breath, stepped on the accelerator subconsciously, and rushed out.

His car was originally parked against the roadside, but with such a sudden movement, the car slid off the road, bumped a few times, and rushed into the woods.

The woods are sparse, with few trees strong enough to block a car. The slender branches slapped against the car window glass, like withered hands trying to grab the car.

The driver shouted all the way and was already panicking.

I turned around and took a look to make sure those skeletons were not coming for the driver. They were still making a futile attempt, with no driver in sight.

The car sprinted all the way, and the land of the tires had a slope. The vehicle was going uphill and the driver didn't seem to notice. All he could think about was running away. The fear had driven him crazy.

I heard the scuffing sound of the car's skin. I don't know when, the outline of the car has changed. The surrounding trees are no longer those slender saplings.

With a bang, a thick branch hit the car window. Spider-web-like crack marks instantly appeared on the glass.



The glass shattered and a tree branch plunged directly into the car.

The driver screamed and his shoulder was pierced by a branch. His hands slipped and the steering wheel spun uncontrollably. The whole car banged and banged several times before it finally stopped.

At this time, the branch inserted into the car was no longer one.

The driver's body was riddled with holes and he was nailed to the seat, lifeless.

I thought it would all happen again. This driver will also endure the pain of being trapped on the highway and dying constantly, but unexpectedly, this scene has remained.

The driver's pierced eye could not move, but the intact eye suddenly blinked.

He was resurrected, but the situation did not improve.

A sound squeezed out from his injured throat. I saw tears rolling out of both of his eyes. He stayed in this position for a long time before trying to move. But as soon as he moved, severe pain hit him. He immediately stopped struggling.

In the dark woods, there was only a little light from the car lights. This light did not make the situation better, nor did it bring any comfort to people. Instead, it made people fear that some monsters would suddenly pop out of the light. The tree trunks and branches have more shadows and become more terrifying.

The driver has been stuck here.

I suddenly realized that this "always" is really "always". Even if his body is discovered in reality, his soul will remain at this moment forever. Unless someone can eliminate the initiator of all this.

My eyes flashed, and I got out of the almost broken van and sat in a normal private car.

Before I could react, a van appeared out of thin air in the area illuminated by the headlights. It was the car of those six drug dealers!

There was a scream in the car I was in, and the driver stepped on the brakes and subconsciously turned the steering wheel. The vehicle moved sideways and passed directly through the van, as if passing through a layer of air.

There was no collision, but the car lost its balance and rolled on the ground.

With a bang, the car overturned, the glass shattered, and the roof was dented.

The van didn't stop, and passed through them in the same way amid the screams of the people inside.

The shouting hadn't stopped yet, and the people in the car didn't react for a moment.

It wasn't until one girl's voice became hoarse that the group huddled in the car in shock, looking at each other.

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