Aoba Office

Chapter 1263 Positioning (5)

The six men all looked like they had been awakened, all of them were unconscious and breathing heavily.

After a long while, the third child was the first to speak, "Just now... I had a dream just now..."

The crooked mouth touched the gap in his mouth, while the crew cut rubbed his face desperately.

The little boss laughed dryly, "What a coincidence, so do I..."

The car suddenly became quiet.

"I dreamed that we were lost. I called the third brother's second brother and the lumberyard, and then..." Waizui spoke first.

Before he finished speaking, he shut up.

The car became quiet again.

"What the hell is going on!" Birdhead yelled, grabbing his hair.

"I said, I said we are all alive now, right? Maybe it was just... maybe it was... a precognitive dream?" Qiuzi said, "If we dream about these things, we can, we can avoid them..."

"We are already on this road!" Xiao Pingtou interrupted Qiuzi rudely.

The only sound left in the car was the man's breathing.

The third child muttered and cursed a few words, but the others remained silent.

The long silence was broken by the ringing of the phone.

Birdhead fumbled around in his pockets and took out the candy bar machine.

"Ha! Sure enough, it's really a dream! It's just a nightmare!" Bird Nest Head smiled uglier than crying.

"Whose phone number?" Xiao Pingtou also relaxed a little.

"I don't know, an unknown number, 13912..." Niaowotou reported the phone number. The more he read it, the softer his voice became.

The little boss looked at Lao San next to him.

The third child was in a hurry and took out his mobile phone. After clicking a few times, his hands were shaking so much that he couldn't hold the phone at all.

He didn't answer, and everyone else knew.

"Throw it away, throw it away. Throw it away!" Little Flathead shouted.

Niaowotou had to open the door and throw away the phone.

The phone stopped at this time.

When the ringing stops, it does not mean that the other party has hung up the phone, or that the dialer has automatically been hung up. Instead, the call was answered automatically.

The voice that frightened everyone sounded.

"Third brother, why don't you answer the phone?" the other party said very familiarly.

There were screams in the car.

The bird's nest head held on to the car door with all his might, but he couldn't open it.

Xiaopingtou quickly came to help.

The two people on the driver's seat and the passenger's seat wanted to open the door and windows, but the car seemed to be locked.

"It's useless. You can't escape." The other party's voice was hoarse, with a strange laughter.

The shouts and cries for help in the car were completely unable to overpower this man's voice.

"You are all going to die. You are all going to die here...hehehe...hehehehe..." Laughter echoed in the car.


The phone hangs up.

The struggle of several men caused the van to sway left and right, but the door did not move at all. They used knives to smash the car window. The car window seemed to be made of bulletproof glass, and there were no cracks at all.

Such a violent struggle finally caused the shaking car to roll over.

They fell into a heap and continued to scream, trying to escape.

I saw a dent in the iron sheet of the car, and Qiuzi stabbed it with a knife, creating a crack.

The crazy Qiuzi didn't realize that he had succeeded, and was still swinging the knife randomly.

In just a few strokes, no one in the heap noticed that the knives they were swinging not only stabbed the car, smashed the snakeskin bags and seats, but also stabbed themselves and the people around them.

After a chaos, the car was smeared with blood.

The blood splattered and the knives brandished made the inside of the car a hell.

The six people were wailing and struggling, completely losing their minds at this time.

I felt the abnormal random emotions coming from Qiuzi's consciousness. I'm afraid this is not simply caused by fear, but may also be related to their drug addiction.

When no one in the car made a sound, suddenly, the car lights were turned off. After a few seconds, the smell of blood subsided and the car lights came back on.

The people sitting in the car no longer had the same reaction as last time. They were all lifeless and motionless in their seats.

After a long time, Qiuzi's choking voice came out, and more and more cries were heard.

I saw something in Qiuzi's memory. He thought about the fights he had been involved in. It was his first fight, and the elder brother he recognized put a knife in his hand. The elder brother told him to just chop people when he saw them. The knife he brandished saw people and blood, which frightened him out of his wits. The person he slashed only had his skin scratched, and he punched him with his backhand, knocking him unconscious. Later, Qiuzi stopped fighting, became a pickpocket, and stole bicycles. He was caught several times by the police, but he was only detained and never went to jail.

I suddenly realized something and looked at the other five people.

The faces of the five people turned green and white, and they were all in extreme fear, unable to move.

Waizui came to his senses first, calmed down, wiped his face, and became expressionless.

"Bring me a packet of powder." Waizui said to Qiuzi, then cursed, "I want to be happy before I die!"

His idea was accepted by others.

Several people opened the snakeskin bag and divided the drugs inside, making the car full of smoke.

I watched the fascinated expressions on their faces.

Their use of these drugs had no effect before, so why did they react now?

I looked at Qiuzi.

Qiuzi's consciousness was chaotic, as if he had taken drugs.

After a while, the third child chuckled strangely. The little boss had his mouth crooked and his eyes squinted, and he let out a huffing laugh. This laughter seemed to turn on some switch, and several people laughed strangely. Laughing and laughing, they took out their knives and cut open their bodies, looking at their blood and texture in fascination.

Inside the car, it became hell again. Such a horrific scene did not stop their laughter. They cut their bodies open and smashed their internal organs while laughing.

Before the blood flowed away, I saw their expressions suddenly change.

They screamed and fell on their seats, groaning in pain. The process of death was very slow, and they slowly lost all consciousness as they watched their blood drain out.

The car lights went out again. Then, it lights up again.

Everyone became numb and silent.

No one cried, no one spoke, just sitting quietly like a group of zombies.

Time freezes at this moment.

The one who spoke first was still Waizui.

He said with a crooked mouth: "I've hacked people to death."

He broke the silence, but no one answered.

"I was walking on the road and met someone. I was addicted to drugs and had no money. I wanted to grab money while walking. When I saw the person, I chopped him. The person was probably dead. I took the money and ran away. Never mind." Xiuzui said, pulling at the gap in his mouth, "Now it's retribution."

A few minutes later, he looked at the little boss and said, "Brother Song, have you killed someone before, right?"

The little boss looked at him coldly and said with a crooked mouth, "Yeah, when I was a teenager, I chopped up people and went to a juvenile detention center. Then I came out and chopped a few more people and went into the juvenile detention center. Those little bastards still have to call me. You Yitou, didn’t you already know that?”

This little boss is quite proud of this and always brags a few words when chatting with others.

He looked at the others with a crooked mouth, "What about you?"

Qiuzi whispered: "I... didn't die either. That person didn't die, but... he was scratched by me..."

Xiao Pingtou continued: "I gave my dad a knife. He wanted to tie me up, so I locked him up at home. I got addicted to drugs and cut off his hand." He smiled, "Later, they didn't dare Leave it to me. I asked them for money, but they didn't give it. I searched the house and they didn't dare to say anything. If I found the money, they would give it to me. "

I frowned.

The third child breathed out, "I chopped my bitch. We were arguing, and she used the knife first, so I grabbed it and gave her a blow." Like Little Flathead, he laughed as he spoke, "Then from now on , she didn’t dare to quarrel with me, and she took the child back to her parents’ house if she didn’t want to see me—"

He tilted his mouth and looked at the bird's nest head.

Bird's Nest raised his eyes and said, "Same. I killed an old man and robbed his goods."

All the people in the car suddenly laughed.

"Okay. It's not easy to get our car together."

"Why is it not easy? Just wander around the street a few times and you can find it, right?"

They said and cursed again.

"There are only a few people who hacked people to death. This is completely wrong." Waizui said in confusion, "Which god have we offended?"

"That lumberyard..." Qiuzi said.

"Go to the fucking lumberyard! That's obviously to scare us!" the little boss yelled.

I found that these people had sorted out their thoughts and began to think about how to survive.

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