Aoba Office

Chapter 1204 Journey of Revenge (4)

Liu Haiqing carefully drew a human figure on the ground. It took him a long time. A middle-aged old man was as serious as a preschool child doing his homework in handicraft class. He also searched some pictures on the Internet, thinking about how to torture Ximen Wenhao.

I can't understand Liu Haiqing's hatred. Maybe there is a sad past that Liu Haiqing has not told me, but this does not prevent me from immersing myself in the malice that Liu Haiqing exudes.

I found that I really enjoyed this breath. It felt like entering a forest oxygen bar, getting away from the hustle and bustle of the big city and breathing the rare pure air.

In this atmosphere, Liu Haiqing drew the simple humanoid outline.

Painting on dirt grass is not easy.

Although this area had been burned by Liu Haiqing before, Lei Yinyin was liberated...

Lei Yinyin...

who is it?

A name and a question suddenly came to my mind.

"Is this all right? The paint I bought doesn't seem to work." Liu Haiqing said with some annoyance.

He seemed not to know that the outline of the human figure he drew was to be used to kill people, and his tone was very ordinary.

My attention was drawn back, and my eyes unconsciously fell on the grass.

As Liu Haiqing said, the outlines of the human figures he drew were so shallow that a normal person would hardly be able to tell there was a picture there unless they were lying on the ground.

But in my eyes, this humanoid silhouette exudes yin energy. On this hillside, only this circle is shining, showing its existence.

"That's it. You should leave here, so as not to be regarded as a murderer." I reminded Liu Haiqing as if kindly.

Liu Haiqing's breathing was disordered, "What?"

"He will die here, in an accident. But when the police come, they still have to investigate." I said still gently.

Liu Haiqing's anger suddenly rose, but he suppressed it again, "Why didn't you say this earlier? Now here... there are footprints and these traces..."

"This little trace doesn't matter." I let out a mocking tone.

At this moment, some pictures seemed to pass through my mind.

I'm pretty sure this trace doesn't matter.

I am not trying to trick Liu Haiqing, but I am 100% sure that these traces will not arouse suspicion and let the police follow these clues to investigate.

I even have a complete script in my head, not just fragments of a plan.

Liu Haiqing seemed to have thought of something, his expression changed a little, and he suddenly said sarcastically like me: "That's right. This place is like this."

There was more disgust in his tone than mine.

After saying this, he ran away as if running away.

I watched him go away, and the figure running away in a hurry looked familiar to me. Some more images flashed through my mind.

That makes me unhappy.

I felt a little pain in my head, as if there was a voice shouting something, but I couldn't hear it clearly. There were men's voices, women's voices, and there seemed to be crying.

I couldn't figure out what happened, and I cared a little about it, but as a gust of wind blew the wild flowers swaying, I forgot about it.

I took a deep breath and smelled an old, rotten, musty smell that was nauseating.

The sky in this city is gloomy.

The river not far away meanders, reflecting the gloomy sky and low buildings on both sides. The color of the lake water was also unusual, as if wastewater had been poured into it, giving it a greasy sheen. The reflected scenery also exuded a sense of death.

I looked at the river for so long that my eyes felt sore.

In the blink of an eye, I saw bubbles in the river, and when I looked closely, I saw a human face.

I felt a chill in my heart. If I looked carefully, the man's face was distorted by the water waves. When the water calmed down, it became the reflection of the trees on the shore.

What I saw at that moment seemed like it was just my eyesight.

I felt the chill again.

I don't know when the sky will get dark.

That creepy feeling came back again.

I just stared at the river.

The reflection on the water surface resembles eyes, blinking and blinking, and also resembles the empty eye sockets of a skull.

An unusual aura appeared in the river and moved along the river.

I saw an apparition.

A woman's feet appeared in the reflection in the middle of the river. There is a woman standing on the river, leaving her reflection in the water...

No, that's not right! There can't be a woman standing there!

I raised my head, and to my horror I discovered that there was actually a woman standing on the river.

Not two women at a time, but a row of women!

They did not line up in a neat line, but could be said to be walking side by side in twos and threes.

Their clothes are not uniform, but they are all made of some kind of light material and are made of long, close-fitting skirts.

It's like a group of wandering ghosts walking on the river and going down the river.

This scene is strange and terrifying, but also has a strange beauty.

But when I was intoxicated with this yin energy, I was immediately awakened.


This slightly familiar Yin Qi...

Before I could distinguish it or clear my mind, the scene in my field of vision changed.

The eyes seem to become telescopes, adjusting the size of the things observed.

It's like the mist at night has been blown away, and the moonlight illuminates the river, allowing people to see the truth clearly.

Those women were not wearing close-fitting flowing dresses, but were naked. They were not wearing any clothes, and what was fluttering... was their skin!

Not only that!

They don't even have bodies, it seems like they only have a layer of skin floating in the air!

I had a creepy feeling.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the water beneath their feet again.

There is no imaginary reflection. The feet under the water are real feet, different from the human skin on the water.

A person's body has been separated from bones, flesh and skin. The flesh and bones walk under the water, and the skin floats on the water.

When the moonlight shines down and penetrates that layer of skin, the illusion disappears.

The skin ends at the shoulders and neck, with no head or face.

The human body in the water also changed its posture.

As they moved, the human skin fell into the water and merged under the surface.

These women, or rather corpses, were floating in the water. They lay with their faces exposed. It was a face without skin, and the texture of the muscles and blood vessels were exposed before my eyes.

I thought of something, but I couldn't explain it clearly.

While I was thinking hard, these women all turned their heads and looked at me.

I felt like I had been pricked by a needle, and it hurt so much that I wanted to retreat.

I did back away.

But my eyes were still on those women.

Their muscles twitched and their uniform movements made people feel even more weird.

They were smiling, smiling at me.

Although there is no skin, one can still tell that they are smiling sadly. Everyone's smile is different, sympathetic, sarcastic, helpless... but they are all so sad.

I seemed to have received an invisible shock, and my mind went blank.

When I came back to my senses, these women, who looked like a school of fish, had disappeared.

Faintly, a voice seemed to be left in my mind:

"Did you find the soul you wanted to kill?"

The voice was sob-like, like a woman crying, and every syllable was changing, like it was pronounced by different people and pieced together.

The voice that should be described as gentle turned into a sharp knife, cutting through my skin, cutting into my flesh and blood, cutting off my bones, and splitting my internal organs in half.

Who to kill?

Who to kill...

Who am I going to kill?

There are only two updates today. _(:3 ∠)_

Goodnight everybody.

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