Aoba Office

Chapter 1203 Journey of Revenge (3)

Kill those nasty people.


Who to kill?

I feel my thoughts are a little confused.

The body was already moving forward without control.

The scenery around me quickly moved backwards. With a few steps, I was in another space.

I saw the wild flowers dotted on the green grass. They were colorful and beautiful, but they also disgusted me for no reason.

I saw a figure.

The man was pacing anxiously, putting his hands to his mouth, biting his nails, and seemed to be muttering something in his mouth.

A strange emotion welled up in my heart. I walked towards the man step by step, and my soul changed at this moment, as if I was attracted to this man, as if I smelled delicious food, smelled the beautiful fragrance of flowers, and felt a sense of anticipation.

The man also noticed me and turned his head, with fear and joy in his eyes.

"I will do what I promised. Who do you want to take revenge on?"

I heard a voice that was not mine, but it was not completely unfamiliar to me.

"A person! Ximen Wenhao! His name is Ximen Wenhao!" The man gritted his teeth, "That bastard took my place. He went abroad and after graduating with a Ph.D., he joined an investment bank. Now he is back in China and is a CEO. I don't even know what his annual salary is. Number of digits... These were all mine! He... He even greeted me like a normal person and said he couldn't remember who I was... Ha!"

The man's name came to my mind - Liu Haiqing.

But in my memory, the man probably never introduced himself to me.

I felt a little confused, but this emotion was quickly suppressed.

"As long as you take me to see him, I can help you get revenge. Can you take me to see him?" I heard the woman's voice again, and I felt more anticipation.

Kill that Ximen Wenhao, kill him!

My mind was filled with this thought.

Liu Haiqing didn't hesitate at all and agreed to me directly, almost excitedly.

This is what I expected. Another thing that I expected was that Liu Haiqing didn't ask me what I was going to do.

He showed me the way and told me that Ximen Wenhao had recently stayed at a hotel in the city center. At this point, he couldn't help but talk about the hotel room price, and said more about the things between the two of them.

It was a coincidence that the two of them were alumni of high school and university. However, Ximen Wenhao repeated his studies for a year and was admitted to university in the same class as Liu Haiqing, but they were in different classes and had no communication. After entering college, the two were in different majors and classes, and their dormitories were far away from each other, without any intersection. Liu Haiqing didn't know the other party's existence until he was in his junior and senior years when he fought for the school's government-sponsored study abroad quota. Liu Haiqing did not focus on the matter of being robbed of the quota. He was more talking about the two people having similar births, similar family backgrounds, and similar educational backgrounds. However, at the most critical moment, a completely different turn occurred and they took different paths. fate.

When Ximen Wenhao returned to his hometown this time, he returned home with great honor. He visited his distant relatives who had not traveled much in recent years. He and his wife took their children to see his hometown. The Ximen family had long been taken out of this small city by Ximen Wenhao. They had stayed abroad before, but now they moved with him to a villa in the capital.

"Those should all be mine..." Liu Haiqing repeated these words, and the fire of jealousy aroused the malice in his heart even more.

I can smell the malice.

I'm supposed to hate it. Instinctively, I feel this way. But when I noticed Liu Haiqing's malice, I could only feel a feeling of enjoyment spreading in my chest. I seemed to have seen the most beautiful scenery.

Liu Haiqing took me to the hotel, and just watching from a distance, the feeling of shame made Liu Haiqing unable to move forward.

He hid outside the hotel in a somewhat obscene manner, peeping at the people coming in and out of the hotel. After waiting like this for two days, he saw Ximen Wenhao and pointed it out to me.

I saw a harmonious family of four. Two adults holding hands with two children. The children are actually not too young. They look like fifteen or sixteen years old, but they are innocent and lively. They hold their parents' arms and act coquettishly. It is obvious that the family relationship is very good.

My heart seemed to be struck when I looked at the pair of brothers and sisters who looked similar.

"Is it him?" I heard the female voice again.

The body was out of control and had drifted towards the family of four. They could only prepare to get into the taxi, and the hotel staff moved the salute into the trunk. They were obviously leaving the city.

In just the blink of an eye, I appeared next to the taxi.


I shouted subconsciously, trying to stop something.

However, my hand was already on the man's shoulder.

The well-maintained, elite-looking man turned his head in surprise. The beautiful woman who was about to get in the car also turned her head and looked over.

"Senior Ximen." I heard myself say.

The man immediately stopped being surprised and looked over indifferently, as if he didn't know how to answer the question.

"I am your junior schoolmate, a few years behind you. Teacher Xu often mentioned you, let us work hard and get into a good university. I did not get into the capital and went to Minqing. Now I am back to my hometown. What are you doing? ...Are you coming back too? Or are you coming to visit relatives?" The woman spoke eloquently and behaved appropriately.

"I'm just here to visit relatives. Sorry, we have to catch the train." The man said apologetically.

I took a step back uncontrollably, still staring at the man.

There is already a hint of Yin Qi in the man's body.

"Please." I heard a woman's voice, chilly to the bone.

The couple standing in front of them frowned, but didn't say anything and got into the taxi directly.

I felt something was wrong, panicked and sick.

I saw the brother and sister in the taxi, smiling happily and saying something to the couple.

It shouldn't be like this...

To stop...

However, that crazy emotion lingered in my heart.

I looked at the extra yin energy on the man's body and felt a sense of relief.

After watching the taxi leave, I stood next to Liu Haiqing again.

"Now, there is something I need you to do." I said to Liu Haiqing.

Liu Haiqing was disappointed, but he regained hope and couldn't wait to ask me what I wanted him to do.

I gave Liu Haiqing an order and asked him to buy something. During the period, I waited on the hillside.

Liu Haiqing ran back humming.

"What's the name of this place?" I asked.

Liu Haiqing gasped, "What? This place... doesn't have a name... this area is called Huashan."

"Huashan... Huashan..." The woman's voice muttered the name, as if she was talking about something important.

For a moment, I was a little confused.

I forgot something important and something new filled my mind.

"From now on, I will be called Huashan." I heard the woman say.

Suddenly, there seemed to be something in my mind that disappeared like gravel blown away by the strong wind, leaving only the name "Huashan".

"I bought everything." Liu Haiqing reminded.

"Have you ever watched a police movie?" I asked Liu Haiqing.

Liu Haiqing was confused.

"You just need to draw a human figure on the ground like on TV, and someone will lie here and die here. You can draw it in any pose." I said seductively, "Whatever way you want that Ximen Wenhao to twist. lie on the floor……"

What burst out in Liu Haiqing's eyes was not horror, but the ecstasy that he was about to get what he wanted.

Sure enough...he is the kind of person I imagined.

I was infected by the malice emanating from Liu Haiqing, as if I heard the wind again, blowing something away.

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