Aoba Office

Chapter 1228 Kidnapping Case (3)

Wu Ling didn't intend to hide anything. However, like October, she would not tell her experience in detail. In this regard, the two of them are completely different from the lunatic Luo Yonghua. When the two of them talked about this, their tone became calmer. October even made some mocking remarks, but Wu Ling showed no emotion at all.

October showed a thoughtful look. After hearing Wu Ling's words, the sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again, "So that's it. It seems that Miss Li's previous life was not very clean. She just returned from Escape from the tiger's mouth and fall into the wolf's den again."

My heart skipped a beat, and something flashed through my mind.

October looked at Wu Ling, "I heard that Miss Wu left the Wu family and turned to someone else. It seems that the person you surrendered to is very ambitious."

I didn't find any clues on the faces of Wu Ling and Nangong Yao. I glanced at Gu Mo, and he didn't show any flaws at all.

October only said this and stopped talking.

Wu Ling asked: "What are your plans next?"

October's mood was waning, "I'm just waiting to die. You should have predicted it."

"We will go find that Miss Li." Wu Ling said.

October raised his eyebrows, "Oh."

"If you have nothing else to do, we are going to leave now. Please also tell us the location of the unfinished building."

October suddenly lowered his head and glanced at Luo Yonghua, who was still lying limply on the ground.

Luo Yonghua couldn't control his emotions, his expression had betrayed him. He just listened to the conversation between the two with his ears pricked up, and he was still eager to try, seeming to have forgotten the danger that happened just a second ago. The dangerous figure was floating beside him now.

October smiled and said: "I'll forget it. Just stay here and play with him."

Luo Yonghua suddenly raised his head, his face changed drastically, and he moved his hands and feet, trying to escape.

"It's best not to be here. There are too many people in the hospital, and the impact will be very bad." Wu Ling said, not interested in Luo Yonghua's life or death.

October turned her head and glanced at Chu Lan lying on the bed.

Chu Lan shrank her body, but her limbs were still bound by restraints and she couldn't move. She looked at October in horror, broken syllables escaping from her throat.

"What do you think is going on with her?" October suddenly asked.

This "she" must be Chu Lan, but the person he asked was not Chu Lan.

Wu Ling tilted her head, "I don't know. The world has changed. She may have been influenced by Miss Li, or she may be an innocent person after the world changed."

"In both cases, she might be an innocent ordinary person, right?" October said.

"So, your question is meaningless." Wu Ling replied.

October laughed twice, "Okay. Then I changed my mind. I'll take you to that unfinished building."

Wu Ling looked at October unexpectedly.

October put his hands in his pockets and turned around to walk out of the ward, "You are always going to die. It doesn't matter how you die. It's more fun to be with you."

Wu Ling did not respond. Instead, she glanced at Guo Yujie and then said, "Okay." She whispered to Guo Yujie again. The sound was not recorded on surveillance.

Gu Mo breathed out, "Okay."

"Huh? Doesn't that matter?" I asked.

"Leave it to the two of them. There won't be any trouble in October. Li Moqian's matter is fine." Gu Mo said, already preparing to pack up and leave. "You can leave too."

"Are we just going to watch a show?" the thin man asked.

"Otherwise? Can you help?" Gu Mo asked.

The thin man was speechless for a moment, "Well..." He scratched his head, feeling that he really had no effect.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

The thin man used his abilities unconsciously, which is the best result we expected before. I hope he stays like this. Of course, it was best for him to stay in this state when Wu Ling used spells and fully trust Wu Ling's abilities. Don't have this subconscious mind about other things and people.

Gu Mo didn't pack things quickly and didn't turn off the surveillance camera. He might be waiting for Wu Ling and Nangong Yao to leave with October before leaving.

Guo Yujie returned to our ward a few steps late.

She patted her chest, exhaled loudly, and relaxed.

"Let me tell you, these two people are just left here? Is there any problem?" The thin man pointed at the screen.

"I think it's very problematic." Fatty agreed.

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Yonghua got up from the ground. He staggered a bit, but stood firm. Without even looking at Chu Lan, he tiptoed out.

I realized that this guy was so bold that he wanted to follow Wu Ling and the others!

I couldn't help but worry.

Luo Yonghua is at most a troublemaker, but in this kind of thing, it is often the troublemaker who does bad things and kills many people.

This has been verified by many thrillers, suspense films, and disaster films.

Excluding movies, there is no shortage of such things in life.

Some people are born to cause trouble. They can't do any good things, but they can turn other people's good things into bad things, harming others and not benefiting themselves.

I looked at Gu Mo nervously.

Gu Mo just glanced at it and turned off the computer.

"Don't worry about it?" I asked.

"You've been watching it for a long time, and you haven't thought or understood it at all?" Gu Mo asked me seriously, like a teacher asking a student.

I froze.

Chen Xiaoqiu pondered and said: "This is...the fate after the heaven changes?"

"It was almost the same before the change." Gu Mo packed up the notebook.

"What do you mean?" The thin man asked.

Gu Mo looked at us with contempt, "Today's young people, there are too few who can be relied upon!" He shook his head, and after finishing his criticism, he said, "Don't you understand? This is fate, it is destined. Li Moqian is asking for help. , God wants to expand the shock value of supernatural events. People related to Li Moqian are connected together. Those who are worthy of death will survive. In addition, the more it is related to the kidnapping case and Li Moqian. "

Gu Mo made a stroke with his finger, "We only have contact with Li Moqian." His finger made another arc in a counterclockwise direction, "Luo Yonghua and October are related to the kidnapping case."

"You mean, they're dead?" The thin man's eyes widened.

"I said, you can survive if you are strong enough. Do you only have seven seconds of memory?" Gu Mo rolled his eyes, put on his computer bag, and grabbed the backpack Wu Ling left here, "Okay. , I have to go back to the hotel. "

The thin man blurted out: "Why?"

"Because I am a support and have no fighting ability. Are you seeking death by walking outside alone?" Gu Mo choked back unceremoniously.

The thin man immediately felt deflated and wanted to refute, but had nothing to say.

"If the fate theory you just mentioned is true..." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

Gu Mo looked at her, "My theory of fate must be true, there are no ifs. This set of rules has been running for tens of millions of years, and it was like this in the past. However, God would not do it so openly in the past. We people have done evil in our previous lives. , After all, it was only after he had been reincarnated in the underworld that he encountered a tragic fate." Gu Mo twitched his lips, "Now, ghosts like Li Moqian will do it quickly. With his own obsession, the newly born ghost will have the power of instant revenge. This is actually good, it is not so twisty, and it avoids problems in the process. Moreover, it is good to solve the things in this life. "

I listened to Gu Mo in silence. I heard a hint of relaxation and a hint of solemnity in Gu Mo's voice.

If you only listen to Gu Mo's last words, this change seems to be a good thing. However, not all the dead are victims. Not all ghosts transformed by the deceased are those who have grievances and revenge.

If people like Luo Yonghua died, the consequences would be disastrous.

I silently hope that after God changes, he will become rational, act thoughtfully, and prevent the situation I fear from happening. However, I also know it very well in my heart. God, if it had been as I expected, then the world would not have continued to deteriorate in the previous millennium and reached the situation it is in today. It just erases the part of human nature, those core things should not change.

I glanced at Gu Mo.

His solemnity may be because he has thought of this situation.

"Can you finish the cos stone carving?" Gu Mo snapped his fingers.

Despite his bad attitude, we drove him back to the hotel together.

When Gu Mo was about to get off the car, I heard his cell phone ringing. But the next second, I realized that it was not the ringing sound of my cell phone, but the sound coming from my laptop.

Gu Mo frowned, took out his notebook, opened the screen, and saw a software window popping up.

The name of the software is a straightforward word "monitoring", and the screen in the window is divided into two. On the right is a person's profile, and on the left is a mail window.

After reading the content of the email, I opened my eyes wide.

——"Brother Wu, I found the body of the victim in the internet celebrity kidnapping case in 2008! Ha! It's exciting this time! You were following this material back then, right? How about it? Do you want to collaborate on a series of reports? "

Double Eleven is coming to an end.

Ever since I got Jack Ma, Singles’ Day has become Hand-Chopping Day. I feel like my body has been hollowed out, and I will have to eat dirt until next year..._(:3」∠)_

However, the monthly pass is free~!

Please give me a monthly pass~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

Good night everyone~

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