Aoba Office

Chapter 1255 Guangyuan Highway (2)

According to the summary of the editor of that article, the Tai'an Mountain earthquake may have been caused by the Guangyuan Highway destroying the feng shui there. The earthquake was not just a simple earthquake and mudslide, it also opened the ghost gate in that area, causing hundreds of ghosts to come out. Those who were in poor health were either killed by the earthquake or by the Yin energy leaking from the ghost gate. The remaining people were possessed by ghosts and quickly fled the area. The area near Tai'an Mountain, including the Guangyuan Highway, has become a dark place, prone to accidents. Excavation of tunnels is even more taboo. Tunnel collapse is inevitable. The old man who died in the tunnel was an accident. The family of three were infected by Yin Qi and became crazy. They ate people and suffered backlash and died on the road.

As I looked at this analysis, the chilling feeling faded a bit.

I don't know if there is a ghost gate in Tai'an Mountain, but the Yin Qi there does not belong to hundreds of ghosts, but only to one powerful ghost. Zheng Motian arrived at Guangyuan Mountain Resort from Guangyuan Highway. It could only be the ghost causing trouble here, and it probably had nothing to do with the Ghost Gate.

Another proof is that I have clearly felt the Yin Qi of Huangquan Road. That kind of yin energy is also different from the yin energy of ghosts.

I closed this page and looked at other search results.

There are many summary articles, as well as personal sharing.

I have a social account and wrote a long blog post introducing Guangyuan Highway.

He is from Suining City, a city connected to Guangyuan Highway. People in Suining City have many urban legends about Guangyuan Highway. He has heard about it since he was a child, and it is regarded as a local "specialty".

The origins of the stories are mostly unknown, but some made the local news.

The two things he mentioned were that a local 110 operator died on the highway, and the other was that the parties involved in the love triangle premeditated murder on the highway and three bodies were found.

When I read what he wrote, I felt a chill.

Because it was hearsay, this person did not know the specific events of the two events, but only had a general impression.

The 110 operator he was talking about was the female ghost in the dream.

She received a call from the police, and her contact went to Guangyuan Highway to look for someone. The police who were looking for the person couldn't find the person who called the police, so they drove back and forth on Guangyuan Highway twice. Later, more police were dispatched to both sides of the road. Look around the woods and Tai'an Mountains. They didn't find the caller, but found the operator's body. No one knew why she was there. When she was discovered, the moped she usually used had been crashed, and she herself was killed. She died miserably. Some people said that the police call she received was not a real police call, but a call from a ghost.

The love triangle this social account is talking about is what happened to Mr. Yu.

A late-night radio station in a nearby city received two calls from listeners, the first from a bride and the second from the groom. Contrary to the bride's expectations of happiness, the groom revealed that the bride had cuckolded him, had been a mistress for many years, and was pregnant with a child. Because the eldest wife is powerful in her family and her methods are very ruthless. She had beaten the woman to the point where she couldn't take care of herself. The couple came up with the evil idea of ​​finding a man to marry to cover up the truth, and they would do other things in the future. Intend. After the groom found out about this, he directly deceived the couple, lured them to the vicinity of Guangyuan Highway, attacked them, and prepared to throw them on the Guangyuan Highway. The groom believed the rumors about Guangyuan Highway being haunted, so he planned to use the ghosts on the highway to kill the two men without having to bear the blame.

In the blog post, the author thinks that the groom may have gone crazy, or he may have been on the road, and the bride and groom were possessed by ghosts, so they made a special call to the radio station.

What happened in the middle, no one knows. There are no street lights or surveillance on that road.

After someone from the radio station called the police, the police found the person at dawn. All three of those people died. What is very bizarre is that the bride was hit by the groom's car and the autopsy showed that she died on the spot. There were signs of fighting on the groom and the man, and they may have had a physical conflict. But the cause of death of the two men was not due to fighting. The groom was strangled to death, and the man's carotid artery was bitten. The fatal injuries of both people also originated from the bride. The fingerprints and teeth marks were all belonging to the bride. There were other scars on their bodies that could only match the bride. What’s even more bizarre is that the car driven by the groom rolled over on the side of the road. There were tire marks, blood stains, and broken clothes on the ground. However, the bodies of the three people were inside the car. The bride and groom were sitting in the driver’s seat and passenger seat. , the man was locked in the trunk. Apart from these three people, there was no trace of a fourth person at the scene, and there was no sign that any traces at the scene had been wiped.

This kind of thing is completely consistent with the phenomenon of haunting.

If it wasn't haunted, how could the body be returned to the car after the death? To explain it with logic, it is impossible to restore the correct course of events. The investigation results issued by the police were vague, and it seemed that they did not get a reasonable answer.

Both incidents made the local news and caused quite a stir. The social account wrote these two things out of a desire to talk, maybe because it was boring, or because it wanted to earn some attention. There are some comments and retweets under the blog post, all of which are locals from Suining City. There are no outsiders. They are all recognizing relatives and saying that they have also heard about the Guangyuan Highway.

When I looked at other search results, the content was similar. Basically what was mentioned was either earthquakes, tunnels, or things like operators and love triangles. Even if I search for news, the results are similar.

When the car arrived, I closed the page and got out of the car, and sent a message to Wu Ling to explain the dream.

Wu Ling quickly replied that I would check it out.

When I got to the office, I had to tell Shouzi and the others about the evil Guangyuan Highway and Guangyuan Mountain Resort.

The thin man was startled when he heard this, "I know that place!"

We all looked at the thin man.

The only reason the thin man knew about this kind of thing was because of his ex-girlfriend.

As expected, the thin man hesitated and admitted: "That's what she said. She has also seen the two things that Qi Ge found. That place is haunted. But that's it. She prefers... uh... cities That kind of urban story, divination or something, a bottle mirror with a ghost hidden in it, etc... But that place is very famous, it's probably a haunted place that can be ranked."

I looked at the thin man with understanding, skipped his ex-girlfriend's hobbies, and nodded: "I did find a ranking of the top ten haunted roads."

Although Guangyuan Highway is very famous, it is still too far away from Minqing.

After searching for the word "Guangyuan" and confirming that there was no place named after it in Minqing, I felt relieved.

I'm a little concerned about that ghost, but that ghost is probably just related to "Guangyuan". Maybe it was the Guangyuan in history...

At noon, I received a message from Wu Ling. The content of the message is very long, mainly related to Guangyuan Highway. Nangong Yao's search ability is much better than mine. He doesn't only search on the public network. As a result, he found all the death cases related to Guangyuan Highway. This is partly thanks to the development process of digitization and big data processing in all walks of life across the country. Otherwise, no matter how superb Nangong Yao's skills are, it would be impossible to retrieve so much information in a short time if he had to look through old paper files. In this regard, I had a deep understanding of this when I was looking for the owner's file of Qingye Supernatural Firm.

I glanced at the length of the message and flipped to the top, reading it word by word.

That sentiment towards informatization has been replaced by caution. Just from the length of the content, I can roughly estimate that the people who died on Guangyuan Highway were probably not just the ghosts I saw in my dream.

Good night everyone~

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