Aoba Office

Chapter 1214 Neither humans nor ghosts (5)

The previous feeling was chaotic and disorganized.

I didn't even realize clearly what happened. I didn't recognize Chu Lan, Sun Jiayue, or Luo Yonghua.

However, this time, the darkness faded away, the light returned, and my consciousness was very clear.

This is a dream.

Although I don’t know why the dream suddenly appeared, I know that I am in a dream, and I have skillfully distanced myself from the object of my possession.

Li Shuangbai.

I recognized the woman's identity.

Li Shuangbai walked forward while answering the phone, turned around, and entered the kitchen.

"Well... this kind of thing... I know, but... um, um..."

I didn't hear the voice on the other end of the phone. I only heard Li Shuangbai's hesitant response, followed by the sound of picking up something.

I followed into the kitchen and saw Li Shuangbai holding her mobile phone between her head and shoulder, still saying "um", and holding an electric kettle in both hands, filling it with water.

An impatient look appeared on Li Shuangbai's face, "I know. Okay. Got it. Okay, I have something else to do. Hang up."

After placing the electric kettle on the matching heater, Li Shuang took action, hung up the phone and put it aside.

The screen doesn't matter, I just saw the call history.

The word "sister" is easy to understand.

At the same time, Li Shuangbai's memory flooded into my mind.

These memories seemed to have been sorted out and were very clear. They summarized the lives of Li Shuangbai and her sister and turned them into a running account in my mind.

I am somewhat familiar with this scene. That was the case with the old witch in the cherry blossom kimono who first dreamed of it. However, after that, my dream changed, and my soul traveled through time and space with the dream, becoming a close bystander.

Even so, there is no obstacle for me to accept these memories of Li Shuangbai now.

I know that Li Shuangbai’s sister is called Li Xuebai. The two sisters are two years apart, both were born in winter, and their birthdays are only five days apart. This also resulted in Li Shuangbai never celebrating his birthday on his own birthday, and always celebrating in advance with his sister. In addition, because the age gap is not big, the two sisters have been classmates in the same school all the way, so they are naturally compared by their parents and people around them. The relationship between the two sisters cannot be said to be very good, but it is definitely not bad either. It wasn't until they graduated from college that they parted ways.

Li Xuebai joined a foreign company, and Li Shuangbai joined one of the top insurance companies in the country; one was in the capital and the other was in Minqing. It can be said that both sisters have a good future. On the other hand, Li Xuebai already has a stable boyfriend. She has already met her boyfriend's parents. In two months, she will take her boyfriend home to meet her parents, and then they will talk about marriage. Li Xuebai called to inform Li Shuangbai of this incident, and reminded Li Shuangbai that it was time to solve his personal problems.

I can feel the emotions surging in Li Shuangbai's thoughts. The phone conversation with her sister was originally quite pleasant. She was happy for her sister and wished her well, but when talking about herself, she became impatient. Li Xuebai also deliberately set up a matchmaker for Li Shuangbai and introduced her boyfriend's good friend to her sister for a blind date, which made Li Shuangbai even more irritated.

After this memory ended, I saw the picture that emerged in Li Shuangbai's mind.

She thought of Chu Lan.

She signed Chu Lan's prayer. In her heart, she was dismissive and thought it was childish, but she also envied Chu Lan for having a crush.

On second thought, the three dead people appeared in her mind.

I don't know if Lin Chen is not dead yet, or if Li Shuangbai doesn't know that Lin Chen is dead.

The depression in my chest could not subside.

When the hot water was boiling, Li Shuangbai burned her hands when she was making cocoa. She became more agitated.

After checking the time, Li Shuangbai left the cup and kettle on the table, left the kitchen, grabbed the coat hanging on the chair, and walked out.

When she reached the entrance, she touched her pockets, returned to the kitchen, took her cell phone, and went out again.

Li Shuangbai decided to run at night.

It's not very formal, I didn't change into sports clothes, I just ran around casually, took a walk, and blew in the cold air.

Some of her extremely depressed mood was expelled due to the sweating from her body.

I followed her, but I saw the ominous aura on her body gradually becoming stronger.

Li Shuangbai ran around the community twice, went to the convenience store to buy unhealthy carbonated drinks, passed by the fitness equipment in the community, walked over, stood on a walking machine, and kicked up her legs out of boredom. She rested her elbows on the grip in front of her, holding a drink in one hand and her phone in the other, scrolling through social networking sites.

Her eyes quickly became blank.

After a while, the phone rang. There was a call coming in, and the name displayed was "Jie".

"Hello." Li Shuangbai answered the phone.

This time, through Li Shuangbai, I heard the voice on the phone.

"Sister Bai, why aren't you at home? Where have you gone?" the woman on the other end of the phone asked, her voice very young.

A face popped into my mind. That was Li Shuangbai's roommate Shu Jie. He is four years younger than Li Shuangbai and is still studying in college. The house Li Shuangbai rented was bought for her by her parents in Minqing.

Li Shuangbai breathed out, "I'm shopping outside. I'll go back later."

"Oh. That's okay."

"What do I want to bring you?" Li Shuangbai asked politely.

"No need. I bought some midnight snacks and skewers. Do you want to leave some for you?" Shu Jie asked.

"No need." After Li Shuangbai refused, he said a few more words and hung up the phone.

That house was not her home, it was just a temporary rental.

As Shujie's life changes, she doesn't know how long she can live there. Shu Jie had recently told her that she had a boyfriend. She hinted that Li Shuangbai might want to live with her boyfriend, and she wanted Li Shuangbai's help to cover it up with her parents.

After Li Shuangbai hung up the phone, she became more and more irritable.

She got off the walking machine, which is only popular with middle-aged people and children, drank her drink, threw the empty bottle into the trash can, and started running again.

This time, she ran very fast and ran outside the community, running on the deserted road.

There are orange street lights overhead, and on both sides are the indoor lights of the community. This environment is quiet and lonely.

Li Shuangbai ran quickly, and suddenly felt some throbbing pain in her abdomen. She ran for two more steps, then stopped, walked slowly, and climbed onto the sidewalk, holding on to the street tree to catch her breath.

In his stomach, the drink he just drank was shaking. She seemed to lose her breath and felt uncomfortable all of a sudden.

Li Shuangbai frowned, took a few deep breaths, and stepped forward.

She decided to go back.

Both legs were sore and heavy. She decided to take a shortcut.

I saw Li Shuangbai's figure seemed to be swallowed up by the ominous air, and the frequency of his heartbeat also changed.

Squeezing in through a small door, Li Shuangbai put his hands into his coat pockets and pressed his throbbing abdomen. She lowered her head, not looking at the road ahead.

I was following her, but suddenly stopped and looked in front of Li Shuangbai.

The figures of the three female ghosts were clearly visible under the street lights in the community. The dim light from the street lamp penetrated their pale bodies and cast a shadowless circle on the ground.

With a click, the circle disappeared.

Li Shuangbai raised his head in surprise and looked at the extinguished street lamp.

She just took one more look and continued walking forward.

After walking for a few steps, he passed a street lamp and passed by the female ghost. There was another sting, and the two street lamps in front and behind him went out at this moment.

This section of the road fell into darkness.

Then, one after another, the street lights along the way went out.

Li Shuangbai's heart beat a little faster, and she became as nervous as me.

She endured the pain and quickened her pace, hoping to walk through this section of the community, cross another road, and reach the adjacent community where her rental house was located.

Da da da……

Slow footsteps sounded behind Li Shuangbai.

Li Shuangbai didn't look back, but her pace was faster and she started jogging directly.

She couldn't see anything, but I could see clearly.

Wang Mingli appeared in front of Li Shuangbai and stretched out a foot.

With a pop, Li Shuangbai tripped and fell to the ground. She subconsciously looked at the ground behind her, then raised her head to look in the direction where the footsteps came from.

Dark clouds came from nowhere and blocked the moonlight.

The road became dark, and Li Shuangbai could no longer see the owner of the footsteps.

But the footsteps were indeed getting closer.

Li Shuangbai was frightened to the extreme. His mind was filled with reports of murders and robberies. He couldn't help comforting himself that he was overthinking it. The security in this area was very good and nothing like this had ever happened.

She got up from the ground and was about to continue walking, but she felt two hands grabbing her wrists.

The two hands, one on the left and one on the right, were both extremely cold, but they undoubtedly belonged to two people.

"Who..." Li Shuangbai was about to shout, but his mouth was covered by a pair of cold hands.

My sight couldn't penetrate the darkness, but I could feel the ghost's yin energy and the ominous aura of the curse.

I can picture that scene in my mind.

Of the three female ghosts, two grabbed Li Shuangbai's hands and one covered Li Shuangbai's mouth from behind.

The approaching footsteps belong to...


Luo Yonghua!

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