Aoba Office

Chapter 1227 Kidnapping Case (2)

Luo Yonghua was immersed in memories, his voice trembled slightly when he spoke, excited and complacent.

He described in detail how he cornered the kidnappers step by step and how he obtained their abandoned bodies.

The kidnappers had forgotten the original intention of kidnapping and the content of the game out of fear. They hurriedly killed Li Moqian and dumped her body in the unfinished building.

Luo Yonghua just spent some effort to get into the unfinished building through a ventilation window and successfully found Li Moqian's body. At that time, Li Moqian's body had not yet decomposed, and there were still tears and an expression of despair on her face.

Luo Yonghua danced with joy and was at a loss.

"That place was too far away from my home. There was nothing around it. There was no one or other houses. It was in the suburbs, with wasteland next to it. Originally, it might have been to build a small private workshop or something... I had to go home and prepare Something. When I found the opportunity to return, the corpse was already rotting. "It smelled bad, and there were maggots and flies. But this was too much of a hindrance to my use of magic." Her blood is no longer fresh."

His tone seemed to be talking about an object, not a living person, let alone a kidnapping victim.

Luo Yonghua sighed.

At this moment, he forgot about his current situation.

I saw in the surveillance footage that Chu Lan was shivering in the hospital bed. She stared at Luo Yonghua with an expression of disbelief.

Luo Yonghua said to himself: "I tried a few spells, but they didn't work. I still want to do something..." He pursed his lips and shook his head, "Next, I will take the college entrance examination... My interest I transferred it to some witchcraft abroad. I later applied to study abroad. I found psychics and wizards abroad, but they were basically lies. However, the books in some big libraries were very interesting, but I didn’t know why. All the experiments were unsuccessful. After I returned to China, I wanted to go there and have a look. But it wasn’t long before I met her.”

Luo Yonghua turned to look at Chu Lan, his eyes shining, but they were green.

Chu Lan whimpered in fear.

Just as Luo Yonghua was about to say something, October tightened his fingers, shutting him up instantly.

"What spells did you try over there?" October asked.

Luo Yonghua took a breath and cold sweat ran down his head, "I don't know either. I'm not very clear. The spells I found were just some that I could find online. I later learned that they were all made up. There were also some found in libraries. Literature. I have studied Universal Mountain and Yunlong Mountain. I wanted to ask for a meeting with Tianyi Zhenren from Yunlong Mountain, but it was too difficult and I had no chance at all. I had to refer to some ancient books and try some spells. , I just found some descriptions, but they didn’t have names.”

I couldn't help but frown.

Such nonsense is no different from that little expert who seeks death.

Apart from torturing small animals and killing Li Moqian, I'm afraid Luo Yonghua didn't do anything serious in those years.

My thoughts coincide with others.

October let out a sarcastic scoff.

Luo Yonghua's face turned red, as if he was still unconvinced and wanted to say something. October had already let go and threw him directly to the ground.

October turned his head and looked at Wu Ling.

"I was invited by those kidnappers to exorcise ghosts." October's words were shocking, and without giving anyone any time to think, he continued, "They were originally unwilling to tell the truth. However, I can easily see that they I killed someone, and now I'm being haunted. There's something different about that ghost. Originally, I didn't need to ask too much about it, but there was something wrong with that ghost. , so I couldn’t expel her directly, so I talked to those people.”

A look of sarcasm appeared on October's face again. He looked a little more angry than the previous two times I met him.

"Those four people are a group of rich young men who have money and leisure. Their lives are really boring, so they want to find excitement. They are quite flexible in mind, have money on hand, and can do a lot of things. The kidnapping case was carried out from the beginning. It went smoothly, and everything was in accordance with their original script. However, when an accident occurred, they couldn't handle it." October glanced at Luo Yonghua, who was lying on the ground. "In panic, they killed people and abandoned the bodies and hid. After being in the limelight for a few days, I thought the matter was over and had nothing to do with them anymore, but they didn’t expect the female ghost to haunt them.”

October slowly withdrew his gaze and his voice became calmer, "I saw that the female ghost did not want revenge, but was asking for help. It was probably because this little ghost did something that pushed her to the edge of collapse. Like a fly, he went to the last person he saw before he died and asked for help.”

Luo Yonghua trembled.

"She had no malice and no consciousness. She just kept dreaming and harassing the kidnappers. I couldn't drive her away at first, but after talking to them frankly and knowing the location of their abandoned bodies, the matter became clear. It’s easy to solve. Ms. Wu should also understand this deeply.”

Wu Ling nodded slightly.

"I thought the next thing would go smoothly. As long as I found the woman's body and saved her, everything would be over. What I didn't expect was that on the day they agreed to take me there, they had already changed their minds." Luo Yonghua changed the subject, "As I said just now, they are rich young men with money and leisure, and their family background is very good. Some of their elders believe this, and they have insiders who believe it. In addition, this incident The matter involved the most sensational kidnapping case of the year, and they did not want outsiders to get involved, and they also doubted my intentions. "

Luo Yonghua looked at Wu Ling steadily, and then glanced at Nangong Yao, "People like us can always find ways to deal with ghosts, but it is difficult to deal with living people. It is different from other people."

After saying these meaningful words, he brought the topic back to the previous narrative, "You should be able to imagine what happened after that. I was killed and given special treatment by the people they invited. . My body was cremated in the funeral parlor, and my soul stayed in this world, forgetting everything that happened during my lifetime."

"Where are those people?" Wu Ling asked.

"Well, he's probably dead. Since the ghost of that woman is still lingering, those people should be dead," October said.

The room fell silent.

Wu Ling said: "What did you do?"

October frowned, looked at Wu Ling for a while, and then suddenly smiled.

"When I heard about you before, I thought that the declining old family had degenerated into using worldly methods in our circle." October said something that seemed to be a compliment, and then admitted, "I did it. Something. You should also know this. For people like us, when we die and become ghosts, we are sometimes more powerful than when we were alive. The end result is that we both lose our memory and are trapped in this world. If you are killed by me, your soul will be destroyed.”

The thin man suddenly complained: "Is this a lose-lose situation?"

I felt something was wrong, and I could vaguely understand the hidden meaning of October's words.

Wu Ling has ended the topic: "It seems that's it."

October raised the corners of her lips, "So, what about you? What is your connection with this matter?"

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