Aoba Office

Chapter 1213 Neither humans nor ghosts (4)

The woman's voice was very ethereal, as if it came from a far distance, quickly drilled into my ears, and then immediately floated away in my head.

What I saw in front of me was no longer Nangong Yao's laptop screen, nor was it a surveillance screen, but a mirror.

Looking closely, it was not still, but just a large glass window. The glass reflected the woman in the window. The woman's face was a little dark, not her original skin color, but because of the color difference caused by the scenery inside and outside the glass and the light. But the three female ghosts standing next to the woman were still pale. They were not affected by the change in light at all, just white, like white polluted plastic bags, following the woman and sticking to her.

The woman just glanced at the glass window and ran away quickly.

But this is a commercial street, and there are such glass windows along the way. On some of the glass, there are only the figures of women and female ghosts, and nothing else can be reflected.

The woman ran in panic, her arms swung, and the wind blew over her festering hands. The pungent smell of disinfectant could be smelled, and some blood beads could be seen.

My vision was very confused. I was looking at the woman's back, her front and side, and the glass window.

Those female ghosts looked like kites, with the other end of the string in the woman's hand. But the woman was obviously not very good at flying a kite. She held the string tightly, and let the three female ghosts follow her closely.

She was about to cross an intersection without even looking at the traffic lights.

Someone shouted that a car had braked suddenly.

The woman fell to the ground, her expression was dazed, revealing tension and fear.

"Don't you want to die!" The driver shouted angrily.

The woman was still sitting on the ground, trembling.

I approached the woman, seemed to bend down, and got close to the woman's face.

I could see the scene reflected in the woman's pupils.

That was the pale face of the female ghost.

The woman was pulled up. There was no kind person around her, but the three female ghosts stretched out their hands at the same time and pulled her up.

"Lanlan, you have to be careful."

"Lanlan, you haven't married Luo Yonghua yet."

"Lanlan, don't cross the road randomly."

Different voices, different words, but the tone is the same stiffness. The content of the words is very intimate, but the voice reveals a strange malice.

I feel the woman's body trembling under my palm.

The woman was carried forward like this. A female ghost gently swung her legs, imitating the posture of walking.

This weird atmosphere continued until the woman screamed and ran forward.

The female ghost let go, but did not let go of the woman.

The woman cried until she was stopped by a uniformed policeman.

There was a police car parked on the side of the road. From the tone of the police, they came specifically to stop this woman.

"Get in the car first, we will take you home. Where is your home? Do you have your family's phone number?" The police asked patiently.

There were onlookers around, but they did not gather. They just took a quick look and left.

The three female ghosts did not leave.

The woman just cried and was dragged into the car by the helpless police.

The three female ghosts naturally followed. They squeezed in the back seat and hugged the woman like a koala.

In my field of vision, the woman's face full of fear was like sticking to my retina. Now, I seemed to be hugging the woman like a koala, feeling her trembling and fear.

The normal space inside the car has now become very narrow. The woman can't move and can only close her eyes and cry.

When we arrived at the police station, the female ghosts no longer stuck to the woman, but still stood beside her.

"Lanlan, he's coming."

"This phone. This is the contact."

The three female ghosts separated.

My hands were on the woman's shoulders, and my chin was against the top of the woman's head.

The other two female ghosts, one leaned sideways to talk in the woman's ear, and the other came to the police. The police held the woman's mobile phone in his hand.

The call was dialed and someone answered it soon, and then the police told the woman that her boyfriend would come back to pick her up soon.

"No! Don't!" The woman screamed.

She began to struggle, but was held down by my hand.

After a period of chaos, someone walked to the door.

Seeing the man, the female ghost pulled the corners of her mouth and showed a stiff smile.

"He's here."

"Lanlan, he's here."

"Great, Lanlan."

The man looked over, with worry in his eyes, and even a kind of inquiry, "I'm sorry. I'm her friend. She attended the funeral before, and she was a little emotional..."

The man negotiated with the police.

Some absurd scenes happened.

They were not relatives, but just friends, and the woman was so resistant, but the police handed the woman over to him.

"I'll take you home, Lanlan." The man half hugged and half embraced the woman.

The female ghost had already retreated, making an ambiguous and unpleasant laugh.

"" The woman sobbed.

The man drove the car, but did not start the car directly. He fastened the woman's seat belt, held the steering wheel, and stopped when he was about to start the car.

I am now in the back seat, and there are two other female ghosts beside me. We all looked at the two people in front of us without blinking.

"Chu Lan, what happened?" The man's voice was gentle, with a hint of persuasion.

The woman shuddered, turned around, grabbed the man's arm, and told him about her love prayer.

"...That's it! This is evil, it's haunted! No, no... it's a curse... it's a kind of evil spell... they are all dead... they were all killed by me..." The woman lowered her head and cried.

The man looked at the woman's head with a strange expression on his face.

"You just followed the tutorial on the Internet, and your friends died one after another?" The man's voice did not waver at all, and his face had a depressed expression.

The woman raised her head suddenly and seemed to see the back seat from the corner of her eye. She immediately turned her head and saw the rearview mirror.

I also saw the rearview mirror.

The three female ghosts all showed terrifying smiles.

The woman covered her face and shouted, "They're right behind me! They're following me! They...ahhh..."

The man turned his head and looked at the back seat. He didn't have any fear, but was full of interest. After a while, he became disappointed.

"I didn't see anything, Chu Lan. You may be too tired." The man's first sentence was frustrated, and the next sentence was perfunctory.

"I saw it, I saw it..." the woman cried bitterly.

"Oh. That may be because..." The man was thoughtful, his words stopped suddenly, and he showed a strange smile.

He changed the subject decisively, "I'll take you home first."

The car started and the man looked up at the rearview mirror.

He couldn't see the ghost, but the ghost was smiling at him.

I felt a terrifying malice.


Laughter echoed in my head.

The laughter belonging to the three female ghosts.

They all knew, tacitly, that there was something wrong with this man and that this woman was on the verge of destruction.


Pleasure, joy, and full of hatred and malice mixed together.


I suddenly woke up and realized that what I was looking at was the laptop screen.

Wu Ling's voice rang in his ears, "Are you okay?"

I turned to look at Wu Ling, then at Nangong Yao and Gu Mo, and took a step back, feeling a little exhausted. I touched my forehead and found no sweat. But my chest felt tight and my head felt a little dizzy.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Gu Mo asked, grabbing my arm with his hand.

My body was already shaking, but Gu Mo's hand grabbed it, and the warm body temperature reminded me of the cold touch of the female ghost. I shook off Gu Mo's hand and took a few steps back. I happened to touch the sofa and sat down.


The word "It's okay" was stuck in my throat and did not come out.

I was about to say something when everything went black in front of me.

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