Aoba Office

Chapter 1158 No. 005-Another Me (9)

On July 31, 2010, we went to Bonia Church. Video file 00620100731.avi.

The video begins in a car, filming the road outside the car window. There are thick trees on both sides of the road. Covered in green trees, dappled sunlight falls on the ground and the hood of the car. The vehicle turned along the road and after driving for some distance, there was a small fork in the road ahead.

The fork in the road was bare, as if it had been stepped on by someone. It could accommodate a car, but the edges of the path were covered with weeds and plants.

The vehicle slowed down and entered the lane. After driving for a while, the road slowly widened, and flat land and abandoned houses came into view. The dense vegetation faded away, revealing an abandoned deserted village. The wooden houses are decaying and aging, and there are also buildings such as wells and mills that are rarely seen in modern rural areas. Dust was flying all over the sky, and the chirping of birds was clear and sweet, but it came from a very, very far away place.

The car made a half circle and arrived at the deserted village. After driving on the dirt road for a while, we passed a gentle slope and saw some plants.

The plants are not lush. What are scattered on the lawn are not wild flowers, but tombstones.

When the vehicle drove here, the video picture was already cast into a shadow. The ominous atmosphere makes people feel creepy.

The tombstones are all blurred and the writing on them cannot be read clearly, and some are even incomplete.

No crows stop here. There is no life here at all.

The grass on the land is very green, and the occasional trees have green leaves hanging on them, but it gives people a sense of violation.

The car moved in front of a church.

It is not a typical Western church building. It has no dome and is not majestic enough. This church is just a two-story building, like a child's immature painting, with a triangular roof, square walls, and the same simple doors and windows. But compared to that deserted village, this building was at least made of bricks and stones, and looked very solid.

The vehicle stopped and someone got out.

The camera moved from the cramped interior of the car to the empty exterior of the car, and the ominous feeling became even stronger.

"What's going on here?" Liu Miao's voice sounded.

"A vicious place." Wu Ling said calmly.

"Haunted?" Liu Miao was a little surprised.

"No, it's not just a ghost." Wu Ling said.

Ye Qing had already walked into the camera. Instead of looking at the tombstones, he walked to the wooden door of the church.

There is no decoration on the wooden door. This place just doesn't look very wealthy, maybe it was poor before it was abandoned.

When the wooden door was pushed open, it made intermittent creaking sounds. The door panel shook, but there were no spider threads wrapped around it, only dust falling like snow.

Ye Qing raised his hand to cover his mouth and nose, waved his other hand, and took a step back.

After the door is opened, the situation inside the door appears in the camera.

The usual seats in the church were gone, and it was empty, with nothing there. There were shards of glass and wood on the floor. That's all there is to rubbish.

Ye Qing walked in and stepped on the wooden floor, which could be heard making constant noises.

One step at a time, Ye Qing's every step can bring out a series of sounds.

The sunlight from outside shines in through the broken glass window, which does not give people a warm feeling. Instead, it feels cold.

Dust floats in the light like plankton in the sea.

Without whales to eat them, they would float free like this for a long time.


Ye Qing stopped, raised one foot, and lowered his head, probably looking at the floor he had just stepped on.

Judging from the picture, it is a dark hole.

"Are you okay, boss?" Liu Miao asked with concern.

"Bring the tools from the trunk." Ye Qing put down his feet, still lowering his head.

"What?" Liu Miao was a little confused.

"There is something down here." Ye Qing said.

The camera stayed like that for a while, then started to shake. Judging from the picture, it may have been handed over to Wu Ling by Liu Miao.

The lens is a little lower than before.

Outside the screen, there are footsteps.

Along with the sound of another footsteps, the camera moved to Ye Qing's side.

The camera tilted downward to capture the hole.

There was a snap sound, and the flashlight on the DV was turned on, illuminating the hole.

There was an empty space underneath the rotten wooden floorboards. After being illuminated, a broken bone suddenly crashed into the screen.

There is no camera shake.

Wu Ling's voice was as steady and steady as ever, "Corpse?"

"Yeah. Besides, it's been a long time." Ye Qing said.

"There is no Yin Qi, and no ghost has formed, but..." Wu Ling did not finish his words.

Outside the screen, there were footsteps again.

Liu Miao came back and brought two shovels.

Wu Ling stepped back while holding the DV, and the two men began to tear down the wooden floor.

These pieces of wood are rotten and can be broken into pieces by just hitting them with something hard.

This process did not take much effort from Ye Qing and Liu Miao.

As the wooden floors were removed, the conditions beneath the ground gradually became apparent.

What is laid in the foundation of the house is not cement, stone, wood, or soil, but human bones.

Those human bones have gone through a long period of time, and their original appearance can hardly be seen. Not a single set of bones was complete. The skull, neck bones, and ribs were all dismantled, thrown randomly on the ground, and filled between the pillars of the foundation.

"What kind of ceremony is this?" Liu Miao asked blankly.

"As far as I know, there is no such ritual. If you want to do formations and spells, they should be more neat and regular. Here, they just stuff the bones in the ground." Wu Ling answered.

"If it's not magic, is it possible that it's local custom? Was this house built in 1920?" Liu Miao asked again.

"No matter what it is, this is a root cause." Ye Qing said, turning his head, "The other root cause should be the cemetery outside."

He said so and walked out carrying his things.

The camera moves to the cemetery outside.

A hand wiped the dust on the tombstone, but the words on it were not revealed. The words carved on it have weathered along with the tombstone itself. The material of these tombstones is not good.

Liu Miao probably also wanted to see the words on the tombstone clearly, but when he exerted force with his hand, the tombstone in front of him broke into pieces.

"Oh..." Liu Miao opened her mouth in embarrassment.

"Dig it up." Ye Qing said.

Naturally, he and Liu Miao came to work.

The people in Qingye should have had this plan for a long time. The shovels they brought should also be used here.

The ground was soft, almost like the wooden floor in a church. In a few moments, they dug a grave. The wooden boards of the coffin inside were more rotten than the wooden floor in the church, and they had been eaten away to the point of losing their original appearance.

After Ye Qing and the others dug up the tomb soil, they saw broken pieces of wood and a skeleton lying among them.

The skeleton consists of head and feet, and the body is complete. When buried, one should be deliberately posed with hands on the abdomen.

The camera focused on the skeleton for a while, but no supernatural phenomena occurred.

Suddenly, a shovel was inserted into the grave and cut off the skeleton's neck.

The snapping sound was clearly recorded on the DV.

In the camera, the skeleton suddenly raised its head, its eyes were dark, but it looked like a pair of pitch-black eyes, staring at the camera.

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